Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 350 Queen of Skeletons (Part 1)

"Eric!" Jane Foster hid in a ruin. There were no aliens wearing pale and terrifying masks, and there were no Asgardian soldiers in golden armor. This was a rare safe place in the University of Greenwich for mortals to hide in this war. Her cute intern Darcy, who is good for nothing but eats, and her intern's intern are huddled with her.

When Jane Foster saw that her mentor Eric was fiddling with the instruments in her hand, she yelled in dissatisfaction. "Have you done it?" Jane Foster never doubted the ability of her mentor. Although Eric Shavig is a bit crazy now, the facts have proved Eric Shavig's correctness. This kind of correctness cannot be denied even if Eric Shavig runs into Stonehenge naked.

She just wanted her mentor to move faster.

"Hurry up!" The professor of astrophysics with thin white hair on his head was still adjusting the parameters of the instrument in his hand. According to Eric's theory, when the celestial bodies converge, the barriers between the nine realms will no longer exist, and the physical phenomena that will occur at that time are extremely simple and clear, and any student who has received a junior high school physics education can guess-the gravity will decrease at the place where the celestial bodies converge, and the scope of this decreasing gravity phenomenon will expand to the entire Greenwich, and finally London will be torn apart by the gravity of other countries.

It was an unmitigated disaster. Eric's instruments can detect certain invisible gravity anomalies (the most obvious ones can be seen without detection, they just saw two planes fall into the portal over Greenwich), and after something powerful told him some ulterior knowledge, Eric miraculously used these detection instruments to create something that could cause gravity anomalies and counteract the original phenomenon.

"It's done!" Eric felt as if he handed over what he had to the panic-stricken Darcy and the calm Jane Foster. "Remember, set up the instruments according to the position shown here." Dr. Erik Savig pointed to a device for detecting signals given to his students, and then pointed to the expanding circular portal in the cloudy sky over London, "Don't take one more step, or you will fall into other worlds and can't get out. What's worse, no one knows where you will appear, and you can't fly."

This sentence also applies to Salomon.

The annoying chants and demon battle cries made him shake his head impatiently. Even though his wounds were slowly healing after the battle, the itching and stinging through the armor was driving people crazy. He took a deep breath, but he could still feel the pain in his lungs and the smell of blood. In the last battle, his breastplate was the most important part of the enemy's attack (blunt weapons cannot completely prevent it).

[Analysis Portal] The effect of this spell is distributed in a fan shape, and the range of action is only 60 feet. He stops and starts, casting spells constantly to detect the location of the portal. Even if he finds it, he needs to cast spells again to determine the destination of the portal. However, when the phenomenon of celestial body confluence occurs, these portals may appear or disappear at any time-there are a few times, when he worked so hard to find a portal and was about to cast a spell to detect it, the portal suddenly disappeared without even saying hello.

Finally he thought of a way.

Salomon held up his mobile phone, using the strength of the signal on the mobile phone to judge the location of the portal to the earth. It is very risky to do this, because then he will not be able to judge whether there are portals from other worlds that will suck him in on his only way. The gravity of a planet is not something he can resist.

"So... is this your excuse?" The queen sitting on the throne of bones smiled disdainfully, but the environment here was dim, and Salomon couldn't see her expression clearly. "Man of Midgard, I accept your excuse. Now you should kneel down." The Queen of Bones said, "You may want to know where this is, and you may want to ask me for my name. Well, then I will explain it for you, and let your short-lived race's barren brain get access to some knowledge that you can't get at all."

She patted the cold throne on her own without waiting for Salomon's answer.

Pointing to the two dry skeletons, she said, "This is my manservant named slowness. This is my maid named slowness." Then she puffed her chest out with boundless pride, "And I am in charge of aging and disease, and I am the god of concealment! The orthodox heir of the nine worlds! Goddess of death! Queen of Asgard! Your queen! Now, kneel down and be honored to meet your queen! Maybe one day you will stand beside me and witness that I will spread slaughter and death throughout the universe, your skeleton Bones will be my soldiers in this epic battle, the only use for your worthless life!"

After she finished declaring her honorable name, the entire throne hall returned to silence. After a long time, no one spoke, and the atmosphere fell into embarrassment. "Now, kneel!" The skeleton queen in a dark green cloak repeated angrily, "Shouldn't you obey your queen's order? Put down that toy in your hand!"

"I don't have time." Salomon walked out without looking back, "I still have things to do."

"Ha! Nothing can get you out of here. This is the trap and prison laid by the hypocritical Odin." The Goddess of Death broke out in a terrifying roar, "Damn Odin! I have fought for him for many years, and he rewarded me with imprisonment! The throne of Asgard belongs to me, not the golden retriever puppy in diapers or the blue kitten he picked up! Did you hear me, you bloody mortal? Come back! Do you think I haven't tried it? Even if it's a celestial intersection! No way out, Odin's magic is everywhere! Don't make me kill you, warrior!"

"There is a way to break any spell. There is no perfect spell in the world." Salomon's pupils glowed with a bright blue light. As far as he could see, there were complex and small runes. Only Odin in this world can cast such rune magic, but whether it is flawless or not is another matter.

"You have a way to get out? Are you a wizard?" The goddess of death narrowed her slender eyes, "If you can do it, I will reward you to live by my side."

"No, I can't." Salomon flatly denied it. Hella was not surprised by this. She has a very deep study of rune magic. Her magic teachers are Odin and Frigga. Apart from them, there are no more powerful warriors and magicians in Asgard than her. She was endowed with many powerful magics before she was born. She is Odin's most powerful weapon. It is because of this that she thinks that the throne belongs to her.

Hela, the goddess of death, is Asgard's business and Thor's business. Salomon doesn't want to cause trouble. But what annoyed him was that he always felt that it was no accident that he came to Helheim. The thought made him look around wide-eyed, trying to find who had pushed him here.

"It's okay, you can die later." The goddess of death relaxed, she sat lazily on the throne, playing with her servant's skull in her hands. She said, "I want to hear from you about the situation in the Nine Realms. Tell me, what will my future territory look like now? Answer on your knees!"

Ask for a ticket!

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