Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 351: All Men Shake M (Part 2)

The idea that the goddess of death kept asking Salomon to kneel was regarded by the mystic as a manic episode caused by confinement, and this emotion became more and more intense as he ignored it. In fact, if no one came to repeat the glory of the past to her and pay homage to her, it would be a denial of her natural power, and the more she denies it, the colder this dark place of bones will be.

She thought Salomon's disrespect was a silent mockery of her, which annoyed the goddess of death very much.

Before that, Salomon had a deep understanding of the girls of Asgard's military aristocrats. They loved swords more than fine clothes, and they advocated force more than wisdom. The goddess of death, Hela, is undoubtedly such an Asgardian, so after Salomon refused to kneel, the goddess of death, who became angry from embarrassment, directly picked up her black sword "Sword of the Night Sky" and stabbed at the mystic.

She decided to use force herself. In the past, she was an idol admired by all the girls in Asgard.

The mystic reacted promptly, parrying the attack with his holy sword and counterattacking quickly. With the stigmata turned off, the difference in speed and strength between Salomon who lost that inexplicable power and the Goddess of Death who lost Asgard's power is not too big. However, Hela's sword skills are far better than Salomon's.

But Salomon still had the power of Visandi at his disposal, and some simple spells complemented his skills. His figure was like a ghost, and he could always dodge before Hila's sword edge touched his armor. The two daggers floating in the air even blocked Hela's fatal attack on his helmet. Vicious eyes shot out from the eyes of the Goddess of Death, and every time the long sword collided with the long sword, or the long sword and the shield, there was a harsh noise. Her attacks became more and more fierce, and her sword skills became more and more vicious. Salomon had to step on the crumbling pale bones and constantly change positions.

When the black blade of the Night Sky Sword made a deep scratch on the armor, the mystic had to distance himself, because the Goddess of Death had predicted his movements. This time it was just a feint attack, forcing him to go to the predetermined position, and in the next step, she would let the snake-like sword point penetrate the gap in the armor, giving Salomon a sinister blow.

"Crazy woman!" Salomon gritted his teeth and choked out a sentence. The wound on his chest and abdomen was painful. The wound left by Malekith had not yet been bandaged, and it had not healed quickly after taking the alchemy potion. During the vigorous exercise, the fragile wound was roughly torn apart, and he felt that his shirt was wet on his body.

The goddess of death was very excited after smelling the smell of blood. There were only bones, no blood, nothing alive for her to kill. She is the goddess of death. Only life and death can set off her greatness, and the dry bones all over the ground cannot praise her glory.

"Hurry up, mortal!" she yelled happily, smelling the scent. "Your sword skills are good, but not enough! More blood, more blood, that's the only way to make me happy! Give your queen a tribute, warrior of Midgard!"

Countless black long swords flew out of her hands and hit the shield held by Salomon with a bang. She laughed and approached the mystic, constantly blocking the long swords swung by Salomon. Salomon used his shield to hold down the black long sword thrust by Hela, but in the next second, another black long sword pierced the eye slit of the helmet, forcing the mystic to dodge sideways. At this moment, the suppressed "Night Sky Sword" viciously lifted up, drawing a deep sword mark on the flank armor and breastplate.

Fighting was entertainment for her, and death after fighting was her happiest moment. "Your swordsmanship makes me happy. I won't kill you now, because we will stay together for a long time." She laughed wildly, "But be careful, I don't guarantee your integrity. Today I will ask for your little finger first, so that it won't affect your sword use. Only pain can let you know how to face your queen!"

Countless black spikes shot at his leg armor that could not be covered by the shield, forcing him to walk towards the corner of the Throne of Bones hall, making him unable to retreat. "Hurry up, hurry up!" She showed a crazy smile, "Or you will die!"

Queen Frigg gave the supreme mage a supercilious look. Salomon's every move in the kingdom of death did not leave the eyes of the supreme mage. The Queen of Heaven, Frigga, presented this surveillance spell in a silver basin, and she observed the situation of Salomon and Hela through the water. However, this scene did not make Tianhou happy, she never thought her daughter would be so crazy.

She originally thought that asking Salomon to talk to Hela would help her daughter relieve her loneliness.

It can be done in any way, the Queen of Heaven, Frigga, doesn't mind at all, and Asgard can afford the title of a prince.

"Aren't you worried?" Queen Frigg asked the Supreme Mage who was busy cutting smoked salmon. The Supreme Mage didn't seem to care about his disciple's safety at all. Even though he was almost poked in the eye by Hella's Night Sky Sword, the Supreme Mage believed that his disciple would not die.

The Supreme Mage did not inform the queen of the result of the battle between Salomon and the Dark Elf King, the secret of the stigmata, and the Supreme Mage decided to hide this secret. The Venerable knew why Salomon entered that state, and also knew the true mystery of the seventh throne of the stigmata. Agamotto had already told her those unknown secrets. Except for those eternal gods, not many beings in this world knew about it.

"No." His Holiness stuffed the smoked salmon made by Salomon into his mouth, and opened a bottle of sweet wine by the way. These are all in Salomon's collection, and the Supreme Mage can take them without asking. The arcane lock that Salomon added to the wine cabinet is not a problem at all for the Supreme Mage, nor is it a problem for the queen Frigga. "This child can handle it." The Venerable didn't even look at the situation displayed in the water mirror. "Maybe he can really appease your manic daughter! There will be no next time. I can't let me solve Odin's family education every time. The atrium is not a nursery for the Asa Protoss. All three of your children together are too many."

What the Sorcerer Supreme said was "handling" was not a good situation, with a black short sword stuck in Salomon's shoulder armor, and the dragon wing thrusters humming behind him. Salomon still made up his mind to open the stigmata. Although Hela was not as difficult to deal with as the king of dark elves who possessed ether particles, it was not something he could handle after a battle.

The holy sword and the black sword collided, and the dragon wing propeller pushed him and Hela into the wall of the obsidian hall. A dagger appeared in the hand of the goddess of death, and it was stabbed fiercely into the abdomen of the mystic. Salomon also raised his shield, and struck Hela's head with the edge of the shield from the side, breaking the fierce spiked helmet.

The queen of heaven, Frigga, could see clearly, and she couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

The Supreme Mage glanced lazily at the water mirror, then continued to eat fish with his head down.

"This is not what you call 'handling'!" The Queen of Heaven, Frigga, pointed to the water mirror and said, "The child is about to die!"

"Don't worry." Perhaps because he went to the battlefield of the bloody battle to beat up a few restless lower plane creatures, the Supreme Mage couldn't lift his spirits. "He's fine, he's my disciple. Let me tell you quietly, Salomon likes women like this."

Ask for a ticket!

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