Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 332 The Power of the Fat House (Part 1)

What Salomon cast was not an invisibility spell, he hadn't had the luxury to do so. All he did was to make passers-by ignore them, which was the effect of the second-ring spell [Vail of Concealment]. Sif walked impatiently, lifting pebbles in the lawn and making as much noise as possible. But neither the passing nobles nor the soldiers noticed the mystic and the restless Sif sitting on the edge of the colonnade.

"What do you want to do?" The female soldier took out a small flagon from her small pocket and took a sip of wine for herself. She was as irritable as a wet cat. She saw Salomon playing with a transparent glass tube with his head down, and engraved some words on the glass tube with a diamond pen. Salomon looked so focused, as if he was here to make the little things at hand.

This made her even angrier.

"Patience." Salomon said softly, "Sol should appear here. I believe he will have a lot to say to you. I assure you, if your jaw does not drop in shock and you are still in the mood to listen to him. As for me... this is just a small sealing container. I am good at protection spells, especially sealing spells. You see, this is just a four-element seal. Grace Runes..."

Sif nodded impatiently. She hoped that the group of magicians could simplify their language. This is part of the reason why she chose the sword. Not everyone has the patience to read those dizzying words and understand the meaning behind those words, let alone transform those words into weird magic and use them. Sif thinks that people who can do this must have a different way of looking at things than normal people.

She couldn't tell which way was better, but after experiencing Salomon's unhurried behavior, she now thinks that the thinking of normal people is more reliable.

Suddenly, a deafening siren sounded, and the entire Asgard could hear it clearly. The soldiers passing by in the corridor immediately changed their patrol direction and ran towards the other side of Asgard. Sif also looked up and was about to leave here immediately, but Salomon shook his head and stopped her from what she was about to do. Now Sif couldn't hold back her temper completely. "This is the dungeon alarm, wizard!" she said. "I need to join the fight, this is my duty!"

"Your duty will be fulfilled here, Sif." The mystic didn't look up. He blew off the fine dust on the glass tube, and said slowly, "I am giving you a chance, a chance to truly fulfill your responsibilities, and at the same time, a chance to fulfill your wishes."

"You already knew about this!" The female warrior drew out her long sword and pointed it at the mystic. "Could it be that you are in collusion with the guy in the dungeon? You have to know that you have already enjoyed the guest rights!"

"I know, so I'm doing what a guest should do, fighting with the host." Salomon put down the glass tube and opened the small leather bag at his waist. Sif saw Salomon's entire arm stretched in, and she was surprised by the weird sight from ear to ear.

With the fragmentary sound of items being knocked over, an Asgardian long sword was drawn out of the small leather bag. This centurion long sword and the custom-made long sword used by Sif were both made by the same blacksmith, and both belonged to custom-made long swords. The mystic said, "It's just that my fighting style is a little different. Your generation of Aesir has never heard of the deeds of the Supreme Mage, so you may have misunderstood my behavior. But it doesn't matter, you won't regret it."

Sif hesitated for a moment. Facing the mystical style of acting peddled by Salomon, it was hard for her not to hesitate.

She knew that wizards were mysterious and mysterious guys, but Salomon's actions could be said to be extremely weird, and he seemed unwilling to reveal what he was going to do here. I'm not so convincing, you are very suspicious now, the female warrior thought to herself, you clearly knew what happened in the dungeon, but you didn't give any warning.

She originally wanted to arrest the mystic, but what Salomon said when he was engraving on the glass tube dispelled her plan. "What we are going to do will deceive fate." Sif shuddered when she remembered what Salomon said. "So I want to do an experiment. On the one hand, I can verify how important my existence is, and on the other hand, I can verify the laws of fate."

"for what?"

"It's for peace." The mystic said with a smile, "It's also for human beings."

"Then take a sip first." The female soldier threw the small flagon to Salomon, "If what you are going to do next is important, I hope you can at least escape the battle. Take a sip, lest your legs go weak."

The sound of gunfire kept ringing, and every explosion challenged the patience of the female soldiers. Every second she's here is a second of dereliction of duty, and that's something she can't stand—she thought it was just a little disturbance, but as time goes on, the chaos seems to be spreading. Suddenly, Salomon stood up. "Come with me, ma'am," he said, stepping aside. Sif followed immediately, she wanted to see what the mystic was up to.

"You should be on the pillar over there, Saul." Salomon patted the strong shoulder of the man whose back was turned to him. The man was wearing a red sweater with messy hair. Judging from his fermented smell and his tangled, almost tangled hair and beard, he hadn't showered in ages. The man seemed taken aback by Salomon.

"Who are you!" The fat house version of Saul jumped up, and Sif's eyeballs almost jumped out.

"You're Thor? You're not..." She looked the future Thor up and down, especially his belly. "Why are you..."

"I..." Sol didn't care about asking Salomon's identity, he was so embarrassed that he wanted to run away.

"This is Thor from the parallel world." Salomon quickly grabbed the future Thor, "I have already talked with the future Stark, Bruce Banner and Steve in 2012, and we reached an agreement." The mystic grabbed the red cotton sweater full of dead house smell, and he held it with two fingers to avoid getting chocolate stains on the clothes. Fight with you to achieve the ending of returning the gems. But this is not important, because my shuttle plan will not be carried out in the next few years"

He paused, then continued, "I think you have a lot to say now. Whether it's the female warrior behind me, or... hello, queen."

The fat house version of Sol's head is almost lowered to his stomach.

The Queen of Heaven, Frigga, smiled, and she took Sol's hand. The future Sol didn't even have the slightest intention of resisting, and he staggered over. Sif stepped forward hesitantly, and glanced suspiciously at the future Sol. After the explanation just now, she roughly understood what Salomon meant. This Sol is the future Sol, but she doesn't understand what happened to make Sol look like this.

It's exactly the same as Vostagg, what happened in the future? She is full of curiosity about the future.

"Now he is yours, Queen of Heaven." Salomon bowed slightly, "Our fate continues. That is to say——"

"—There is still a chance to change." Sol sniffed, and he continued, "Although I don't know who you are, you seem to know what will happen in the future. You are still wearing Karma Taj's clothes. I would like to invite you..."

"Of course, I will do it. I think that's why His Holiness asked me to come here." The mystic took a step back, leaving room for others.

He seemed to say something beyond doubt.

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