Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 345 London Traffic (Second Change)

"Since we're about to enter England's airspace, I want you to have entry clearance, Coulson." Salomon called him by name through the monitor in the cargo hold unceremoniously. "I don't want to jump out of here and shoot down two Tornado fighter jets. These pilots are the best of the human race. Although the British Eagle is no longer brilliant, I still need them-I mean, I should be able to recruit them. Go and do the corner work, and the rest is to fly the plane east. Don't question me, girl (referring to Skye, because Only she and Salomon were in the cargo hold). I will not allow ordinary people to witness the huge portal being opened in the sky until the order of the Supreme Master is revoked."

"Wow, you sound like a pompous jerk now," Skye muttered. She's sitting on the hood of a Jeep with a brand new laptop on her lap. She didn't care at all about Salomon's affection for buying her the computer, and her description of Salomon's current attitude was not wrong. Salomon did speak to them in a commanding tone.

Because he activated the stigmata, his emotions towards humans were a little weaker. Looking at Salomon from the shallow etheric level, one can find a faint divine golden light emanating from him.

"I have to remind you that there is an update on the Asgardian army on social networks: they boarded the No. 8 bus from the bus platform of Terminal 5 at Heros Airport. According to the description of fellow passengers, the bus was full of strong men in golden armor and a blond man with a curly beard. The air quality could not be worse. Dr. Erik Shavig said that those Asgardians were going to Greenwich University. It seems that they are going from Egham to Waterloo station, and then ride for 41 minutes Then they have a 19-minute tube ride to North Greenwich. I think that’s enough of a buzz, and a little more magic would be fine.”

"That's Fandral, he's pretty reliable, as long as there's no Vostagg around him." Skye's complaints broke the momentum that Salomon had just accumulated, and he relaxed all of a sudden. "I don't know that Asgardians take a bath every few days, but I'm 100% sure that their armor doesn't secrete soapy water," he said. "You can't fit 100 Asgardians into a bus, and that would be overloaded, given their weaponry. So they probably went to Greenwich in batches. I can imagine how bad that must have been for the fellow travelers."

"The good news is that the Metropolitan Police won't be pulling them over. I think it's thanks to S.H.I.E.L.D."

"If they stop the heroic warriors, they will die." Salomon curled his lips disdainfully. "Those are all veterans who have served for more than 1,500 years. They are not as naive as the new generation of Asgardians. They are fighters who have really experienced the flames of war. You should be grateful that S.H.I.E.L.D. saved the lives of those idiots."

"You are such a complete bastard. You should tell your queen about this. Buckingham Palace is in a mess now." Skye snorted and continued, "I didn't expect that after so long, Downing Street has not come up with a suitable plan to contact the Asgardians! Westminster Parliament is similar to a zoo. It is a corrupt country. Who can imagine that there is a feudal queen in modern society? Maybe Guy Fawkes is trying to do something good?"

[Note: Guy Fawkes once tried to blow up the Palace of Westminster and murdered the participants including the then King of England]

"The development of civilization cannot be judged by the political system, which is a characteristic of human society. Asgard is still a feudal society, isn't it still the most powerful country in the universe?" The mystic cleared his throat, "Also, although my nationality is British, the queen of the Windsor royal family is not my queen. On the contrary, I have the right to claim Great Britain. When the time comes, I will restore..."

"Okay, Okay, I'm going to feel sorry for your people."

"They should be honored, because after that, the entire universe will undergo great changes. The stable living environment of human beings before will no longer exist, and all kinds of extra-dimensional bastards will wave their tentacles, pincers, spores, multiple genitals, and all kinds of slimy limbs. A small force will not be able to defend against any attack, and human beings can only fail and fail—humans can’t even retreat from a hole that is only ankle deep!" He took a breath and continued, "Of course, the above situations will happen when Kama Taj is completely defeated, but that is unlikely, because the holy sword and holy gun still exist."

"So—" Skye drew out his tone.

"So enjoy life, it's one of the few happy times left."

After some intimidation by Salomon, Skye became much quieter. Instead of uttering meaningless nonsense like a screaming mouse, she obediently reported the movements of the Asgardian army to Salomon.

Coulson listened to the conversation the entire time. While he was pleased that Skye was no longer distracted and focused on the task, he thought Salomon was taking it too seriously. In order not to leave a psychological shadow on his team members, he decided to make a small protest against the mystic.


"Huh..." Fandral let out a long breath. He couldn't understand why the army didn't bring so many airships with them when they set off. That way, they wouldn't have to be crammed into a wretched, dense carriage full of bums and vomit at the same time, like fish in a metal can!

Darcy also breathed a sigh of relief. Being a guide for the Asgardians was not as easy as she imagined. This was Jane Foster's punishment for throwing away her car keys-she thought it was a reward at first, after all, it was her dream to be crowded among a group of muscular men. But soon after she was on the road, she realized that something was wrong. These heroic warriors were unwilling to talk to her, and the overly masculine aura almost suffocated her.

"We're finally here." Darcy said with relief. She narrowed her eyes and raised her head, but she didn't find the person she wanted to see. All she wanted now was a hug from someone who wasn't in armor. "Aren't you already here?" Daxi dialed the phone, and in her peripheral vision, Asgardian soldiers were walking through the school gate in neat steps.

The security guards gave up blocking after hesitating for a while.

They chose to call the police.

"I'm here, Darcy." Salomon's voice came through the receiver, "but the plane has turned on reflective panels or something like that, which means the plane is invisible. Agent Coulson is looking for a place to land. He thinks the atrium at Greenwich University is fine. There's a big open space and a lawn—yes, S.H.I.E.L.D. likes to land on the lawn, just like they landed on the Eton lawn when they came to me... Well, where are Saul and Sif? When students go outing, they lose one or two people."

"The others were in Eric's car with Jane, and it was almost full. But...they're going to cross the M4 road..."

"You mean, they're stuck in traffic?"

"Yes. Perhaps the M25 will be a little faster..."

[Note: The length of the M25 road is almost twice that of the M4 road]

There was a long silence on the other end of the phone, and Daxi pouted, kicking all the pebbles that could be kicked boredly. Salomon has a deep understanding of the road conditions in London. He even suspects that the person who designed this traffic system is a devil from hell. He can't think of any more terrible punishment in this world than traffic jams.

The roads of London create massive amounts of negativity every day and for the devil sweet and juicy accidental souls?

After a long while, Salomon resumed speaking, "Hasn't Thor thought of turning his hammer and flying over?"

"He can, but he doesn't know the way... I think Sif seems to have a lot of hostility towards Jane. If Sol flies over with Jane in his arms, I don't guarantee that she won't stab Jane to death with a sword."

"That's true..."

Late update, that's ok, I don't care.

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