Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 341 The Particularity of the Secret Imprint (Second)

After the false alarm from the dungeon, Sif and the other two warriors wiped off their sweat.

The dungeon rebellion caused the death of Queen Frigga before, but now the security of Asgard has been raised to the highest level, and even Salomon can see the Asgardian spaceship passing through the sky through the window-the ship in the literal sense, the Asgardians really continue the original aesthetic concept to this day-and where he can't see, the garrisons of various Asgardian territories are also waiting. No one knows whether Malekith, the king of the dark elves, will do damage before using the ether particles.

When Salomon and Sol stood on the Rainbow Bridge, there were a hundred fully armed heroes standing behind them. Heimdall nodded at Thor and activated the Rainbow Bridge. A hundred heroic warriors filed in, and just as Thor was about to step into the passage, Salomon grabbed the warrior who was following Thor.

He was closer to Sol than Sif, than Fandral, than Verstagg, and than Jane Foster.

"I'm watching you, Loki." The mystic, whose eyelids were smeared with a mixture of honey and lotus ointment, grabbed Loki's shoulders tightly. With the help of the [Pierce Disguise] spell, he saw Loki's disguise clearly, and the true appearance of the Mischief God was like an illusory shell on the heroic soldiers.

Loki smiled calmly, and he faded the illusion. A pair of handcuffs were conspicuously handcuffed on his hands—although the father of the gods agreed to Thor's request for Loki's revenge (Loki held his head up all the time, no matter how much Sol forced him, he would not bow to the father of the gods), but he couldn't relax his guard on Loki at all. Odin also sent several Heroic warriors to follow Loki closely, including Thor - who also had to keep an eye on his brother to ensure that the unpredictable guy would return to the dungeon.

Sif and the other two warriors just frowned. Sif believes that since Salomon already knows about this, Loki should not continue to pretend. Loki, who has lost his disguise, is in charge. After the battle, they must take Loki back to Asgard and the dungeon.

can you? Salomon doesn't think so.

The official letter has been obtained, and if Loki fails to return to the dungeon, then Asgard owes the Atrium a favor. In the eyes of the mystic, Loki is synonymous with cunning and betrayal, and he will definitely try his best to escape from the prison. This time is an excellent opportunity, Salomon does not think these heroic warriors can take care of this extremely cunning guy.

He left an invisible arcane mark on Loki's neck. Although the spell of the arcane imprint is just a trick, it has a powerful effect that cannot be dispelled. The arcane imprint cast on a creature can last for a full month. And many summoning spells and detection spells need the arcane imprint as an anchor. With this imprint, Loki will know it no matter where he goes. Loki, of course, noticed the small movements of the mystic, and he smiled disdainfully.

It's just a magic imprint. As the number one magician in the Nine Realms, I can easily...


Jane Foster rushed up and slapped Loki, but no one pretended to see it.

Thor grabbed his younger brother's arm and walked into the aisle with another slap from her and the god of mischief sticking out his tongue. Salomon followed quickly, and Sif protected Jane Foster and walked in together. The place where the Rainbow Bridge landed was none other than Jane Foster's laboratory and residence in London, where Salomon used to take tutoring courses.

The sudden arrival of a whole hundred heroic warriors and the majestic Rainbow Bridge attracted passers-by to watch, and the nearby police hurried over. Books on Norse mythology had sold out after the Battle of New York, and young people now recognize Thor.

Jane Foster probably didn't expect that her residence and the vicinity of the laboratory would become so lively. If it wasn't for the appearance of the heroic soldiers murderously blocking the entrance and exit of this apartment, those passers-by who were too idiotic to watch the excitement might rush to take a group photo.

Salomon quickly put on the hood of the mystic robe, performed a little trick, distorted his voice and body language appropriately, and even the phoenix on his shoulder suddenly became ordinary.

It looks like a goofy bald eagle.

The police drew their guns, Salomon waved his fingers inconspicuously, and the policemen left as if they remembered something. It's just that the police cannot be driven away in this way. As long as these heroes are still here, the police will come sooner or later-so he edited a text message and sent it to the relevant government personnel.

Given the sales of The Daily Telegraph in the UK, the country should belong to the US.

Hopefully Agent Coulson's team is nearby, if not he can help open a portal.

Loki smiled at Salomon, he seemed to be signaling to use more magic on those mortals, it would be best to completely solve them. However, Salomon just gave him a supercilious look.

"Let's go in." The mystic said to Saul and Jane Foster. He wanted to say something more, when he heard a thud of going down the stairs, and Daxi almost jumped out of the corridor, wearing loose cotton slippers on her feet.

"Hey!" With a look of surprise, she first expressed her admiration for the biceps of a hundred heroic warriors, and then poked Thor's breastplate with her fingers without restraint. This made both Sif and Loki roll their eyes, "I didn't expect you to come back with Jane. It would be great if she could stay in Asgard, then I can use the microwave at will..."


"Okay, Okay, Jane, we brought Eric (Dr. Eric Savig, Jane Foster's mentor) back." Darcy said, "He's getting more and more crazy... No, I don't know if he is crazy, but he looks almost crazy. He ran around in Stonehenge without clothes and was on the news." Darcy raised her voice in the corridor, "Eric, there are guests! Put on your pants! Ian, you too!"

"Who is Ian?" Salomon asked.

"My intern. Don't look at me like that. I'm also a professional. It's normal to have an intern."

"Are you referring to the interns who are not wanted and can only do manual work? Isn't that how you were recruited by Jane Foster?"


"You!" Dr. Eric stood up from behind the desk, he still didn't put on his pants. He pointed at Loki fiercely, only to realize that it wasn't just Loki who came in.

"Hello, Saul." He stepped forward and hugged Saul vigorously.

"Hi Eric. Nice to see you are as healthy as ever."

Sif, Vostagg, and Fandral were not spared either. They reluctantly accepted a hug from Dr. Eric, and when it was Jane Foster's turn, she pushed her half-mad mentor away with all her might. Salomon also refused Dr. Eric's hug, he was really not interested in being hugged by an elderly man in yellow underwear.

This is not so much a welcome as a punishment. Salomon hopes that Eric will hug Loki, and he can't resist now anyway.

"Why are you here?" Eric asked the reason immediately after the welcome ceremony, "You even brought... him" Eric pointed to Loki, "I hope it's not too bad."

"I'm sorry, Eric." Thor put the hammer on the ground, "The atrium is in trouble now, and we are here to help...and revenge by the way."


"Yeah, this is a very bad thing." Saul said, "We still have time, we can talk slowly."

"There is another participant who was not present." The mystic interrupted the conversation, "but he can join the meeting by phone. Phoenix, help me bring what I need."

Mimi Mimi Mimi Mimi Mimi

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