Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 335 Funny Victory (Second Update! Please vote!)

The Rainbow Bridge took Thor and Salomon through several worlds, and no one expected Heimdall to throw them on the earth. At present, it seems that the dark elves are very adaptable to the environment of the earth. The fresh air of the woods after the summer rain seems to make the cursed fighters more excited. In contrast, Salomon keeps falling into the disadvantaged in close combat.

During one swing of the cursed warrior, the mystic had to raise his sword to parry the blow. The result was also obvious, the centurion's long sword was bent, and Salomon crashed into the wet bushes. Branches snapped under him, and he barely caught his breath.


"You're right." Salomon agreed with the old frog near the pond. He dropped the long sword and picked up the frog. But he didn't even have time to pat the dirt on his body, because the cursed warrior ran over the bushes all the way like a rampaging tank, and rammed towards Salomon.

The mystic raised the frog and threw it towards the Cursed Warrior's face. Suddenly, the Cursed Warrior took two steps back as if he had hit some invisible obstacle. The whistling sound pierced the air again, and a hammer came out of the bushes and knocked the cursed warrior out of the ground and into the green pool-the black armor was now covered with algae, and it was green.

"Are you okay?" Sol descended from the sky and greeted Salomon. The mystic, however, just rolled his eyes. If it wasn't for time, he still wanted to ask where Saul went! "Sorry." Thor said himself, "I was knocked off the Rainbow Bridge when I was approaching the earth, and I just found you."

"Awesome!" Salomon pointed to the Cursed Warrior who stood up from the pond. This guy was steaming all over his body, and the algae on his body quickly withered and turned yellow. The product obtained by the dark elf relying on ether particles is constantly burning his life, and the high temperature is the external manifestation.

"That guy is yours now." The mystic said, "I don't have many spell-casting materials, and I can't provide much support."

"Leave it to me." Thor stretched out his hand, Thor's Hammer returned to his hand, "I still have a bill to settle with him!"

"Wow, cool! That must be Thor, I saw him use a hammer!" Dany lowered her voice, looking through a gap in the bushes towards the pond. The pond, where they often played, is now undergoing a "confrontation between good and evil" in this unremarkable place, as Newton the Eyes put it.

Before they came here, they had studied the scorched marks on the ground. Except for Anduin, no one cares about the destruction of their secret base. "Agents will come, that S.H.I.E.L.D., I've heard of them," he said despondently. "They'll come in black cars, and then this place will be a secret government base—they'll say commandeer, and it'll never open. And we'll probably be brainwashed, maybe turned into idiots. Maybe the whole town will be turned into idiots."

"Even if I become an idiot, I want to see how Thor fights!" Dani said not to be outdone, "Being an idiot is still smarter for many people in the town!"

But the possibility that Anduin mentioned still made Newton's legs go weak.

"Tell me, who is that man in the red robe?" Newton finally mustered up his courage. Since you will become an idiot, it doesn't matter if you know more before becoming an idiot, the government will not believe what they say anyway. "Could it be an Asgardian too?"

"No, he's not..." Dany widened her eyes, seeing the various lights shining in Salomon's hands, her eyes also lit up, "He's a wizard!"

Fire is an art in Salomon's hands. He shook a little bell that drove budgerigars mad (he stuffed the usual stuff in his trouser pocket), and tiny streams of flame rose from his hand, a tall flame that burst into beautiful flowers at the top. Immediately afterwards, a large golden-red bird spread its wings and emerged from the flame flower. Phoenix tossed a small leather bag to Salomon, giving the mystic the opportunity to replace the broken one on his belt.

This is his spare dimensional bag. There are not as many spell-casting materials as the previous dimensional bag, but it is enough. Then he pulls out a heavy-bore pistol in a very industrial style.

When the Warrior of the Damned stalks him in Asgard, the queens Frigg and Sif want to help. As a result, Malekith, who was subdued, took the opportunity to fight back and rushed to Jane Foster behind the mystic—but it was just a phantom created by the queen Frigga. So Malekith recognized Salomon as the one carrying the ether particles, who made him the closest?

During the fight, it is not known whether it was Malekith or the cursed warrior who tore through Salomon's dimensional bag, causing all the contents to fall out. For a while, the room was full of books, potions, glass bottles containing all kinds of unknown objects, gears, feathers, all kinds of messy things made the difficulty of the battle rise to a level.

Few people can pay attention to the gadgets under their feet when fighting.

But the Cursed Warrior and Malekith were not happy either. Sif picked up several tubes of potions of unknown use and threw them at them. In the interaction between various potions, Malekith and the cursed warrior successfully contracted herpes.

Now the pond was flooded with electricity, and foul-smelling steam and silt flew in all directions. Thor and the cursed warrior were huddled together in the waist-deep water, and all aquatic creatures, big and small, surfaced belly up. Salomon only hoped that the cursed warrior's herpes would bring him some trouble and create some opportunities for Thor to attack—the cursed warrior scratched his body through the armor, and it seemed that herpes was indeed a big problem, as it was for all creatures. And it seems that the cursed warrior will not be able to get rid of the annoying skin disease for a while. Considering the unique high temperature of the cursed warrior, his skin condition must be terrible.

The pain is tolerable, but the itching is not.

With the help of Phoenix, the battle went smoothly. Although Sol and the cursed warrior fought from the other side of the pond to the pond to take it away, the song sung by the big bird successfully distracted the cursed warrior, and Thor's ears were blocked by Salomon's spell, so he couldn't hear anything.

Thor seized the opportunity to hammer the cursed warrior's head twice, and his strength even dented the helmet. After more than ten minutes of hard work, Thor finally seized the opportunity and pressed the cursed warrior into the pond. When the black collar was wrapped around the cursed warrior's neck, Salomon reminded Sol to do so (the second-ring spell binds whip, and the casting material is a wasp on the ground. The effect is to continuously weaken the physique.).

As long as you need to breathe, you will be drowned. The dizziness caused by the hammering and Phoenix's singing made the cursed warrior almost powerless to resist. Thor put the hammer on the cursed warrior, and he couldn't even turn over. When the steaming steam dissipated, Thor picked up the hammer and pulled the drowned cursed warrior from the bottom of the water. He added the hammer to make sure the guy wasn't playing dead - no one survived getting their heads smashed, and neither did the Cursed Warrior.

Thor walked ashore out of breath, then sat down on the muddy ground and remained motionless. He was exhausted from this battle, especially the algae that stuck to his hair, and he didn't even have the strength to squeeze the dirty water out of his hair.


"Yes, you are right." Salomon nodded, agreeing with the only survivor in the pond.

"You say, is that wizard an Avenger?" Dany asked her friends who were huddled under the bushes. "I only saw the Avengers once, and it was on TV. I think he is a newcomer, and Thor is teaching him how to fight bad guys. My father's company is like this. Old employees have to teach new employees to do things, and they must be like this!"

"Maybe it's an alien..."

"You are so stupid, Sol is also an alien..."

No one recognized the meme of "Good Omens"! Angry!

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