Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 333 The Supreme Mage's Insurance Measures (Second Update!)

Conversations about the future are always fascinating, but Salomon didn't go into that room to get involved. In fact, he was thinking about something else, a trivial matter. After a short thought, he made up his mind, reached into his dimensional bag, and took out a silver-white iron box.

There is magic on this iron box, which can keep the internal temperature continuously low. It's just that this thing is too small, so you can only put a few equally small things. The mystic opened the box and took out an ampoule and a small medicine bottle filled with white powder. After some tossing, a small syringe filled with a small amount of transparent liquid appeared in his hand.

"Sol, I've got it!" shouted a fluffy strange creature running on all fours as it passed in front of Salomon, with a large group of Asgard soldiers chasing it behind it.

"Sol, I got it!"

"Catch that rabbit!" The Asgard soldiers yelled and chased after it. This comical scene was exactly what Salomon had been waiting for. He grabbed Rocket Raccoon, while Asgard soldiers continued to chase the phantom created by Salomon. Before the Rocket Raccoon in his arms struggled a few times, Salomon neatly pierced the syringe in his hand to the nape of its neck.

"Shit! Who are you! What did you do!" Salomon threw it out before Rocket Raccoon opened his mouth and bit the mystic's wrist. Rocket Raccoon clings to what's in his hand. It couldn't figure out what the man in front of him was going to do, and he didn't know what he had injected into his body.

"Don't worry, it's just a rabies vaccine." When Salomon said this, his expression was still serious, as if he wasn't doing something absurd. He thinks it's insurance—Rocket has been to Earth, and who knows if he's ever been fascinated by some female raccoon by the dump. He is here to ensure that the future Avengers will not suffer from sudden illness!

do not laugh! The price of interfering with fate is to be extremely careful, fate will correct the interference in unexpected ways! Salomon must be careful!

"Raccoons have rabies. It's common sense. If you bite me, I'll get vaccinated."

"Who the hell are you?!"

"When you return to the future, you'll see me." Salomon waved his hand. "Ask Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, and Steve Rogers for specifics. I just hope that no one will shoot me when I appear in the future."

"Can I go?" Rocket Raccoon asked nervously holding the gadget in his hand. Salomon nodded indifferently—"Remember to inject it back into Jane Foster." He said, "I'll wait here, you know my location. Just remember to notify me when the time comes."

"Okay~" Rocket Raccoon ran away suspiciously, looking back from time to time to make sure Salomon didn't catch up. However, Salomon didn't wait for anyone to return the ether particles. Only Sif and Queen Frigg came out of the room. Diva Frigga held the device in Rocket Raccoon's arms with a face full of resignation—"A man gave me this thing, and he still held Sol's hammer! I really don't know how disappointed Sol will be when he finds out that the hammer is not around." Diva Frigga said, "Now we have a choice, and that is whether to re-inject this thing into Jane Foster's body."

"Actually, this matter can end like this." Tian Hou looked at Salomon's expression deliberately. The Supreme Master's spy of fate, the purpose of Salomon's trip must be related to ether particles, so the Empress specially sought Salomon's opinion. However, the mystic did not give an affirmative answer.

"I don't think this matter can end so easily, Queen of Heaven." Salomon followed Sif and Queen of Heaven to the room where Jane Foster was staying. "I have always been worried about the power of fate to correct it, and it will continue in a reasonable way, so I invited Miss Sif as insurance. The ether particles can be injected into Jane Foster, but at the same time, I am also worried that the dark elves will get it in other ways."

"You are questioning my responsibilities and abilities, Salomon Damonet!" Sif said angrily, "I will do my best to protect the ether particles, and at the same time, no one can harm the guests of Asgard!"

The queen, Frigga, seems to have planned for a long time. "Don't be angry." She patted Sif on the shoulder, "You have also heard about the future, but don't say it, it will have a very bad impact on the future. Too many changing variables will make the future completely out of control, which is what no one wants to see." The queen looked at the mystic, "Is the supreme mage going to let fate continue in the original way?"

"My lord has other plans." Salomon said, "Eliminating the remaining dark elves is what we should do now. The World Tree must not be infected by dark matter."

"I'm ready to meet my destiny." As the witch with the highest magical attainments in Asgard, Queen Frigg saw her demise early. "It doesn't matter whether it's Ragnarok or now. This is the fate of the Asa Protoss."

"I don't think you need to be so pessimistic." Salomon walked into the room, and saw Jane Foster fainted on the recliner, with four needle wounds on her neck very conspicuous. Obviously, Rocket Raccoon was not so gentle when he took out the ether particles, and Jane Foster would not believe that he would be attacked by a raccoon.

If Darcy would find out, her jaw would drop from laughter.

"We might as well put her to sleep first. I'm sorry, Sif, to ask you to do this." Days later arranged for Sif to move Jane Foster into the small room next door and protect her there. After everyone else walked away, the Queen of Heaven said to Salomon, "The dark elves have a sense of ether particles, and they will come here. They have prepared for this attack for a long time. I will fight the dark elves here. You are a guest of Asgard, so you don't need to interfere with this matter..."

"Actually, His Holiness only asked me to do one thing." Salomon reached out and took a look in the dimensional bag. When he showed what he had in his hand, even the diva Frigga widened her eyes in surprise. "A spell prepared by the supreme mage." He said, "His lord wants me to attach this spell to you. This is a necessary insurance measure. His lord said that the father of the gods cannot do without you... What else do you say, someone must change the diaper of a demented old man, Kama Taj is not doing this kind of thing..."

"I didn't expect the Supreme Mage to be so generous." The Queen nodded in agreement, "Although I don't know what the Supreme Mage saw, it all shows that Odin's future situation will not be very good. I understand, let's get started. By the way, I have a plan..."

"...Okay, I understand, I will do as you said."


When Malekith pushed open the door, he saw three women and a man dressed strangely in the room.

This man was leaning on a long sword, but he smelled of magic all over his body, and the other woman in gorgeous silk was also a witch. Malekith didn't recognize the logo on the man's robe at all, and he didn't look like an Asgardian. As for the woman, he didn't even recognize her, but the Asgardian-style clothes already showed her identity. They were the most threatening people in the room, and he ignored the other two women at all—even in armor, Sif was too weak in Malekith's eyes.

In fact, he didn't understand the current father of the gods at all. When he was defeated, Odin had just emerged, and he was not qualified to stand on the same battlefield with him. Thus, Malekith regarded everyone in the room as enemies.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Malekith," he said. "I want my things back."

But before he could walk to the trembling Jane Foster, the diva Frigga's dagger had already stabbed him.

"No." Tianhou's martial arts were astonishing, and Sif hurried forward. She raised her long sword and slashed at Malekith. Salomon remained motionless in front of Jane Foster. He moved his fingers to ensure that his fingers would not get knotted during the next spell-casting process - the queen Frigg and Sif were more than enough to face the dark elves without ether particles, and his target was the big guy who was going to enter the room next.

Curse the warrior.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Can't think of it! I actually updated it!

I recommend this old book "Leviathan Wars". It should be available in bookstores. Anyway, I made my aunt laugh when I read it.

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