Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 364 Anchors (Part 1)

Salomon dared to pat his chest to assure that he had no interest in Hela at all. Even if he drank all the spirits in the small jug, became dizzy and unconscious, and was licked all over his face by those two silly, furry wolves, he would not change his mind.

Although Hela and the Witch seem to have similar personalities, their motives for behavior are very different—witches have no such thing as desire for power, while Hela is a pure power creature. Odin's education led Hela to understand the deepest logic of power, so she chose to use the simplest and rude way to absorb power, because this way is the one she is most familiar with. She believes that as long as she has a sword and soldiers in her hand, she can conquer the entire universe, and she believes in it.

Until now, Hela still thinks that the people of Asgard still remember her as the eldest daughter of Odin and the heir to the throne. Her achievements are still being praised by bards, and everyone is looking forward to her coming to save this extremely weak Asgard.

However, it is impossible for Odin to leave this loophole. A large-scale brainwashing, a mission of knowing death, and a cover-up called decoration, Odin completely erased Hela's name from Asgard, paving the way for Thor.

There are too many cold-blooded acts among them, and the insider even doubts whether Odin's blood is as cold as the ice and snow on the top of the snow-capped mountain. But if Salomon put himself in Odin's place, he thought he would do the same.

This is the same idea that many founding monarchs purged their heroes. Their existence removed the sanctity and authority of the rulers, and they did not think that the rulers were inherently rulers. They believe that the monarch has his own power sitting on the throne, so they often use this to interfere in politics and even launch rebellion.

Purging these people is something a king has to do, and Odin has done the same.

This is the authority of the Great God. Hela was not the first to be purged. Before that, Bauer's courtiers also died under Odin's spear. Since then, the golden throne has cast the darkest shadow in the Nine Realms. Odin sits on it, which means that terror and power are spreading in the Nine Realms. Wherever his voice reaches, there is war, and where his spear reaches is covered with the blood of warriors and enemies. Death and war are his names. His every move interprets the meaning of kingship and bones under the throne. Every step of his is soaked in the blood of all living beings. Since then, no one in the Nine Realms has bowed to him.

It was also the period when Asgard's military achievements were the most prominent. Asgard not only conquered the Nine Realms, but also extended the authority of the Asir Protoss to several galaxies outside the Nine Realms. Countless cosmic empires had to temporarily avoid the edge. Although after that, Odin added the title of poetry and wisdom to himself, but anyone who dares to challenge authority will experience the most terrifying side of Odin.

It's just that this terrifying black shadow is now no different from an ordinary one-eyed old man.

While filling Salomon with wine, he talked about his plan for Hela. Now that it was a certainty for Hela to leave the cage, Odin would naturally be ready for the next thing. These include asking Salomon to appease Hela and stop Hela from going to Asgard until Thor ascends the throne; if this plan fails, Odin also intends to let Salomon follow Hela to Asgard, sit on the throne together, control Hela's behavior, and lead the war to the enemy brought by fate, etc.

But he babbled a lot, but Salomon just stuffed the alcohol into his stomach and didn't listen to a word. Or he listened to it, so he poured wine into his mouth to find an excuse to avoid answering - he couldn't agree to this kind of thing casually, otherwise the responsibility would be too great, and pretending to be stupid is the easiest way to avoid it, just like what he is doing now.

The return of Queen Frigg saved Salomon. She knew what was going on when she saw the small wine pot in the hands of the mystic and his flushed face. Speaking of court battles, Queen Frigg was much better at it than Odin. The Queen gave the All-Father two supercilious glances, she confiscated the magic jug, and then brought the suddenly sober Salomon and two drooling gray giant wolves into the cabin, leaving the cursing Odin outside to enjoy the cold wind in northern Europe.

"Bah! Little bastard! The little fox taught by the old fox." Odin spat on the ground. He originally wanted Salomon to go to Asgard to meet Saga, the goddess of history, offer honey wine to the goddess, and listen to the goddess of history tell the legend. This is what the kings of Asgard do every day. The goddess of history, Sakya, is the guarantee of the inheritance of the Asa gods. Being able to listen to the stories told by the goddess Sakya means to be at the top of the power of the Asa gods.

Perhaps Salomon had already guessed what Odin was thinking, so he first pretended to be drunk, and he regained his sobriety when Frigga arrived the day after.

However, Odin is not worried that Salomon will not act according to the plan. For an existence at his level, death is just a state. As long as he is a good follower of resurrection, he can survive forever. Even without resurrection, he can make the plan go ahead according to his ideas. Even if Salomon fails, he can guarantee that Sol will get what he deserves - Thor is the most talented person in the Asa Protoss, and Odin firmly believes that with his help, Sol will definitely become the most powerful one, stronger than Hela.

The father of the gods hummed a little tune, stood up on a piece of green grass with a cane, and walked unsteadily towards the snow-capped mountains shrouded in dark clouds in the distance. He has reached an agreement with the Supreme Master, Salomon will become a qualified king, this is his guarantee.


Now is the real cohabitation! Salomon, who was lying on the bed, opened his eyes and thought.

Cohabitation means being in a bed, not a couch, it's a commonplace truth. He and the witch have passed the cohabitation period long ago, and their living habits have already been synchronized. It is reasonable to combine after cohabitation, and no one can stop it.

He grabbed the fat cat lying between him and Bayonetta and threw it aside, then squirmed towards the witch.

"Come here, my kitten."

Bayonetta woke up with a smile, and she hugged Salomon. Just like in the past, she hugged him tightly, as if he was still the child who would fall off the bed if he was not careful. Salomon thinks that he is so obsessed with Beunita for no reason. The warmth he feels in Beunita is something that Athena cannot give him. The never-ending desire for this kind of warmth is the anchor to fix his humanity. Everything here makes him feel satisfied, whether it is the fine dust suspended in the air or the sunlight creeping in through the curtains, they are all interpreting his desire for life.

He obediently pressed close to the witch's body, felt the scent of Beunita's perfume and body temperature, closed his eyes again, and let the witch play with his newly grown black hair.

Joan has been sent away, she slept on the sofa yesterday.

"Boya, if you don't go home once a day after going to college, I'll go and blow up your college!" Bayonetta whispered in his ear enough to constitute criminal evidence. But Salomon still didn't open his eyes, but moved closer to the witch. This made the witch laugh happily.

Ask for a ticket!

After this chapter was released, it was delayed until now, and I cried.

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