Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 358 Alchemy Research (Part 1)

This was a tragic battle, and more than half of the hundred soldiers sent by Asgard to Earth were lost, but they did not feel sad because their record was very glorious. They not only wiped out the soldiers who came down from the Dark Elf flagship, ended the eternal hatred between the Asgardians and the Dark Elf, but also hunted and killed many beasts in other countries-this is another problem brought about by the intersection of celestial bodies. Many animals from other worlds have entered London, which needs to be dealt with by SHIELD and the British government. Some animals are dangerous, so even though the portals over London are gradually closing, the citizens' alarm cannot be lifted.

There are not many people with guns in London. If this matter were placed in the Clinton district of Manhattan, the residents would probably have used guns to fight alien animals. Of course, there will be more accidental casualties. Agent Coulson wanted to solve this problem as soon as possible, so he asked Thor and Salomon who were still on Earth for help while the food was being served.

Loki wanted to answer, but his brother stepped on his toes and couldn't take a step. Thor volunteered to accept the task, and the heroic warriors who were resting in the cargo hold had no objection. Resisting the monarch's orders is tantamount to treason, and they are not so stupid. And Thor will fight alongside them, as long as you are careful, the creatures of Jotunheim, Muspelheim, and Yalfheim are not very dangerous.

Of course, Agent Coulson originally wanted to open his mouth to make a request for the treatment of ether particles, but he shrank back under Salomon's cold gaze. Salomon already had a plan for how to deal with the ether particles. This was something he prepared when he was studying in the Asgard Asgard - four test tubes engraved with the seals of the four elements, using the power of the four element planes to divide the ether particles into four. Two copies are kept in Asgard, and two copies are kept in Midgard, which not only complies with the requirement of "infinity gems cannot be too close", but also perfectly solves the security problem of ether particles.

Storing things now can't be the same as in the past, just find a place where no one is around, set up a trap and bury it. Human beings are multiplying crazily on the earth like rabbits, who knows whether the place where ether particles are buried will be broken into by people hundreds of years later.

Karma Taj and the treasure house of Asgard are the safest places in the Nine Realms. It is better to store it in Karma Taj than to store it in the wilderness and then be found by some unknown expedition team members.

"We recruited several experts in London to help S.H.I.E.L.D. deal with this incident." Coulson was a little helpless.

In the past, the purpose of S.H.I.E.L.D. has always been to keep ordinary people away from supernatural events, but whether it is New York or this time, ordinary people can see aliens as long as they look up, and S.H.I.E.L.D. can only remedy the aftermath of supernatural events. For example, biochemical protection, culture shock, economic problems (house prices in London will drop) and other issues, Dr. Eric Shavig has also become a member of the expert team. Dr. Shavig, who does not like to wear trousers, is very conspicuous in front of a group of old experts in clothes and leather shoes.

There was one other person who also stood out because she was the youngest of the group of experts. She was wearing a black jacket and had long dark hair pulled into a ponytail. When Melinda picked them up on the Airbus, she was also at the back, walking with the experts from the culture group. It is said that this woman is the daughter of a friend of an archaeologist. She has just graduated from university and also has a knighthood.

However, Salomon still felt that this woman looked silly, because she was very curious about the shape and pattern of Salomon's armor as soon as she got on the air bus, especially the holy sword on Salomon's waist, which attracted her full attention.

"This is the Broken Steel Sword, right? I remember it was said so on TV." She pointed to the holy sword and asked suddenly. Immediately afterwards, her face turned red, and the unique bewilderment of young people was incompatible with those old guys in suits. "Sorry, I should have introduced myself." She said shyly, "Hello, my name is Lara Croft... Would you mind telling me your name? Or, are you King Arthur?"

"King Arthur actually has blond hair, and I'm still an apprentice knight in the Knights of the Round Table. Note that I've heard stories about King Arthur's hair color, not historical facts. Salomon Damonette, nice to meet you, Miss Crawford. If you don't mind, I still have things to do."

"Of course, of course."

Skye led the experts up the spiral staircase, and then she gave the mystic a disgusted look. "I really don't know what to do with your future." The newcomer to S.H.I.E.L.D. said in an old-fashioned tone, "Why don't you talk to her a little more? That girl is so interested in you, and she's a nobleman!"

"Me too." Salomon shrugged and continued to wait here. Sif, who had just woken up, was responsible for taking care of Loki, who was shackled again. Agent Melinda May could only take him, Sol, and several Asgardian veterans to hunt wild animals all over London.

"You know that's not what I'm talking about!" Skye jumped anxiously.

"Hmm~" Salomon decided to end the conversation seeing Agent Melinda May leading Saul over, "See you next time, Skye. I personally suggest that you practice marksmanship, you are probably the weakest one on this plane."


"I think that girl is pretty good." The supreme mage watched the excitement without hesitation. "As long as you show her the holy sword, I'm afraid she won't be able to leave you. You still have so many antiques there, and she is older than you. What are you not satisfied with? You are too serious, my dear disciple. I promise not to tell the witch about this."

"That's what you said last time." Salomon rolled his eyes, not taking what the Supreme Mage said seriously at all. This is a cabin in the Norwegian countryside, and he's here to deliver his ether particles. His self-assessed distribution method was approved by the father of the gods and the supreme mage, so after watching Sol and his party return to Asgard, he hurried to the supreme mage and put the ether particles in the hands of the supreme mage.

His Holiness highly appreciated Salomon's sealing spell. As Salomon guessed before, all infinity stones have self-awareness, and ether particles are no exception. Salomon's sealing spell effectively limits the power and consciousness of ether particles, and the crimson liquid surging in the test tube is weakened many times. The supreme mage gave one of the test tubes to his disciple.

"You can study this Philosopher's Stone." His Holiness said, "It can help you achieve achievements in alchemy, and I won't be surprised that you will have the achievements of Paracelsus one day. In addition, you can also use Paracelsus' short sword to assist in research, and your artificial man can also be upgraded a little bit. Of course, the premise of all this is that you have to go back to New York—" His Holiness took out the phone that Salomon put here, "—the witch has already called several times. I am not against it. You put a picture of your girlfriend on your desktop, but you are so unmanly."

Laura was born in 1992, and just graduated from college in 2013 to start her adventure.

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