Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 331: Watching the Hammer and Waiting for the God (Second Season)

Sif didn't have a good face, she was fully armed angrily, and she seemed to be planning to blow Sol's dog's head off. But before Salomon could answer, she visibly languished like a deflated pufferfish. She waved listlessly. "Forget it," she said, "I'm leaving."

"Don't worry." Salomon raised his eyebrows. "Your status is unshakable. It is recognized by the Father of the Gods and the Queen of Heaven..." Sif shook her head impatiently. "It's different this time," she said. "Sol is serious this time. It's different from the past."

"There is nothing to worry about, at most a hundred years. No matter how long the lifespan of ordinary people is, it is impossible to exceed this number."

"You want me to wait a hundred years? Don't you think that after a hundred years, Sol will not move on? This is not the first time." Sif lowered her head and whimpered like a puppy soaked in heavy rain. "I accompanied him on the battlefield and became his right-hand man... What did I do wrong..."

Salomon's eyes widened. He turned his head and looked around to make sure no one appeared suddenly. According to Sif's personality, she might beat up those who saw her like this until they promised not to speak out. "Would you mind having a cup of tea with me?" the mystic said. "I also have time to listen to you while I'm studying. Maybe we can find out what you did wrong. Don't look at me like that. Although I have only been in love once, there has always been a deep study on this kind of issue on Earth—at least the morning divination channel."

Sif sniffed, it seemed that her mood swings had passed, and she was going to draw out her long sword to threaten Salomon in the next step. The proposal of the mystic made her hesitate, and Sif decided to trust the mortal in front of her—because Salomon claimed that the previous love experience was very successful, which is undoubtedly what she needs to learn now.

"How about black tea and cookies?"


"So, Thor used to..."

"That time doesn't count!" Sif struggled a bit, because even she didn't believe her own words, "It was the Enchantress who used a spell to confuse him! That bitch who likes to charm men! Sol was just for a while..."

"Okay, okay, so the next one." Salomon skipped the topic, "Who is next? To be honest, I don't think it's meaningful to list the people Sol has liked. You may have a bigger problem-Asgard is full of women with swords. Maybe Thor likes the kind of girl who can't hold a chicken? Judging from the tastes of Sol's choice of lovers so many times, you have avoided his favorite range every time?"

"I can't do it." Sif announced in frustration, and she stuffed the whole cookie into her mouth. "I have been taught court etiquette, but etiquette on the battlefield is useless! You want me to humbly abandon the status I gained on the battlefield? That is absolutely impossible! I have to prove that I am no worse than Thor..."

"So what?" Salomon interjected, "Then you can accept the appointment of the Father of the Gods and the Empress with peace of mind. A love affair is not a competition, and it is completely unnecessary to win or lose. Maybe you should confess to Sol clearly, if he does not accept, you can alienate him. When he takes over, he will stay on the throne and cannot escape! The queen's position belongs to you. There is a saying that men conquer the world and women conquer men. There is no need to stare at me, I am also the one who is conquered at home. To be honest, I am not opposed to this situation...Maybe you can go one step further than Sol, conquer the world, and achieve feats that Sol can't match. Maybe Sol will notice the shining points in you by then."

Sif remained silent, she kept stuffing cookies into her mouth. Finally she picked up the teacup, raised her head and let out a loud swallowing sound. "Huh..." She let out a long breath, "I've decided!"

"What did you decide?"

"I want to abandon that man with no eyes!" she said, "You are right, anyway, the position of queen is mine, and the life of a mortal is no more than a hundred years, so I can afford to wait. But I need to find Sol first, I want to slap him, I want him to know what he gave up!"

"Very good." Salomon didn't have the consciousness of an instigator at all, he was purely the kind who just watched the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal. "Go let Saul see your roots!"

"What about you? Is there anything I can help you with?" Sif wiped his mouth, "I don't like to owe favors to others."

"Really, listen to me..."


"Did you know that I was in trouble when you came to me?" Jane Foster's performance now is no different from the little girl Salomon said before. The mystic is right about one thing. Sol really doesn't like women who are proficient in eating meat, drinking, and fighting. She feels very content now—with a beautiful lake view and her lover by her side.

"Heimdall can't see you," Thor said. "It means you are no longer on Earth."

"How can this be?"

"I believe you are both present and not present," Thor explained. "The nine kingdoms orbit the World Tree, circling the atrium, just like the earth orbits the sun. Every five thousand years, these worlds will be connected into a line, which we call the 'celestial body intersection'. During this time, the boundaries between the worlds will become blurred, and you may find one of the intersection points. Fortunately, the intersection point is not closed, and once the worlds deviate from the convergence line, they will lose contact."

"I like your explanation... what will happen to me?"

"I'll find a way to save you, Jane."

"Your father said..."

"My father wasn't omniscient either."

"Don't let him hear you say that." The Queen of Heaven, Frigga, approached silently. When she faced Jane Foster, she didn't have the disgust that Odin showed. In fact, she was quite welcome to every lover of Thor. Except for the enchantress who had been locked in the dungeon, the queen Frigga greeted everyone with a smile. Even the queen Frigga has a sense of pride - it's hard not to be proud that her child can attract the attention of so many women.

"Jane Foster, this is Frigga, queen of Asgard, and my mother."

Jane Foster let go of Saul's hand all at once, her face scorching hot. Forget about Odin's angry old man, the queen Frigga looks very kind, and Jane Foster feels that she is not ready to meet her parents.

"Hello..." was all she could say.


"You didn't tell me that you were going to run around in Asgard." Sif regretted it very much, she should not have agreed to Salomon's conditions. It would be a very bad thing to let Salomon enter the backyard of Asgard to poke his head. This is not a place where everyone can come. She could only follow Salomon step by step to ensure that he would not do anything stupid.

Finally, Salomon found a pillar. "It's here." He patted the stone pillar, "We'll wait here."

"Wait for who?"

"Sol." Salomon said with a smile, "Don't move, don't move when I cast the invisibility spell. Sol will pass by here, we just need to wait quietly."

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