Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 352 Life and Death Intertwined (Part 1)

Anger, severe pain, and the black short sword were inserted into the gap in the belly armor, piercing the skin and muscles, and burrowing upward viciously. Salomon felt the dagger pierced his liver, and the unbearable pain made him let out a cry of pain, but the sound was ground in his throat, because the shame and pain drilled deeper.

The uncontrollable emotions made him quickly open the stigmata, even exceeding the safety threshold he set for himself. The source of Kabbalah cheered and was ignited again, golden flames overflowed from his eyes again, and the Goddess of Death saw a sun-like halo gathering behind his head. Before Hela could cry out in surprise, Salomon let out a beast-like roar, and furious steam sprayed into the cold air from the ferocious dragon-headed helmet.

Now, in the frigid mountains of Italy, a clergyman who attended Mass suffered a huge gash in his abdomen, and blood spattered onto the front pews and crimson robes. But the other monks who participated in the mass didn't care, they were still immersed in prayer, and then, similar wounds appeared on all the monks.

Molu was still standing in front of the altar, receiving the warm light.

In the dark kingdom of death, Salomon let go of his shield and put his other hand on the hilt of his sword. Salomon swung the holy sword like a hammer, knocked out the goddess of death, and hit the obsidian palace wall on the other side of the hall of bones. His speed was too fast for people to see clearly, and no one knew how much power he used. All the onlookers could only hear the fleeting roar of his long sword, and a group of white clouds appeared and disappeared in the blink of an eye. Salomon pulled out the dagger that was deeply inserted into the abdomen, and crushed it together with the black dagger that was inserted into the shoulder armor. The severed artery miraculously healed, and the blood flowing into the abdominal cavity disappeared.

He seems to be the spokesperson of wrath and arrogance walking in the world, and at the same time the embodiment of holiness and nobility, with angelic hymns and demon roars accompanying his every statement.

"You!" The dragon wing thruster screamed, pushing him towards the Goddess of Death who had just crashed into the wall. The collision of the holy sword and the black sword was too fast to be seen clearly. The silver-gold knight and the black-green goddess of death were engaged in a life-and-death struggle that mortals could not intervene. Hela let out a roar of joy and joy—it was exactly what she wanted. In this kingdom of death, there is only death, either killing or being killed. She hasn't killed anyone for a long time, and a comparable opponent allows her to vent out the anguish of being imprisoned for thousands of years.

Salomon's movements were too fast, and the holy sword pierced Hela's body again and again, but when he pulled out the holy sword, those wounds seemed to never exist. He smashed the hard bones under Hela's seemingly slender limbs with his bare hands, but the twisted limbs returned to their original shape in the blink of an eye. Even though the Goddess of Death lost most of her power, her immortality still existed, and her wounds healed even faster than Salomon's. Even when Salomon cut off her limbs, those stumps disappeared in an instant, and then appeared where they should have been.

She was born with death, she is the spokesperson of the Goddess of Eternal Silence in the main material plane, there is no blood in her body, only the power of death and life flows.

The silver-golden knight threw a heavy punch at the goddess of death's abdomen. Immediately afterwards, he crushed Hela's knee, grabbed her neck and pushed her to the ground. Salomon turned around to avoid the black sword cluster that was as high as a person stabbing out from the ground. He stood behind the kneeling and panting Hela, and stabbed the holy sword straight into Hela's back with all his strength.

The holy sword pierced through the chest, and the sword body smashed into the obsidian like a nail, nailing the goddess of death to the cold ground reflecting the dark green shimmer. Salomon twisted off the black sword bushes on the ground, and he used those black swords as nails to firmly nail Hela's limbs to the ground. Then he drew out the holy sword and stabbed several black swords into Hela's chest again.

He didn't have time to try to kill the undead goddess, he could only restrict her actions by the most effective means. The Goddess of Death didn't care about the several black swords that penetrated into her body at all. She was like a black rose blooming among the chaos of swords. Those black swords did not bring her pain, which made her extremely happy.

She straightened her chest and let the black sword cut her body.

"Let me see your face," she said in a low, frantic voice. "Let me see your face, warrior! You are no knight of Midgard. Tell me your name!"

Salomon hesitated for a moment, but he let the armor covering his face slowly fade away. The ferocious silver-white faucet disappeared, revealing a young, tired and sweaty face. Those eyes with golden shimmer made him more mature and majestic than he looked, and the rising foggy white heat shrouded him in mystery. "I am the disciple of the Lord of Humanity, the heir of the Supreme Mage, the holder of the Holy Sword and Holy Spear, and the user of the Visandi's secret method." He said, "I am Salomon Messiah Damonet Pendragon."

"You can't kill me!"

"I know."

"I remember your name! I am the king of Asgard and your queen!" The Goddess of Death showed a cruel smile, "Even if you have the ability to leave here, I will go to you. When I get out of this damn cage, it will be the time for you and me to have a fair duel. Then I will make you surrender, Salomon! I, Hela, am your queen!"

"It seems that Hela likes him very much." The Queen of Heaven, Frigga, stared at everything in the water mirror with her eyes widened. Although Salomon's method was a bit rough, the result made the queen very satisfied. The supreme mage let out a disdainful chuckle, which made the queen of heaven roll her eyes. "How do you get your disciple out?" Tianhou asked, "Odin's cage cannot be opened now."

"Kama Taj once studied the Cosmic Rubik's Cube." The supreme mage put down the fork in his hand. She turned her wrist, and a silver-gold figure suddenly appeared in the wooden house. Salomon smashed the floor of the wooden house with an exclamation. For a moment, dust and golden light spots flew around, but they couldn't pass the spell arranged by the supreme mage.

"You are doing well, my dear disciple." The Supreme Mage said to Salomon who stood up with a displeased face. "Whether it is fighting or smoking salmon, you are doing very well."

"Teacher, Queen of Heaven." The mystic mage saluted, then sat weakly on the chair by the dining table. He let out a long sigh, and remained motionless. The dragon wing thruster that had just been turned off was attached to the chair, making a sizzling sound, and a smell of burnt wood slowly rose. He was really tired. Two consecutive battles to open the stigmata consumed a lot of his physical strength and energy. As for Malekith, he didn't care about it at all-the soul of the king of dark elves was almost ground by ether particles.

The Sorcerer Supreme pushed a plate of smoked salmon in front of Salomon, and the mystic looked up lazily. The golden light in his eyes was gone, and he was back to being a normal person, but something had changed permanently, somewhere he didn't realize it. Salomon clapped his hands lightly, and the invisible servant picked up a knife and fork to help him cut the fish, and then put the fish into his mouth.

"Why do you even use magic to eat?" The Supreme Mage patted Salomon's sweaty head in disgust, and the Venerable's expression became even more disgusting. The Venerable waved his fingers, and all the sweat and dried blood on Salomon's body disappeared instantly. Salomon just forced a smile, he did not refute, but continued to be fed by the invisible servant.

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