Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 361: The Backhand of the Father of the Gods (Second Change)

This was an arduous battle, and this was the first time he had set foot on such a harsh battlefield. His enemy is the physiological reaction caused by the friction of black stockings on the body, the pleasure that penetrates into the marrow and the slight pain caused by high heels, and the positive feedback that has been engraved in primate genes along with the steps of evolution since ancient times.

Salomon deeply understands the difficult choices in the evolution of mammals. The speed of reproduction represents the speed of occupying a limited living space. In order to retain the advantages on the road of evolution, human beings have to prolong the time of conceiving life. Everything in the world is exchanged at equal value, and this difficult choice also makes human beings stand at the top of the earth's food chain.

Every sigh of his is a sword swing at the enemy of this battle, and every powerful beating of his heart declares that he has never surrendered. The witch's cry also swore the beginning of the counterattack, but the caster uttered the spell, and the extreme pleasure messed up the witch's brain, announcing her defeat under Salomon's magic.

The Cheshire cat licked its paw disdainfully. Isn't it just to create a kitten? Why are humans so happy? Its kittens were the legion that ruled the building, and every female cat here belonged to it, but it never showed it off.

After this incident was discovered, its balls disappeared. Thinking of this, the Cheshire Cat howled.

The android in maid outfit tilted her head incomprehensibly, she couldn't understand what her master was doing at all. Is this some sacred human ritual? Did her master also give her the ability to perform such rituals when she was created?

The mystic and the witch lay exhausted in the bathtub, and the witch sat on Salomon's body. The warm water covered the witch's waist, and she let out a sigh of satisfaction. This battle took a very long time, and Salomon used many related spells to make this battle a perfect result. "You are a man now, Boya." The witch said with a light smile, "Don't steal it from now on, such as female spies, archaeologists..."

"I promise this has never happened." Salomon swore. Immediately afterwards, the witch's kiss fell, and the slender palm moved restlessly again. The mystic felt himself once again entering an incomparable paradise. That is the great Eden, the paradise on earth, where all peace is. That is the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the ultimate beauty, and all the good things in it. He longed for the Witch as the Witch wanted her.

"We should change to a bigger bathtub," she said, "at least two people can lie in it."

"Of course, I will buy it tomorrow!" Salomon said solemnly, "I will learn how to decorate tomorrow."


"Your performance is very good." Satisfied, Athena placed the baked lasagne in front of Salomon, and the hot cheese exuded an attractive aroma. But Salomon didn't show the appetite he should have. With a pale face, he reluctantly picked up the knife and fork with the help of little Lorna's disgusting eyes. In terms of his physique, this kind of situation is unlikely to happen, but his opponent is the Umbrella Witch, the most terrifying woman in the world, so the pain in his waist and the weakness of his legs are already very mild.

"This is the only way for men." Athena squeezed the muscles on Salomon's arm, "There is no need to feel shy. Look at those ancient Greek sculptures, your muscles are not worse than those on the sculptures. The muscles I want you to exercise over the years are very attractive to women, and such things will happen in the future. Little Lorna, don't you think so?"

"Brother Salomon doesn't wear sunglasses, a hooded sweater, or a basketball uniform. How could a woman fall in love with him?"

"The art course I want you to take is to prevent your aesthetics from being assimilated by street culture. Look at your current appearance, baggy clothes, sunglasses and gold chains, you kid..."

Salomon picked up the cup dully and took a sip of hot tea. He listened to nothing. On the contrary, the pleasant memories brought by the witch have lasted until now, and he wants to do it again. It wasn't until the sound of the car keys colliding in front of him that he recovered from the pleasant memories. Athena immediately noticed something was wrong with him.

"Maybe I shouldn't let you come here so soon." She said with a smile, "There is an exhibition today, maybe I can invite Joan to visit with me?"

"Ah, no need." Salomon suddenly woke up. When Joan returned home, she keenly noticed the unusual smell and traces in the house. The cleaning work of the artificial man had not been completely completed, and Salomon had not climbed out of the bed in the bedroom. After a wild family comedy, Joan reluctantly tolerated Salomon sleeping in Bayonetta's bed at the expense of her sleeping in the middle - a bed that was big enough for three of them, as long as the bullet holes in the sheets were repaired.

He can do this job.

"I don't think Joan will be so easy to be fooled." He stuffed a piece of lasagna into his mouth and chewed casually. "Now Beunita will go wherever she goes, and she will stay with her every step, just like a kitten."

"Your performance is very good." The supreme mage watched Salomon drink the carefully prepared herbal soup. Every time he took a sip, his complexion became a little more rosy, and his muscle soreness gradually eased. "You should have done this a long time ago." The venerable said with satisfaction, "In the past, you would have been followed by two snotty brats. You have a sword, a lance, armor, and a horse. Even if you lose other things, with your ability to lead heavy cavalry, you will not be short of women."

His Holiness gave a big speech on the past noble life habits, saying things such as "You can at least sleep on the bed of a countess, and you can escape when their husbands break in" and "You can at least open the windows of three unmarried noble girls without being noticed by the maid", which made Salomon full of worries about the noble life before the Middle Ages. The Supreme Master also believed that even in the past, Salomon could become a member of the Knights of the Round Table by virtue of his own ability, and maybe Morgan Le Fay would personally recruit him.

"You should go see the father of the gods in a while." As soon as the topic changed, the supreme mage mentioned Odin who had just been thrown to the earth. After Salomon expressed concern about the mental state of the All-Father, His Holiness immediately made his disdainful remarks. "The father of the gods didn't mean to blame Karma Taj. After all, it was Loki's fault. He also didn't plan to contact Thor. With Loki's ability and Heimdall's supervision, Loki can't do anything to overthrow Asgard. He just wants the throne. According to information, Loki is enjoying himself now."

"What about Gungnir? I remember the All-Father didn't bring that gun with him when he came to Earth."

"Do you think it's possible? Where is Odin, where is Gungnir."

"In other words, the real power in Asgard is still in the hands of the father of the gods?" Salomon drank the last herbal soup in the cup, and then quickly stuffed a piece of fudge into his mouth to relieve the bitter taste in his mouth. He said, "The All-Father still plays Loki like a monkey, doesn't he?"

"You are right in saying that." The Venerable nodded. "Don't think that a god-king will be so stupid that he will not hold back. Even I can't guess what Odin is going to do next. Someone will come here to give him every order Loki issued. You will know when you go to Finland. Now the father of the gods is still handling official business."

"Poor Loki." Salomon stuffed himself with a piece of jelly again, and stood up unsteadily.

Although I am on leave, today's second chapter still has to be published.

So conscientious, why don't you vote quickly?

Group number: 1044867564 City of Laws

Answer: Yennefer is number one in the world

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