Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 357 The End of Darkness (Second Update 298/1000 votes)

Chapter 357 The End of Darkness (Second Update 2981000 Votes)

A slender figure with a tattered black cloak who couldn't see his face appeared behind Salomon. This is Charon, the Ferryman of the River Styx in another world. He is the incarnation of the foamy silt of the primordial entrenched at the source of eternal chaos. He is part of the will of thousands of sparkling iridescent bubbles. He is the phantom messenger of the Lord of the most distant abyss beyond time and space.

When Salomon summoned him, that cold and crazy will also descended on him. He lost all the sights in front of him, and the huge stone door standing in the eternal chaos appeared in front of him. The thin silver curtain covering the scene behind the door quietly lifted a corner as if blown by the breeze, allowing Salomon to see behind the door a large group of ever-changing, flowing and breaking iridescent spheres floating in the abyss. tip of the iceberg.

He clutched the silver cross engraved with Arabic vines tightly in his hand.

Not now, he said. Great Lord of the Gate, now is not the time to go to the abyss.

Charon raised his frightfully thin, withered fingers, and the huge black living creatures cautiously stretched out their tentacles to touch his fingertips. Immediately afterwards, the night covering the entire London shrank sharply, a golden gleam leaked from the edge of the dark matter, and the dark matter poured into the phantom's cloak. Malekith saw this scene, and the dark matter that could have swallowed Uktra Hill was tame with others like a puppy, which Malekith could not bear. But no matter how he wailed or ordered, he couldn't resist the out-of-control ether particles and the original dark matter. The ether particles still followed Malekith's original wishes, crushing his life and soul to create more original dark matter.

The power of the Infinity Stones is indeed infinite, but the person using the Infinity Stones is not. Greedy ether particles are constantly absorbing everything that can be absorbed to transform themselves, and those transformed products, the original darkness, are constantly being absorbed by the ultimate abyss of the universe, returning to the place where it should have existed.

Everyone present could feel the coldness and madness of the Styx Ferryman, but only Loki and the Queen Frigga and the Supreme Mage who were watching all this through the water mirror could understand what was behind the tattered black cloak. There is no body under the cloak, it is a combination of pure terror and black magic, the more people who understand the world, the more they can feel this madness, but only those who are determined enough can not be affected by the madness.

Even though Saul didn't know what it was, his instinct told him not to bother Salomon.

Salomon raised his hand subconsciously, and a silver flaming arrow shot out from his hand. This spell was cast by the gatekeeper who was also the key to the door. He agreed to Salomon's request, exercised his all-knowing, all-seeing, and omnipotent, and gave Salomon this magic that could not be cast in the main material plane.

The silver burning arrows easily penetrated the curtain formed by ether particles, and landed on Malekith. While the silver flame destroyed Malekith's body, it also forcibly pulled out his few remaining souls from the ether particles. These primordial dark matter and the soul of Malekith were a deal between Salomon and the Lord of the Gates, and the generous and omniscient God also gave him some things. But at the same time, Salomon also paid the price in accordance with the principle of equivalent exchange—under the armor, the back of the hand he raised left forever the mark of Yog-Sothoth.

It's a gift and a curse.

Just like the stigmata, he must do his best to maintain his only humanity, and he began to recall everything he had experienced in this world since he could remember. That is what he left in this world, to remind him who he is, like the anchor that drags the ship on the endless crazy ocean, dragging him not to get lost in the vast multiverse.

At this moment, the stigmata seemed to fix Salomon's concept on the main material plane, and the ten stigmata redefined his existence.

"You know this!" Tianhou asked loudly, pointing at the water mirror, "You let your disciples touch those things? Don't try to fool me. I'm a witch, the most powerful witch in Asgard. This is not the power of Visander or the Octessence alliance (an alliance of many demon gods from outer dimensions, and Visander is the boss). This is much more dangerous! I know those extradimension things, and this one-eyed alien is a source. We agreed that Asgard is in charge of the main material plane. , Karma Taj defends the outer dimension, your disciple is doing a very dangerous thing."

"I trust my disciples as much as I trust myself." The Supreme Mage said calmly, "This extra-dimensional existence was contacted by Salomon when he solved a time-travel incident, and Salomon reached a deal with that demon god. It should be said that the demon god was waiting for him. We will follow the agreement between Karma Taj and Asgard and continue to guard the main material plane."

"Will Salomon be the next Supreme Sorcerer?"

"No, he belongs to me, to human beings, not Weishandi."

Malekith wailed through the water mirror, and a deep black sphere wrapped his soul flew into the other hand of the Styx ferryman. All the distant dark matter disappeared, and Salomon saw the scene in front of him clearly again. When the faint light from the sky fell through the thick clouds, the terrifying phantom behind him disappeared in an instant, and there was nothing left here except the combatants and a large pile of ruins.

And the ether particles that lost their controller are floating in the air, slowly extending out small crimson tentacles.

"What is that?" Thor asked with lingering fear, "Is that your magic?"

"Barely." Salomon opened his eyes, and the deep darkness gradually faded away. He took back the gauntlet, looked at the black magic-smelling imprint on the back of his hand, and then put the silver key back in. He didn't want anyone to see the silver key, it was too dangerous, and any knowledge deciphered from the silver key was very dangerous. "It's time for you to summon the warriors of Asgard," he said, "to rest, and then call Heimdall back to Asgard. Someone here will be finishing the work soon, and we will only get in the way here."

"Hey, Coulson." Salomon borrowed Daxi's mobile phone and dialed, "Is there any food on the plane?"

"Of course. By the way, can you tell me what happened next?"

"Of course... no, my friend. As much as I like Nick Fury's ignorant little game, you've already had a magical accident, and I don't want you to die again."

I can't do anything about the late update QAQ

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