Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 334 Bloody Dance (Part 1)

Anduin was a big boy, like the big boys in every school, rosy-cheeked and broad-chested. But unlike those people, he was quiet, shy, even shy.

Although the boys in the same grade were afraid of this big man, the titles on his head were just titles he got in self-defense. He'd tried quiet, cuddly games with strangers his age, but the sheep doll was a bit out of place for a grade-school boy whose clothes were almost the same size as his dad's.

It is also for this reason that those naughty ghosts will come to provoke him-John Marble's mother drank like hell when she was pregnant with him. It is said that John Marble will stab someone four days after he was born. He is a recognized bad breed in the small town of Coulham in the south of Oxford. Anduin's aunt said that the bad guy was going to jail one day, just as bad as his dad who was in prison - they threw away Anduin's sheep doll, so Anduin broke his finger, just like he usually accidentally broke a pencil.

Anduin was six at the time.

But there are also some of his peers who are not afraid, and they form a small group.

For example, Newton, he is a small man wearing glasses (glasses are round, no prescription), his mother always thinks he can become a great scientist. However, Newton's talent in science is not as obvious as the freckles on his face. Once, when he was doing "experiments"-his mother believed that doing more experiments is good for brain development-caused a big blackout in the town. Newton's mother was ecstatic, thinking it was her son's gift.

There's another girl named Dani, Dani with red hair. That was what they called her, and her full name was Daenerys Hermione Lucien. She got the name in a room full of fiction, her mom was an avid fantasy fan. Girls with this name usually have two choices, and Daenerys Hermione Lucien chose the second.

When Anduin and Newton met her on their first day at school, they asked her name, and she innocently said it.

It took several buckets of cold water for school security to separate Daenerys Baratheon Stark's teeth from Anduin's fingers, and Newton's first pair of glasses were shattered. They've mingled regularly ever since, either wandering the crooked streets of the small town of Culham or meeting and chatting at their secret base in the woods.

They've become bad-ass, too, the kind that deserve to be hanged because they talk about God in a big way, bust pipes, and chase rats.

"Listen to me!" Dany said proudly with her hips akimbo, her chest puffed out.

As Dani did this, the other two boys sat on the battered car tires and bowed their heads. They were already eleven years old, and Dany was developing much faster than Newton. The two boys knew that boys were different from girls. They knew that when they touched Dany, their heartbeat would speed up, which troubled them very much.

But Dany didn't care about that, she didn't care about girls' reserve when she was fighting-she was always at the forefront when fighting those bad guys of John Marble, and her white teeth were also the most terrible weapon, she once bit John Marble until he cried.

"Listen!" Dany repeated. "My mother declares that there is magic in this world! The myths are true!"

"There is no magic in this world, Dani. It is said in the magazine that Thor is an alien, and they use high technology." Newton said. Anduin nodded in agreement.

Thor made the UFO topic suddenly boring, and no one claimed to have seen a UFO anymore.

As we all know, Asgard rides the Rainbow Bridge, and the magazines say so.

"It's the same as Stark, but Thor is more powerful." Anduin said, "My aunt said that the women who subscribe to the "Psychic Daily" are all women who think they are psychics, Queen Elizabeth I or Bloody Mary in their previous lives. They eat organic vegetables, drink organic milk, and then raise only organic frogs!"

"Fart! There are no organic frogs in this world, at least I haven't seen one!" Dani grinned, her white teeth reflecting the sunlight, "But have you forgotten the knight in New York? He was called the Silver Knight in magazines, and my mother collected many photos of him (actually it was just a blurry video screenshot, because the shooting distance was too far, and there was a blurred face of Salomon on it) - she said that the Silver Knight was actually King Arthur! He came back to save the world! Don't tell me, you haven't heard what the Silver Knight shouted!"

"But that's in America, not England... We still have a queen." Anduin originally wanted to refute, but under Dani's more severe gaze, his voice and patriotism became weaker.

"Also." Dany coughed twice pretendingly, "According to my mother's research, Hogwarts will not send us an owl! She said that only King Arthur in this world is true, so Merlin is also true! She also plans to go to New York to find the Silver Knight!" Dani said this with a proud expression on her face, "She also plans to send me to learn magic!"

The originally clear sky was now bursting with thunder, and Anduin almost jumped off the tire. He raised his head, opened his mouth wide in surprise, and hurriedly patted Newton sitting beside him. The boy with glasses looked up too, and he too stood up immediately. Dany resented that her companion didn't listen to her and instead just pointed to the sky.

Magic came in unexpected ways.

A beam of white light that was as bright as a meteor whizzed down from the sky. The light is getting closer and closer, and the landing point is the secret base of the three children. They were too frightened by the sight before them to move, only Anduin reacted in time, and he hurriedly dragged the boy and the girl away.

"There's someone there." After running out of a safe distance, the thing fell to the ground and made a loud noise. The three children couldn't help covering their ears, and their eyes were dazzled by the strong wind. "At least one. I saw it, a big guy in black armor," Newton said. "He must have hit a tire. Hope the poor guy survives."

"He must have fallen hard!" Dani thought of something, and she suddenly became excited, "Maybe he needs help! Just like in superhero comics, the superhero who fell from the sky was injured and needed the help of a few local children!"

"I don't think that's a good idea, we should go to an adult first, or inform the community police..."

Dany couldn't hear Anduin's prudent suggestion at this time, she ran over excitedly, and Newton followed closely behind. Helpless, Anduin could only follow. What they see, however, isn't some old "superhero in trouble" cliché, it's blood that makes them scream.

They saw a man in a red robe with a long sword in his hand, slashing at the fallen black man—and that black man was definitely not human. He was actually wearing clothes made of bones. The fall from the sky didn't seem to bother him at all.

The big black guy was very fast, waving his arms like swat flies, and blowing the wind. And the man in the red suit who looked like a human - at least on the outside - danced around the big black guy, and his movements were amazingly fast, and each sword could bring out some black and red blood.

Fierce, bloody, frenzied, these are the first impressions of this brutal close combat to the three children. They were frightened by this terrible scene and dare not move.

Salomon didn't care about the other people present, his attention was only focused on the cursed warrior. Sol taught him a good lesson in the martial arts training ground. When Salomon faced such a humanoid creature with a strong physique, he would never easily let himself fall into a state of stagnation. His footsteps changed, slipping under the cursed warrior's arm, and the horizontal long sword drew a spark on the cursed warrior's waist armor.

He didn't check his results, but immediately turned around, went around to the other side again, and attacked the cursed warrior's head with the long sword in his hand.

He once tried to repel the cursed warrior with magic, but the speed of the cursed warrior was too fast, and he had no chance to use much magic. The effect of the fireball was very good, and he blasted out the cursed warrior who entered the room;

Then he had to pick up the long sword to deal with it.

It would be nice to have a meat shield! he thought. Damn it, where did Saul go again? He obviously threw Thor and the Cursed Warrior to the Rainbow Bridge, where is he now? What happened to Asgard now? Have ether particles been taken away? Damn it! I have known for a long time, I have known for a long time the corrective power of fate! It's definitely not going to get me any better!

If someone has a sharp eye, they will find that the small leather bag on Salomon's belt has a big hole, and the expensive magic small leather bag is now empty and worthless.

Ask for a recommendation ticket!

I hid the stem of an old book, I don't know if anyone saw it.

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