Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 330 The Supreme Mystery of Ouroboros (Part 1)

"Some matter existed before the universe was formed, and the matter in her body is one of them." The father of the gods led Thor, Jane Foster, and Salomon to a small room. Before they arrived, the guards had already pushed open the heavy gilded door, revealing the contents of the room. This room has a model of Askr Yggdrasills, the world tree. It was a tree, a tall and strong tree that made people look up and at the same time extremely lush. The nine thickest branches supported a slowly rotating galaxy of various colors. The simulated starlight shone straight down through the gaps between the leaves, forming a colorful grating one after another.

When Salomon saw the tree, he understood its function—this is a tree created according to the idol theory, and the abnormalities in the Nine Realms will be reflected through this tree. At the same time, this tree is also revealing the mystery of the world tree, which can be regarded as a communication bridge between the Asgardians and the world tree.

Many scholars work here, old even for Asgardians. When they saw the father of the gods coming, they silently lowered their heads and stepped aside.

Originally, Odin still had some doubts about the substance in Jane Foster's body, but with Salomon's evidence, no matter how surprised the father of the gods was, he could only believe it. In this main material plane, there is no one who is more knowledgeable than the supreme mage. Before that, such a title belonged to his old friend Agamotto. Although the current supreme mage has a bad temper and is keen to blow other people's heads, this does not affect her authority.

Aether, a miracle. While this made the father of the gods worried, he also paid attention to the role played by Salomon here. Perhaps the Supreme Master has more plans, but it is not clear now. The All-Father thought that Salomon probably didn't know much about it either, and that the way the Sorcerer Supreme interfered with fate was always unpredictable.

"The Nine Realms have not always existed. They once ushered in the dawn after the darkness, and they will surely experience the dusk after the glory." The father of the gods asked the scholar to take a book from the shelf and put it on the round table next to the window on the side of the room. This book not only has words written in golden ink, but also has extremely exquisite illustrations and decorative paintings, and even has extremely expensive enchantments—the pictures on the book can move, and they have been kept for an unknown number of years.

Salomon is sure that the book must be older than Karma Taj.

"But before dawn, the dark forces, or the dark elves, have always had absolute dominion over the universe." Odin opened the book. The gold on the book shone even brighter in the light of the orange-red magic lamp overhead that cycled its rays.

"'Dark elves born in the endless darkness will steal the light of the universe.' When I was a child, my mother told us these stories." Sol leaned over and looked at the patterns and words on the book. Jane Foster also leaned over, and she pulled Salomon not to be outdone, trying to make him an interpreter.

"Their leader, Malekith, made weapons out of darkness, called ether particles. Most of the other substances are stone-like..." the father of the gods glanced at Salomon, and then continued to point his head down at the book, "...Only ether is a constantly changing flow form. It can transform matter into dark matter. It will find the host and absorb life force."

Hearing this sentence, Salomon gave up his plan to poke Jane Foster, and he took a step back quietly, keeping a distance from her with sufficient reaction time. His vitality is so exaggerated that it is automatically transformed into magic power. After confirming that the Philosopher's Stone has self-awareness, Salomon and Thor may be the best parasitic objects present.

If Sol was parasitized, nothing would happen, and Salomon should not have any abnormalities. But the problem is, he still wants to grow taller now!

In addition, Salomon also has objections to the description of ether particles. He believed that the role of the ether particle, the Philosopher's Stone, was to break the balance. Magic requires equal exchange. The Philosopher's Stone, known as the Gem of Reality, is infinite in the true sense, and is known as the supreme mystery of Ouroboros. Ether particles can transform matter into anything, not limited to dark matter, not only that, it can even be said that ether particles can achieve anything without paying any price.

But he didn't intend to show off his knowledge in front of Odin, and he didn't intend to interrupt the father of the gods talking about sex.

"Malekis wants to rely on the power of the ether to return the universe to the rule of darkness. However, after a long bloody battle, my father Bauer finally won, bringing peace for thousands of years."

"How did you win?" Jane Foster asked curiously.

"He killed them all, leaving none behind." The father of the gods said in a flat tone, not paying attention to the bloody smell in the words - Odin killed more enemies than Bauer, and the dark elves were not the first race to be exterminated by the Aesir, let alone the last.

"Are you sure?" The question came from his own son, which made Odin unable to get angry. Saul said, "The aether was said to have been destroyed with them, but here it is now."

"The dark elf is dead." Odin's tone was beyond doubt.

"Does your book mention how to get it out of my body?" Jane Foster remembered the description of the ether particle clearly. It was obvious that this thing staying inside her was going to kill her sooner or later.

"No. Not mentioned." The All-Father glanced at her. "Maybe Kama Taj has it, but I haven't... haven't read it."

Jane Foster shifted her gaze to Salomon. The mystic shrugged, "I've only learned how to use the Eye of Agamotto. Manipulating ether particles is not my job. But I don't mind drawing some blood from you. Maybe I can find some magic in my magic book that can temporarily relieve your symptoms. But I don't think it can be used. The ether particles' demand for life force is endless-although this is the Philosopher's Stone, magic power is also required to activate the Philosopher's Stone."

"I didn't know you liked alchemy so much, Salomon." Jane Foster said, "Could it be that you made the cosmetics you gave Darcy with alchemy?"

"Magic skin care, of course."

With the All-Father gone, Thor came over to comfort Jane Foster. His tone was as relaxed as possible, as if such a deadly strange thing happened every day.

Only Salomon looked around, and then decided to copy the book and hugged it in his arms. He didn't bother Saul and Jane Foster, who were going further and further away. They seemed to be inseparable for a while.

He intends to find a quiet place to read the book. Those scholars had already discovered his little trick, but they didn't raise any objections. They just told Salomon to remember to return the book, which made the mystic blush. Salomon carried the book and walked towards the residential area of ​​Asgard. Vostagg and Fandral seemed to never need to sleep. They received an order early in the morning to clean up a small group of rebels—no matter how much they drank, the treatment center had a way to make them leave in good spirits.

After they left, it seemed that the entire Asgard fell silent. Salomon intends to read this book in his bedroom, and he can also ask the maid to help make a pot of black tea, and let the kitchen make some cookies and cakes. This was discovered after he figured out the various functions of Asgard. Thanks to Vostagg's help, he was able to know the dishes in the kitchen. In fact, he also had the right to order the kitchen.

As long as the chef is free, he has to satisfy the preferences of the guests. Naturally, Salomon would not let go of desserts, as his dimensional bag was full of tea leaves.

It's just that when he passed the corridor, he encountered a somewhat troublesome figure.

"Good morning, Ms. Sif." Salomon greeted briskly.

"The mortal is here, isn't he?"

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