Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 339 Phoenix Codex (Second)

Sol drank the mead with tears in front of the thousands of lights flying to the sky. Jane Foster stood beside him, drinking in sips. Sif and the three warriors of Asgard gulped ale, and she wept loudly as she drank, coughing from time to time because she was choking. She thought it was her own fault, because of her negligence, Frigga died at the hands of the dark elves.

Although the All-Father had persuaded her, the stubborn female warrior only obeyed superficially. In fact, like Sol, she wanted to rush out to fight the dark elves immediately. But she still has some brains, knowing that she should stay for the funeral now, waiting for the arrangement of the father of the gods.

All Asgardians come to the funeral of Queen Frigga. For them, the father of the gods means war, death and cruel winter, while the queen of heaven means the warm sun in the cold winter. Almost all the Asgardians were weeping—the lifespan of the Asir Protoss was much longer than that of ordinary people, and the Queen of Heaven, Frigga, had ruled several generations of Asgardians, and since birth, the Queen of Heaven was their mother.

Their study, life, and work are all inseparable from the administrative system established by Tianhou. It has not been long since the death of the first Asgardian. Coupled with Tianhou Frigga's friendly personality, it is not an exaggeration to say that she is another sun of Asgard.

The All-Father stared at the boat carrying the remains of the Queen of Heaven, Frigga, going further and further away. In the light of the fire, the boat sailed into the vast universe. Thousands of points of light rose from the ship, twinkling like distant stars. Salomon quietly opened his eyes, and the blue light overflowed from his pupils. When he saw the scene on the boat, he held down the Eye of Agamotto and let out a breath of relief without attracting attention.

He also thought that the Queen of Heaven, Frigga, had cracked the Supreme Sorcerer's spell and deliberately committed suicide. Now it seems that the supreme mage may have arranged the residence of the Queen of Heaven. All Salomon could think of was his log cabin in Finland. The scenery there is beautiful, there are not too many idlers to disturb, there are fireplaces, smokers, and there are many chanterelles in the nearby forest to pick.

It seems that the supreme mage really intends to let the queen Frigga change the diaper of the demented father of the gods.

He raised his glass very perfunctorily with the Asgardian civilians around him, and took a sip of ale. It seems that the queen Frigga would like the father of the gods to eat more vegetables. Asgardian men are always prone to gain weight after lack of exercise.

But there is another problem. Since Frigga is still alive, where did the ether particles go? Heimdall did not disclose this information to Salomon, he only said that it would be announced at the meeting after the funeral, and Salomon would also represent Kama Taj as an ally to attend the meeting on Asgard's defense and the infinite gems.

Now the throne has been destroyed, the father of the gods can only stand on the golden steps, overlooking the courtiers below.

"Father." Sol waved his fist vigorously, "Let me go, I will kill Malekith and avenge my mother!"

The father of gods didn't even look at his silly son, he turned his gaze to Salomon who stood silently by the side. "Salomon Damonet." The Great God said, "What about Karma Taj's opinion? You have also heard that the best place for the dark elves to release ether particles will be the atrium. That is your territory, and you have the right to decide."

"Great God." Salomon stood up, lowered his head and said, "I think Thor and a hundred Asgard soldiers are enough to resist Malekith's attack, and Kama Taj will also send a proper amount of mystics to join the battle." He was very careful with his words, because this incident is equivalent to the lord next door occupying a territory of the same level lord, and this same level lord refers to Kama Taj, because Kama Taj has the autonomy of Midgard.

But now, the next-door ally, the titular lord, is coming to support him, so Salomon naturally has to think about how to make this army go home obediently after the battle, instead of lingering in the territory. Therefore, it is very important to control the number of support troops—this kind of thing was very common in the past. It is not uncommon for the support troops to end up with a large area of ​​​​unreasonable territory. It is even easier to create a claim without much effort. The nobles have the responsibility to guard the land. If Kama Taj does not show up, the atrium will be taken back by Asgard, so Kama Taj must also participate in the battle.

In view of Kama Taj's current situation, only those apprentices who are still training and learning can be spared, and Salomon can't participate in the outer-dimensional battlefield between dimensions. He is naturally a member of this war. Salomon believed that the Supreme Sorcerer had seen this step. The holy sword and armor must be ready. His arsenal in Kama Taj was his bedroom. Before coming to Asgard, he could oil all the weapons and armor.

"Malekis will fight against Sol by me, and Heroic Warriors and other mystics can fight with Dark Elf soldiers." He said, "Since we don't know if Dark Elf still has Cursed Warriors... I suggest Asgard III, er, the two warriors and Ms. Sif also join the battle. After all, their cooperation with Sol is far better than mine."

He winked at Sif - if you're going to wash your hands of shame, now's the time.

Sif understood Thor's meaning, and she took the initiative to stand up and asked the father of the gods to let herself fight side by side with Thor. "This is my fault." She knelt on one knee in front of the stairs, her head lowered, "I ask the father of the gods to give me a chance to wash away my shame."

Although the other two warriors were a step slower, they also followed closely. "Where there is a battle, I, Vostagg, is indispensable." The once strong, now fat Vostagg patted his axe. He knelt down on one knee with difficulty, and applied to the father of the gods standing in front of the throne.

Fandral is not to be outdone either. "It's our duty to avenge the queen," he said.

The All-Father agreed to the plan.

After the meeting, Saul disappeared. He didn't stay and discuss with his good friends how to defeat the enemy like when he was facing the war before. Instead, he left everyone behind and disappeared alone into the winding corridors of Asgard. After thinking for a while, Sif took the other two warriors to the other side of Asgard——Sol needs to be alone for a while now.

Salomon also needs to be alone for a while. The contents of the damaged dimensional bag were packed up by Tianhou's maid and sent to his guest room at the back of Asgard. He only hoped that the maids didn't carefully check the contents of his dimensional bag—the scroll box was intact, and there was nothing missing; apart from the broken potions, the maids also wiped the intact glass bottles and returned them;

Phew - he slowly stuffed things into the new dimension bag, Phoenix stood on the table, pecking at the fruit once and for all. Immediately afterwards, the big golden-red bird yawned and flapped its wings, creating a warm breeze in the room. "Are you tired, Phoenix?" Salomon looked at the Demon God Pillar, and Phoenix nodded tiredly.

"I spent too much energy writing poetry, My Loard." It said, "Originally I didn't need to sleep, but revising the poem manuscript is really tiring, and your pet cat is full of interest in my tail feathers again—Goddess Athena promised to help me publish that book, and I'm doing the final touches."

"What about your pen name?"


"That's really straightforward." Salomon smiled, "I don't know what you wrote yet."

"Heroic epic, My Loard." Phoenix raised his head high, his feathers swaying. It proudly said, "It is an epic about your great past achievements, and I praise your wisdom and kindness."

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