Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 340 Blood Debt (Part 1)

Phoenix's flattery was a little embarrassing, and although it was a heartfelt brag about the achievements of Salomon's predecessor, it was still a little hard for him to accept. Salomon briskly changed the topic to counting the materials for casting spells. Phoenix knew the contents of his dimensional bag like the back of his hand, and he also had the authority to open the magic lock on the dimensional bag.

"One tube of live spiders is missing, only a few small spider legs are left." It said, "But I'm not sure if it was taken away by your pet cat, after all, you haven't fed those live spiders for a long time since you didn't need them. I remember you once put together the sketches of spiders and alchemy figures..."

"That is to say, the fact that the parchment is not in the dimensional bag is not because I lost it, but because I forgot to take it out of the study, right?" Salomon took a deep breath. Although most of the burning smell in Asgard dissipated, a small part still broke into his lungs—just like his mood, he felt that he could smell the burning smell of his heart.

"Yes." Phoenix nodded in a relaxed tone, "I don't think you need to worry about the attitude of those two witches. After all, in your capacity, it is easy to have a few favorite concubines, even if the relationship between the two witches and Beeches (Queen of Sheba)..."


"Huh?" It tilted its head, its long feathers swaying.

"Shut up, at least don't say that in front of the witch."

"But they're not here, My Lord." Phoenix muttered, he was a little worried about his master's mental state.

"That's not OK."

Sif came to Salomon's room with a large plate containing fruit and meat. She was very thoughtful about the fact that there was no dinner after the funeral, and she didn't see the mystic in the tavern. Sif thought that Salomon must be hungry and needed food now.

Vostagg and Fandral followed behind her, but they were not as airy as they usually looked. Even Vostagg didn't touch the meat on the plate after the mystic told them to sit down. They are like a few dirty stray dogs, and the armor still bears the marks left by the previous battle.

"Sol went to the dungeon." After a while, Sif spoke first, "He told Loki about the Queen of Heaven, and he wanted to ask Loki for help... Sol hoped that you and Loki could temporarily put aside the grievances in the atrium and join hands to fight against the dark elves. He originally wanted to come to tell you in person, but he can't leave now..."

"Hurry up and agree, don't babble like a bitch..." Vostagg didn't know that his words attracted the eyes of all the participants. He scratched at his shaggy red curly beard, and the dried blood of the dark elf soldier fell like dust from his carelessly groomed mane, soiling again the floor that the Asgard maid had cleaned. "Avenging the Queen of Heaven is the most important thing." He said, "I see that you are also a warrior, and you should understand how important this matter is. If you have a debt to settle with Loki, you can settle it one-on-one with him after that battle. I promise you, I will never tell anyone else. If Loki dies at your hands, even if the father of the gods asks me, I will say that Loki died at the hands of the dark elves. Well, as long as you help me, I, Vostagg, will owe you a favor. What do you want me to do..."

"Okay, you glutton, we're here to discuss tactics." Fandral quickly covered Vostagg's mouth, and then released it in disgust. He wiped his hands on his clothes—Volstagg's beard had everything in it, not just dark elf blood, this butter?

Lying to the All-Father was tantamount to committing treason, and given Vostagg's reckless temperament, he might have lied in order to repay a favor. Fandral, who was still a little bit sane, quickly interrupted Vostagg's increasingly outrageous assurances. It would be bad if Salomon really made a condition or one of the mystic and Loki really died. He didn't want Asgard to break with the allies in the atrium.

At least not now, he has come into contact with a lot of Asgard's secrets recently. The Allfathers are handing over some of their administrative responsibilities to their new generation of gods after the death of Queen Frigga, and Fandral and Sif know best. There are far more secrets in Asgard than he imagined, and only a guy like Vostagg who only knows how to eat and fight doesn't care at all.

"I agree." The mystic said with a blank expression, "Loki has already paid the price, and Asgard only needs to send an official letter. This matter has been delayed for a long time, Sif, why don't you find Heimdall (Sif and Heimdall are siblings) and ask him to issue a certificate-the certificate that Loki has been sentenced to life imprisonment. After this incident, Loki must return to the dungeon, so that I can also explain to Kama Taj."

"I will." Sif nodded, "If it wasn't for the invasion of the dark elves, this matter would be resolved soon. We are now going to talk about the matter of ether particles...Here, except for the father of the gods, I am afraid that no one can understand the ether particles better than you, a wizard... The Great God needs time to grieve, and we dare not disturb the father of the gods, so we can only come to you."

"Okay, listen carefully." Salomon immediately started the lecture mode, "About ether particles, the role of the fifth overhead element..."


"Are you really not sad, Loki?" Thor stood in front of the barrier of the dungeon, his tone was dull, contrary to his previous attitude in front of the throne ladder. Although the corpse has been moved away, the smell of blood in the dungeon has not dissipated, and his only audience still seems to have an attitude that has nothing to do with him. "She is also your mother." Thor glanced at Loki who was still turning his back. "If you want to say something, you can ask the guards to inform me... You know, we are a family."

"Maybe." Even though the dungeon room was well lit, when Loki turned around, Thor saw a lingering shadow on his brother's face, like a thin light black veil. "You can go." Loki said in a cold tone, "You don't need to care about this place, the future king of Asgard, I'm just a little prisoner..."

"Loki!" Thor's roar exploded like thunder. "She is your mother! Don't you have any love for her in your heart?"

"So what?" Came a light laugh, just as frivolous and piercing as Loki's usual laughter after pranks. The God of Mischief approached with his hands behind his back. Thor could clearly see Loki's face, and the shadow disappeared—although his face was full of smiles, the tear stains reflected the light and were extremely eye-catching. "What can I do here, dear brother? You should know that I am a prisoner now."

"You can take revenge."

"Me?" Loki seemed to have heard something funny, he beat the barrier of the dungeon, and burst into hysterical laughter. He bent down laughing, coughing constantly, "Ahem...Curse the dark elves in the cell? I haven't learned to curse, if you let me learn..."

"No, Loki." Sol's face was calm, "It's in the way of a warrior, in the way of Frigg's son."



Thor slams Thor's hammer against the dungeon barrier, and the light curtain shatters with terrifying force. Loki's eyes widened, he couldn't believe Thor did such a thing. Thor grabbed Loki's hand - the illusion disappeared, and the Mischief God sat in the corner of the cell with his hair disheveled.

"How about it, isn't it terrible?" The messy-haired mischievous god laughed miserably, "Are you satisfied. The dungeon alarm has sounded, what are you going to do? Or are you going to just take me out like this?"

"At least your blood is not cold." Thor glanced at him, strode forward, and grabbed Loki from the ground. "I will ask the father of the gods, and you also kneel down. Just once... You are Frigg's child, and you have the right to revenge. Loki, let us pay back the blood debt from the dark elves!"

A little fever, the update is late, sorry.

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