Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 343 Aesthetic concept problem (Second update! Ask for votes!)

Bayonetta enjoys the warm light, just like brewing the most mellow dry wine in ancient Greece, waiting for the sweetest moment under the setting sun. She has been waiting for this day for a long time. The so-called five hundred years of time she just fell asleep unconsciously, even if the five hundred years of memory in the parallel world was returned to her later, it was no different from watching a movie, and her mentality was still in her twenties.

Although Salomon longed for her, he didn't stop because of it. He kissed the witch's lips against Joan's eyes that pierced his body. But Beunita didn't let him go so easily, she hugged him with the strength that Salomon couldn't break free, and demanded his tongue. It took a long time before they parted panting, and the witch licked her lips in satisfaction.

"Sorry, I still have things to do." Salomon said with a flushed face. "There is a battle to be fought. Dinah, put on your clothes, pick up your weapons, and activate the Construct Legion. I put all my gold on it. It's time to see your results."

The alchemy puppet nodded, turned and went to the bedroom.

"War?" The topic caught the attention of three women in the living room. Beunita took out her pistol and was eager to try it. It seemed that she wanted to join in the fun, and Joan of Arc didn't need to say, she would go wherever Beunita was going. Even Samun Shaw, who is a mortal, is very interested in the topic of war, and her expression seems to say that she wants to hear more magical stories.

Salomon sighed—most of the women he knew were not weak. In fact, he seemed to get along with women who were strong in combat. It cannot be denied that the witch has influenced him. Who would not like a big sister who has long legs and can fight?

Anyway, Salomon likes it very much, especially when he is caught by Bayonetta's long legs.

"My dear, this time is a joint operation between Asgard and Kama Taj, facing the enemies of the main material plane." He had to say this, otherwise the witches might really go to the battlefield to fight side by side with him. The main enemies of witches are the upper and lower planes. They have never encountered aliens in the main material plane, and they have lost interest in the lack of enemies in the main material plane—that does not conform to the aesthetics of witches. There are no enemies with a particularly large size, or they are metal and machinery. Witches simply cannot enjoy the pleasure of the enemy's blood splashed on their bodies.

However, these words of the mystic aroused greater enthusiasm in Samun Shaw. She missed the Battle of New York, so now she especially wanted to shoot one or two aliens.

"I'll be back for dinner." Salomon put on the hanging ring again, rejecting Samen Xiao's blatant stalking.

This woman didn't even change her swimsuit, she just wanted to grab a pistol and shoot aliens.

At this time, the alchemy doll also put on clothes. It was still the black skirt with high slits, and the underwear was still in the style of a pure white one-piece swimsuit, which would be translucent to reveal the body when wet. Salomon went through many references when designing the body shape of the alchemy doll, making sure that she would have the perfect shape (hips). So the mystic was very satisfied with the alchemy doll in full costume. After checking her body roughly and saying goodbye to the witch, he opened the portal and returned to Kama Taj.

He needs to return the Eye of Agamotto and get the alchemy doll to help him put on the armor. In addition, it takes time to activate the Construct Legion, and Salomon does not want his Construct to lose its chain on the battlefield.


"So, you need me to help you evacuate the crowd, and then..."

"Just evacuating the crowd, son of Cole." Sif interrupted what Agent Coulson was going to say, because Thor might unthinkingly agree to the conditions that this mortal might make, or rather, inappropriate suggestions. She said, "This is vengeance, and you can't take that from us. Also, I don't think mortal weapons can do much damage to the Dark Elves. They're a very ancient race, even survived by Bol. Son of Cole, if you'd fight with us, we'd welcome it—but don't take all your enemies with pride."

"Ms. Sif, I didn't mean that." Agent Coulson said, "In fact, we are currently in the United States, and it will take at least eight hours to reach London. I can only notify the local S.H.I.E.L.D. agents to help you. In addition, you are sure that the battle will take place in the UK, so I need to notify the British government..."

Sif again interrupted Agent Coulson without hesitation, "But Karma Taj already knows about it, and I don't think it's necessary for a bureaucrat made up of mortals to know about it."

Then there was an awkward silence, and Loki's maniacal sneer.

"Mortal!" He half-coughed and half-laughed, "Mortals are always so self-important. When I brought you the truth, you dare not admit it. I don't know what kind of black magic you received to be resurrected. Agent Coulson, you have been a mortal from beginning to end, and you have no ability to see the truth."

"Shut up, Loki." Sol patted his younger brother on the head angrily, "Agent Coulson, Salomon agreed to help you open a portal. As long as you want, you can bring a team here from the United States. Sorry, we don't trust others too much..." He looked into Sif's eyes, and the female soldier shook her head.

"Okay." Coulson ignored Loki's "nonsense". He deeply understood the cultural differences between aliens and Earthlings—only Asgardians called medical practices black magic, and he had a deep understanding of his own healing process. Tahiti, that's an amazing place...

Agent Coulson agreed to Saul's conditions, and his movements did not stop.

The moment he realized who he was talking to, he opened a direct channel with Nick Fury - which was not easy, and no one knew where Nick Fury was or what he was doing. In order to find his immediate boss, Agent Coulson spent a lot of effort and tried various contact methods (only he can do this, and he is the one with the highest authority. Of course, this is his own perception).

Melinda May watched Agent Coulson's small movements with cold eyes the whole time.

"We'll be ready and bring an action team," he said. "If possible, please pass the call to Salomon Damonette. I'd like to ask him to come to the agreed location, because I'll take a plane that can carry a combat team, so I need a large enough portal..."

Melinda May still did not tell Agent Coulson what kind of devastation the Airbus had undergone at the hands of Salomon. Fitz and Simmons of the science group yawned quietly, causing the newcomer Skye standing next to them to fall asleep too. Only the dedicated Agent Grant Ward remains energetic, showing the professionalism expected of a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent.

"Uh...he's not here now," Thor said awkwardly, "I don't know where he went. But his bird came..." Phoenix protested at Sol's rude description, and he had to change his words, "...I mean, his phoenix is ​​here. Maybe we can send it to notify Salomon? Or...Jane, can we try which email? I haven't used it since the last time you signed me up...Yeah? Son of Cole, good news, Jane said we can email Salomon ..."

"Or can you tell me where he is?" Agent Coulson only knew about the London Temple but not the New York Temple. "As long as he is in the United States, I can find him by plane."

"No, no, I don't know where the Karma Taj are, they're so mysterious that even Heimdall can't see them. Okay...Jane, what button do I have to press to hang up and start trying to email? Can this thing email? Will Salomon get it right away?"

Ah, no guilt for being late with an update.

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