Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 360 The Witch's Gift (Part 1)

The great All-Father was devouring the breakfast on the table. After a burst of eating behavior full of Asgardian style, the All-Father licked his fingers, leaned on the back of the chair and burped in satisfaction. However, before he could rest for a while, the door of the shelter was pushed open, and a young man in a gorgeous crimson robe led a large group of plainly dressed, equally young people to break in.

Then this group of aggressive guys was stopped by community volunteers. The young man in the lead showed an embarrassed smile, and after he glanced at the crowd, he locked on to the target. This young man was not some street thug trying to get some money from the shelter, and the clothes on him were worth a lot, and if the volunteers hadn't discovered this fact, they would have picked up shotguns to meet the group. After a while of negotiation and persuasion (additional enchantment spell persuasion and money negotiation), Salomon was finally able to lead the gang of apprentices to take away the father of the gods who had been washed clean by the volunteers.

"Where are you taking me?" The All-Father clutched the crumpled napkin tightly and refused to let go.

Although the All-Father's brain was blinded, the power did not disappear, and Kama Taj's mystics followed the All-Father carefully while keeping a proper distance, lest he smash them into pieces with his arms in a hurry. Only Salomon could get close to the father of the gods. He used a very gentle tone to persuade the father of the gods to go with him. At the same time, he also sent a message to the queen who was staying in the cabin to inform him of the current situation.

After dealing with these messy things, Salomon waved away the few owls in New York City and the large number of snakes living in the sewers. It was precisely because of the help they provided that Salomon was able to find the Father of the Gods so quickly—although "fast" meant searching for the whole night, but the result was good, and no one could criticize their actions, even those temple deacons who would come out of the gap in the dimension soon.

Salomon didn't want to follow up on the matter any more, and he returned home after sending the All-Father to Frigga. The next thing will be solved by the queen Frigga. Asgard has reached a deal with the supreme mage. Salomon only needs to follow it. He can also enjoy the short-term peace and the joy of going to college.

Athena gave him a car again.

"How can a college student not have his own car?" These were Athena's original words - Salomon originally thought that she would give an ordinary car as a gift, but he still forgot that the Olympus pantheon's deep-rooted preference for luxury in the genes can never get rid of it. Athena waved her hand seemingly casually, and an Aston Martin slowly drove out of her garage. The person sitting in the driver's seat was Little Lorna. Seeing her excited face, she was also very happy that she was able to carry out the illegal activity of driving without a license.

"Take little Lorna for a walk in New York." Athena threw the childcare work to Salomon. "By the way, get acquainted with the feel of this new car. You have to go to Oxford to rent a house with a bright future, remember to find one with a garage." The goddess of wisdom cleared her throat, and she said in a very proud tone, "In fact, I have found it! 215 pounds a week, with a private bathroom and an oven."

[Note: This is the real price, but there is no garage, and most international students will not rent this kind of house. 】

"I want to eat cookies!" Little Lorna also joined in the fun.

"As long as you are happy." Salomon rolled his eyes helplessly. As in the past, he will try his best to satisfy Athena's desire to control, but Athena, who is an adoptive mother, is not satisfied after making these demands. "Then you have to pick up your girlfriend in the car. Although I don't like her, I have to admit that ordinary people are not suitable for you." She said, "Your girlfriend has a gift for you."

"I have a present for you."

Bayonetta gently tugged Salomon by the collar and dragged him to the bedroom. This bedroom has the gorgeous decorations that witches always like, especially the four-poster bed hung with crimson silk curtains embroidered with gold thread, which has experienced hundreds of years of baptism, and its value is no less than a masterpiece handed down from generation to generation.

The light blocked by the crimson curtain made this place a dark and narrow space, and Salomon seemed to be held hostage and unable to move. He seemed to be able to feel the witch's breath, and the scent of Bayonetta's perfume filled every corner of the place.

"Just like what we used to do." The witch kissed the mystic's cheek, and her beautiful and strong legs made Salomon unable to move. The mystic's heart beat faster, his face was frighteningly red, he only felt that his mouth was extremely dry, his tongue seemed to be rubbed against sandpaper, he only felt that his lungs were about to burn.

"Really...really? But Joan..."

"Don't worry, your adoptive mother let her go." Bayonetta blinked playfully, "For the next five hours, we will be the only ones in this house. Boya, this is your coming of age ceremony. Oh, are you shy? Oh, it's so cute, my dear kitten~"

Like the Hanging Gardens towering over Babylon, the steaming water mist rises with the mist that falls from the sky and pours into the lake. The saint's tulle is embroidered with prayers and totems to worship the gods with gold thread, and the bright red silk casts translucent shadows on the earth with the afterglow of the setting sun refracted by the water mist. The strong bull was brought over by the slave, and under the tactful prayer of the saint, the sharp blade cut the bull's throat, blood spilled out, and smeared on the arm of the saint and the shadowed goddess.

The saint walked down the steps covered by the green shade, and dripped the blood in her hand on the foreheads of the believers. To be happy with the gods and share the glory with the gods, the saint is the incarnation of the gods. She holds up the banner of joy, her blushing cheeks reveal a divine light, and even the clouds in the sky are dyed orange. Her thick long hair hanging down like a dark cloud swayed slightly like the forest sea blown by the breeze, making a soft rustling sound. Her breath was as moist as the mist rising from the lake. When she spoke, even the ancient buildings made of stone and bricks could not block her voice.

She represents the goddess Biqisi, holding the palms of the believers tightly, melting all the joy and anger of Salomon into the lake, using all her emotions to draw a prayer in praise of Biqisi on the desolate land of Saba, accompanied by the singing and dancing of the three Yoruba goddesses. "Praise be to Sheba," she said. "Praise be to the goddess of pleasure and lust. Praise be to Bekiss, the mother of King Manelik I of Ethiopia, queen of spices and gold, who desires all of you, Solomon."

"This is really..." Salomon let out a sigh, and he couldn't speak anymore.


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