Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 365 Genetic research (Second update! Ask for votes!)

He has already told Bayoneta about Hella and Odin's plans. It takes a lot of courage to do so, and Salomon is not one for lack of courage.

Although he couldn't help shaking twice when he told the witch, even the Cheshire cat squatting on his knee could feel his uneasiness, but even so, no one could deny Salomon's courage.

Fortunately, Bayonetta was very understanding and she was very happy to hear that Salomon had rejected it.

She said that if Salomon said this sentence for a while, there would be a few bullet holes in him. Only Joan was still asking Salomon where the Hella was—she was going to kill the woman so that their family life would not be disturbed.

Although Joan still objected to Beunita sleeping with Salomon, it didn't mean she was happy to see this family relationship destroyed.

Facing Beunita's thanks, she reluctantly accepted. Of course, she still refused to admit that she was for this family. She also shouted standard lines like "This is not for you, this is for Theresa" to Salomon.

The artificial man didn't quite understand the meaning of this kind of family comedy, but Salomon still took advantage of it to climb onto Beunita's bed and performed the "sacred ceremony" in the eyes of the artificial man. She didn't know why her master had to perform the ceremony after the witch made a teasing joke, and she didn't understand why the sound-proof protection spell couldn't block the witch's cry, but she still wanted to ask her master to overhaul and maintain similar functions.

In fact, Salomon has already secured the alchemy module that can realize these functions. The alchemy skeleton is only to strengthen the physical strength of the artificial human. When creating the entire artificial human, Hormon Crus has all the functions that humans should have (except for giving birth).

It's just that Salomon didn't dare to tell her before confirming the character of the artificial man - he was worried that the metal from the abyss would affect the intellectual formation of the artificial man, causing troubles for the chaotic and evil artificial man. After all, the creation of Hormon Cruus had to divide one's own life, and the price of creating another one that would not cause trouble was too high.

But now with the Philosopher's Stone, Salomon can mass-produce Hormon Crus, and the artificial man has passed the test of time and is extremely reliable. He can safely hand over the artificial man maid army to Dana's leadership.

Not every artificial human has an alchemy skeleton, and the stability of abyssal metal has not been fully tested. Dinah is a special case as the first artificial human.

He decided to use some materials from the city of Sephiroth built by Oshutu purchased in Vandazar Fu, and mixed a small amount of abyss metal to reinforce the artificial legion.

Maya Hansen stared dumbfounded at a row of huge glass culture jars in front of her. Forged metal skeletons lay in the center. The recruited druids were engraving runes on the glass jars, while Salomon was busy on the table beside him with a test tube containing a dark red liquid. Maya Hansen had received Salomon's introductory education in alchemy, and she could see that Salomon was making liquid culture medium.

Her past education reminded her that this was magic and not science, which made her curiosity unstoppable.

"Hommon Crus needs to divide the life of the creator. This is the price of magic. Equivalent exchange has been the rule since ancient times." Salomon stuffed back the ether particles that were trying to climb out of the test tube. He shook the lighter red liquid in the other test tube. The product of the Queen of Stones, you drink a cup first, this cup can make you live to at least 200 years old. Don't even think about touching this crimson thing, it will kill you."

"You agreed to give me research materials, Salomon." Maya Hansen had to protest, "But you will bring me back some Asgardian blood samples and dark elf corpses!"

"Isn't there still a blood sample from Thor?"

"That's not enough!" Maya Hansen jumped up angrily. "You promised to give you blood samples! You said that the artificial human legion is your maid, and your combat legion doesn't need Extremis virus. I can only start researching from another aspect! I need your blood samples, saliva, hair and genetic factors for research!"

"Don't be too greedy, Miss Hansen." Salomon handed her another test tube, which contained a few gray hairs. After his explanation, Maya Hansen knew what was inside.

This is the hair of Odin's two giant wolves, a creature with an extremely long lifespan. Salomon believes that this can satisfy Maya Hansen's desire for research.

"It's not enough, Salomon." She said, "If what you want is a very powerful transformation fighter, then you are the only gene provider besides Saul. I can add some characteristics you want during genetic transformation, but I can't do it now, and the people here don't support me to do so. Don't look at me like this. I'm a virologist and not a geneticist. I can create cells by inserting certain genes through retroviruses, but how to induce functional cells to return to pluripotent stem cells is not my specialty. In 2006, a Japanese scientist The iPSCs technology created by Shinya Yamanaka did it, and you can try to use this method."

"You mean, I chose the wrong university major?" The mystic frowned, and put down the red potion in his hand, "I think you can learn this knowledge on your own, and I believe it won't trouble you. The division of disciplines is not your fault, and you can overcome this obstacle...Okay, okay, don't point a gun at me, I guarantee that I will also learn genetics. But I want to remind you, Miss Hansen, that our research has stepped on the red line of ethics and morality. If we don't cross this line, we may gain nothing. But if you cross..."

"I know. If you want to try to transform embryos and create your own clone soldiers, I can be the egg provider, so you don't have to worry about ethical issues."

"No, what I mean is, so I hope you can let go of some concepts of human society and use a more daring way to experiment." Salomon said, "This is the world of magic. If I want to create certain tools, I will use a combination of magic and science to endow those tools with different characteristics, and then form an army based on those characteristics. But don't worry, I am still sure about the future. Humanity is not yet at the end of its rope. Only when human beings are in danger, those tools will be created. You can do theoretical work first. gone."

"Where does your confidence come from?"

"My magic and my sword." Salomon patted the scabbard hanging on his waist. "The long swords forged by Kabbah God's Path and Holy Terra are enough to deal with this terrifying universe. Soon, we will face the first test. Miss Hansen, when those artificial humans mature, I need you to help them order computer teaching materials - another big operation for us, an operation that allows us to obtain enough resources."

get off work!

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