Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 329 Philosopher's Stone (Second Change)

With five hours of sleep and the effect of the potion, Salomon followed Gaina, the goddess of wind, to the healing hospital full of energy. As for whether to eat breakfast or not, that is another matter. Gaina said that when Tianhou knew about this, she asked Salomon to take a look, saying that the father of the gods was also going there.

The Wind Goddess also said something else, and she couldn't seem to keep it a secret.

According to her, there was no breakfast in Asgard, not even the asylum. They had someone who got drunk and fought last night to heal, and they didn't rest all night—Salomon didn't participate in the fight, but Vostagg did, and he won a big victory—and Thor came early in the morning with a mortal. They couldn't reject the future king of Asgard, and naturally they couldn't reject that mortal either. It is said that El, the goddess of medicine, has been notified to go to battle for diagnosis in person.

"Why are you here?" Jane Foster's eyes were about to pop out when she saw Salomon. No one expected that this mortal would speak suddenly, and she even interrupted Gaina, the goddess of wind, from her thoughts. Before the dumbfounded Wind Goddess could even react, Jane Foster uttered a bunch of words. "I thought you were on Earth." She pointed to Salomon and asked, "Darcy wanted to celebrate with you that you were admitted to university, but she couldn't get in touch with you anyway! She thought you were missing!"

"This is official business, mentor." Salomon smiled at Sol, "Kama Taj's official business cannot be disclosed to you."

"But you lied to me that you can't just come to Asgard!"

"I didn't lie to you, I came over the Rainbow Bridge. Magic has a price, and the Rainbow Bridge doesn't."

"You guys actually know each other." The Goddess of Wind, who was almost choked to death by her own words, said angrily, "I wanted to introduce you to you. By the way, what's her name?"

"Jane Foster, ma'am," Saul said.

"I think I can handle this situation, Ms. Gaina." Salomon stuffed a bottle of potion into the hands of the Wind Goddess, "Thank you for your help." The Wind Goddess walked away sullenly, and it was not known whether she felt lost because of losing her conversation partner. But in any case, now only the doctors of the asylum and Jane Foster were left staring.

"You lied to me too, Salomon." Sol finally seized the opportunity and said, "You didn't tell me the truth about her."

"I think Heimdall has been able to satisfy your desire for voyeurism, Thor." Salomon was uncharacteristically stubborn, "Jane Foster is a subject of Karma Taj, and I cannot disclose any information about any subject to anyone in Asgard before obtaining the permission of His Holiness. You are no exception, Thor. Heimdall's surveillance of the atrium must be within the scope of permission, otherwise Karma Taj will retain appropriate counterattack power."

"Wait, when did I have a king? I only have a queen..."

"It has always existed, mentor, but you don't know it. You have been ruled by the Supreme Mage since birth, and the atrium has always been the territory of Karma Taj. But at the same time, we also accept the challenge of dominion. Anyone who wants to seize the dominion will be attacked by force." Salomon kept staring at Sol when he said this. He reminds Sol that if Thor wants to deny sovereignty, then he will be Salomon's enemy.

As the future king of Asgard, he should think about this matter clearly.

The arrival of the goddess of medicine broke the deadlock in time, and Sol, who had been waiting for a long time, asked Jane Foster to receive treatment quickly. It's just that the atmosphere in the treatment center has always been terrible. When the father of the gods arrived, his order made the atmosphere even more solidified.

"Don't you take my words to heart?"

"She's sick." Saul argued a little.

"She's a mortal!" The father of the gods angrily shut down the soul forging furnace, and the healers in the treatment center quickly stepped aside. "She does not belong to Asgard, just like a goat does not belong to the banquet. Let Heimdall send her back, Salomon Damonet, this is a mortal, and you have the power to dispose of her."

"He actually... who do you think you are?"

Salomon sweated Jane Foster's ignorance and fearlessness.

"I am Odin, King of Asgard, Protector of the Nine Realms."

"Oh." Jane Foster looked choked, "I'm..."

"I know who you are, Jane Foster." The All-Father walked away from the Soul Forge impatiently.

"You mentioned me to your father?" Her expression looked like she had heard some good news, and Salomon hurried over to make her serious. But Jane Foster seemed to have regained the feeling of being a teacher all of a sudden. She threatened to ask Salomon to assign a super difficult subject, and then asked Salomon to correct the paper twenty times.

"I'm still an undergraduate, my tutor, and my graduate thesis will be at least a few years away. And don't forget, I major in magic." Salomon said helplessly, "It's best to be cautious in your words and deeds in Asgard. This is the overlord country of the earth."

"Father, there is something in her body, a substance I have never seen before." Sol tried to restore it, but was ruthlessly refuted by the father of the gods. "There are also healers in her world, they are called 'doctors', let them solve it." Odin said, "Guard, take her back to Midgard. Salomon Damonet, please settle her. Heimdall will pick you up."

"Don't move, I suggest..."

When the guard touched Jane Foster, a burst of crimson energy burst out. Salomon, who had been prepared for a long time, blocked the attack. The energy hit his shield and overturned the two soldiers who came into contact with Jane Foster.

"...Don't touch her." Sol hurried to see Jane Foster's condition, she fainted briefly when the energy burst out, "Jane, are you okay?"

The All-Father strode to the Soul Forge, brushing his hand over Jane Foster. "This is impossible." The All-Father muttered to himself, he saw the crimson substance flowing in his blood vessels, "This is impossible."

"This is the substance that infects her, and this substance is protecting her." El, the Goddess of Medicine, expressed her opinion.

"No... it's protecting itself."

The All-Father raised his head and fixed his one eye on Salomon. He knew that the Supreme Master's behavior was not that simple. Agamotto, as an all-knowing being, must know the existence of this substance. Agamotto's knowledge means that the Supreme Mage knows it. So Salomon Damonet, as the Supreme Mage's personal disciple, is not ignorant of this matter.

"This is the Philosopher's Stone. It is the fifth element. It is ether. It is a miracle that breaks balance. Water cannot dissolve it, and fire cannot destroy it. Its utility and fineness belong to the mind. According to its strength and solidity, it belongs to metal." Salomon said to Sol, and at the same time he was defending himself, "I only read about this thing in the library of Kama Taj. The alchemists on the earth have spent their entire lives trying to imitate and create. Father, I assure you that Kama Taj has absolutely no intention of getting involved with the Philosopher's Stone, and His Holiness will not agree to let the Philosopher's Stone stay on Earth."

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