Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 344 A Little Bad Thing (Part 1)

"Boss, you have to remember to collect DNA samples from Asgardian soldiers! More, the experiment will wear out!" Maya Hansen yelled on the phone, so that Salomon had to find a place to hide after returning to London, so that others would not hear what she was saying. The matter of the Immortal City must not be exposed so easily. If necessary, he even wants to build a base on the moon—as long as Stark has a reliable construction team.

"And Saul's, this is the most important!" Maya Hansen was confused.

She didn't expect that her boss didn't notify her after returning to Earth. She only found out about Salomon's return while watching TV. At the same time, she also despaired of Salomon's dullness, which is the shortcoming of a layman being a boss! These are the Asgardians, the race with the strongest physical strength known so far! She's going crazy if her boss doesn't get some genetic material for her to study!

Without Asgard's genetic samples, she has no idea how to complete Salomon's plan to transform human warriors. Salomon's request is too high, what he wants is a warrior who can go to hell with him, fearless of death. To this end, Maya Hansen made a series of plans, but due to lack of materials, the experiment has not yet started.

As for the hands - she's teaching those druids biology now.

"Haven't you ever opened the refrigerator?"

"What?" Maya Hansen's eyes widened. "What refrigerator?"

He lowered his voice. "The refrigerator in my office. Sol's blood samples were labeled and hidden in the innermost layer. I used spells to maintain the vitality of those cells... Or did you open my refrigerator just to find some fruit to eat?"

After a while, Salomon heard footsteps going upstairs, followed by the sound of rummaging through boxes and panting.

"Uh... Anyway, you are very happy with your support for my research, you are really the best boss!", Maya Hansen said excitedly, it seems that she found the blood sample preserved by Salomon. Immediately afterwards, she seemed to have noticed something, and her tone quickly became less cheerful, "Ahem, I have another news to tell you. I accidentally made a mistake..."

Salomon turned sideways and watched the lively discussion in the room. Thor had already unshackled Loki, but in order to keep his brother from running away, he borrowed a rope and collar from Darcy—pink, Darcy blushed when she lent it—to limit Loki's range of motion. Saul and Jane Foster had conveyed Agent Coulson's request to him, but even if they didn't say it, Salomon could figure out what was going on from the failed emails and the almost shattered touch screen on the phone.

"Wrong?" He glanced at Loki who was smirking at him, and then raised his middle finger.

Armor middle finger. This is the universal friendly gesture in the universe.

"Yes, do you remember that artificial intelligence? It asked where you went, and I told it truthfully. wording may not be accurate, I told it that you went to another world..." Maya Hansen said with some embarrassment, "It sent an obituary before I explained..."

"It better be the last stupid thing you do."

"Actually, I left something in your office..."


"Hello, Agent Coulson, when are we going to leave?" Salomon looked at the few mortals standing in the cargo hold of the plane in front of him and said, "It's better now"

"Whoa?" A half-breed girl with sun-tanned light brown skin was stalking the gray mane of Salomon's armored cloak. But after hearing Salomon's words, she quickly let go of her fingertips grabbing the fur and ran aside, looking like a frightened cat.

Now, she looked at the alchemy puppet standing beside Salomon with another eye. She thinks the girl's clothing embodies the dissatisfaction of adolescent males, and she wants to punch Salomon in the head to remind him about gender equality.

But she dare not. In fact, she had already recalled something about Salomon, and this armor also revealed another identity of Salomon.

The Silver Knight riding Pegasus during the Battle of New York.

Salomon's enchantment spell was cast too hastily and didn't work well enough, at least Skye still remembered what his face looked like.

"This is just an exaggeration. I'm urging you to hurry up." Although the mystic's face was blurred by the trick, his approximate age could still be seen. His face was the youngest one on the plane, and even Skye, the female hacker who joined the team recently, was older than him. But at the same time he was the tallest one, a tall human figure in armor—he was still a little short compared to the witch, but he was already a big man compared to ordinary people.

"We need to load medical supplies and various logistical equipment into the cargo bay without touching my car, Laura." Agent Coulson said, "Dr. Eric Shavig said we still have some time, and I think it is what we must do to prepare for emergencies."

"Are you serious? You made me miss the lasagna baked by Daxie!" Salomon's anger even broke through the illusion trick, exposing his face completely. "You just need to evacuate the crowd, Coulson!" the mystic yelled, "not do the whole fucking thing! I saw you get the grenade launchers up! Do you know who our opponents are?"

"Aliens? Magical aliens?" Coulson shrugged. "I think the World Security Council is very interested in knowing the result of another battle between humans and aliens. And, this matter is very serious, Salomon. I need to prepare for your failure."

"Do you mean that someone will survive under the breath of the planet, Coulson?" Salomon patted the gorgeous scabbard on his waist, "Are you questioning the power of the holy sword... By the way, you were already dead when you unlocked the holy sword, sorry."

"You don't have to feel sorry for this, friend. S.H.I.E.L.D. needs to do a good job of disaster control so that you can use your power to the fullest." Coulson said, "Not every time a superhero defeats a super criminal, the building can be repaired by itself, and not every time a superhero is dispatched, no one happens to be around. Someone has to clean up the technologies, potions, and biological samples that may endanger civilians, especially you, Salomon. We still don't know if your magic will cause pollution..."

"Regarding magical contamination, I detected gamma ray readings on you..."

Salomon pushed away Fitz, a physicist in the science group, because he was about to put a detector of unknown kind on Salomon's face. Simmons, a biologist in the same science team, seems to be very interested in Salomon's DNA samples, and she is eager to try with a swab. "Maybe you should drink a cup of hot cocoa." The voice of the mystic mage seemed to suggest some kind, and then, Fitz and Simmons walked into their laboratory as if suddenly enlightened, completely forgetting what they had just done.

It looks like they want to make a mug of hot cocoa in a beaker and alcohol lamp, like they do in college dorms.

"Don't use this magic on my team, Salomon." Agent Coulson had to protest, "I think you seem to want to cast a spell on everyone present to make us go faster."

"Yeah, if you guys don't hurry up, your hairline is going to recede to the back of your head. Come on, aim for London, war could break out at any moment, bring your big crying baby squad... No, throw away the grenade launcher, we don't have time to reload. Don't ask questions, you know you are no different from whining parrots?"

In the future, the 4K chapter will be completed, and it will be really tiring to post two chapters.

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