Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 356 Summoning Darkness (Part 1)

Loki was the first to fly out. The figure in the golden-green armor rose rapidly in front of a group of people surrounding the lawn, at a speed so fast that it was almost invisible. But most of the people present were not ordinary people. They all saw the helpless expression on Loki's face. He didn't seem to care that he was thrown out at all.

"Hello." The mischievous god who fell heavily on the ground jumped up. He patted the ashes off his body, and greeted the people around him nonchalantly, but no one wanted to pay attention to him. Everyone focused on looking at the place where he came out of, and Daxi threw a small stone into it. "What's the matter?" She looked around and shrugged, "I just want to know if it's true... You also know that Loki likes to play some illusion tricks."

This reason is very legitimate and everyone accepts it. Salomon reminded her that she can judge the truth by hitting Loki, which is faster. Darcy accepted the suggestion with a humble face, and then Sif grabbed Loki who was resisting, and she asked the god of mischief to wait together, so Darcy also punched Loki by the way. When Loki was about to say something, Thor and Malekith got out of the grass, kicking up a large cloud of carbon ash. The moment they jumped out, Jane Foster closed her eyes tightly and activated the interference device in her hand, closing the natural portal. The mortals around here kept spitting, trying to spit out ashes that floated into their mouths.

When Jane Foster and Darcy opened their eyes, they found that Saul and Malekith had rolled into the ruins of the University of Greenwich library, and Sif and Salomon in armor had already rushed there, only Loki was still walking behind, looking unhurried.

The red-black fluid rapidly expanded and surged, and the entire ruins were covered with a thick layer of ether particles. While Sif was still stepping on the viscous crimson ocean and was struggling towards Sol, Salomon activated the dragon wing thrusters and passed over her head, smashing into the battlefield like a meteorite. When the holy sword cut off one of Malekith's arms, the Dark Elf King discovered that the enemy who fell from the sky was actually Salomon who had been thrown into another country by him before.

"Hello, friend." The mystic greeted, and then rushed up with the bullets fired by the android, and continued to give Malekith a ruthless blow. Sol also jumped towards Malekith at the right time. He raised his hammer and let out a deafening battle roar. His whole body was covered with bright thunder. At that moment, he had the fighting power that a god should have.

However, the king of the dark elves did not intend to continue fighting. Although these annoying guys did not cause him much trouble, the time for the convergence of celestial bodies was approaching, and the natural portals leading to all the kingdoms appeared over London at this moment. He had to complete the mission of the dark elves as soon as possible.

Unparalleled power swirled up, and all the building wreckage covered with ether particles became part of the crimson storm at this moment. The gravel and the complete book were shattered again in the storm, and the bullet with huge kinetic energy knocked out of its orbit the moment it touched the fluid storm, becoming the cells in the body of this crimson furious behemoth.

A thunderbolt fell from the sky and shattered part of the giant beast's body. Thor grabbed Sif and Salomon and jumped out of the storm of ether particles. Even the body of an Asgardian can hardly withstand such damage, and even Salomon's armor is covered with tiny crimson spikes. Saul and Sif were already covered with scars at this moment, and blood kept flowing from the small wounds all over their bodies. When they fell on the broken masonry ground, the blood immediately formed a small lake on the ground.

Sol's bloodline is much stronger than Sif's. He dropped Salomon, handed the unconscious Sif to Jane Foster's care, and immediately returned to the battlefield. He saw Salomon standing in front of the howling crimson storm with his shield up, and countless small, sharp crimson blades scraping against the shield made harsh noises, but these sounds were covered by the roaring and loud wind, and they couldn't be heard unless they got close.

Above the storm, seven tentacles of dark, oily substance stretched toward the sky. Thor noticed with sharp eyes that a Midgard fighter jet was poked by the pitch-black substance, a ball of sparks exploded in the air, and the wreckage of the plane was also swept in by the storm. "Can you do that one more time?" he bellowed, trying to drown out the roar of the storm. "That's the one! Your one in New York!"

"No!" Salomon also yelled back, so that Sol could understand that he could not release the holy sword now. This is not because the holy sword cannot be unsealed, but because the holy sword is too powerful. Salomon, who has experienced two life-and-death fights, now has no strength to support the consumption of the holy sword. The light cannon is indeed easy to use, but not everyone can afford it. And Malekith was on the same parallel line as them. If Salomon slipped his hand, the number of people affected would probably be more than that. "There are only things that are not that powerful!" Salomon roared in the simplest and most direct way that Sol could quickly understand, "Like today's one!"

"Very good! Then you have spotted it!" Thor squinted his eyes and held Thor's Hammer high. The dark clouds in the sky quickly gathered, and a larger-scale storm was brewing over London. The leaden gray clouds swirled rapidly, Thor swung his hammer down, and a violent thunderbolt descended. Immediately afterwards, the missile that was involved in the ether storm was slashed, and the huge current and flame blasted the ether storm. At the center of the etheric storm, the now inhuman Malekith laughed wildly, his pale face distorted, and his body turned into crimson crystalline dust. But he didn't care at all, the liquid ether flowed around him like a living thing. Every second, Malekith and the souls and lives swallowed by the ether in the past are being transformed into the original darkness of the universe. The silver key that Salomon stuffed into the armor is constantly vibrating, as if he has found something interesting.

"What are you waiting for!" Thor shouted angrily. The ether particles are about to wrap Malekith again, and the offensive opportunities he created for Salomon are about to disappear. But the mystic slowly put down his shield and the holy sword, and his helmet was completely retracted into the breastplate and carapace, exposing his neck that hadn't seen the air today.

"This is the earth, Sol, this is not what Asgard says, those people are the subjects of the Supreme Mage, not yours." He glared at the Prince of Asgard, pulled the string around his neck, and pulled the silver key out of the armor. The moment the silver key was exposed, all the primordial dark matter reaching out to other worlds stopped. These behemoths crawled out of the portal as if they had life, exited the other kingdoms, and impatiently stretched out their tentacles towards Salomon before the ether storm.

In an instant, the whole of London was shrouded in darkness, all sunlight was swallowed up, and all joy and joy were covered by that huge black living creature. The cold descended on London in the blink of an eye, and the Thames froze between breaths. Salomon held up the silver key in his hand, and he uttered a blasphemous mantra taught by Randolph Carter. He tried to maintain his sanity, and summoned the original darkness that favored him from other worlds to descend on him.

This is a risky move. Salomon must control the visitors from other universes, otherwise the expert in dealing with darkness will cause greater casualties.

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