Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 368: Myth or History? (First change! 384/1000 votes)

Chapter 368: Myth or History? (First change! 3841000 votes)

"So you're saying that there are supernatural forces in this world, and Sol is a god rather than an alien?" Laura Crawford seemed to accept this statement extremely well. She didn't take out the magazine noisyly, pointing at the nonsense printed on the coated paper to refute Salomon. Her excellent upbringing made her listen calmly, and she also knew that what Salomon said was much more credible than magazines and newspapers.

Although what Salomon said has nothing to do with her next itinerary, Lara Croft's innate curiosity will not let her miss any detail. One of the reasons why Salomon came to her was to fulfill his promise. He promised Lara Croft that he would answer her historical questions, but he was delayed last time because he had something to do and left in a hurry.

Lara Croft's questions are quite tricky, and the questions she asked several times stepped on the top-secret red line in the Karma Taj file. These issues include but are not limited to the origin of Asgard, whether the historical records about some famous wizards are true, etc. She also mentioned the details of the Salem Witch Trials, because she believes that modern history may leave more historical materials. In order to answer her question, Salomon could only condense some secrets and give a vague answer.

Predictably, Lara Croft wasn't too pleased with Salomon's vagueness, but Salomon wasn't lying, he just wasn't saying it. After some explanations and warnings from Salomon, Laura finally accepted his statement and gave up exploring some supernatural events.

Of course, Salomon didn't think his warning would work either. Even if Laura didn't go to Salem, she would be involved in all kinds of supernatural events, and Salomon always thought he might add a few extra classes. In addition, he didn't come to Lara Croft just to answer questions, he also wanted to get an invitation to an antique auction through the future archaeologist.

Bayonetta has always said that the family needs some cultural atmosphere, so Salomon plans to go to the auction house to buy some antiques to display at home, and there are far more antiques traded in London than in New York-Salomon has warned the Cheshire Cat that if it dares to knock over anything, it will be locked in a cage and starve for a few days. The Cheshire cat licked its paws disdainfully, and walked away cursing.

A few days have passed since the arrival of the dark elves. Although Kama Taj's mystics have returned to their headquarters from the gap between dimensions and the city of Sephiroth one after another, Salomon's work has not yet ended. Just like Laura Crawford, many people became interested in Nordic mythology after the arrival of the dark elves, and some people even proved their fanaticism with actions.

Not long ago, Coulson's team, which was sorting out the wreckage left by the dark elves' invasion, told Salomon about this, but the mystic always felt that Agent Coulson seemed relieved. It took them a lot of time to sort out the wreckage. Any alien items related to the dark elves and Asgard, ranging from the wreckage of a battleship to a bolt as small as a bolt, were all sealed in a S.H.I.E.L.D.

After Agent Coulson babbled, Salomon couldn't help but tease him. "It's nice to have a professional, right?" he said, "but I still don't get what you mean, Agent Coulson."

"According to Fitz's research, the spectral signature of that thing matches that of Thor's Hammer."

"You mean, that thing has the magical aura of rune magic, is that what you mean?"

"Maybe." Agent Coulson hesitated, he didn't understand what a magical aura was. Fitz, who was standing beside him, seemed to want to intervene. He was very interested in the spectral characteristics of classification magic. Perhaps this could help them identify what supernatural threats they were facing in future missions. Agent Coulson praised the idea, but felt that this sorting could be postponed to a later date.

"After a three-dimensional reconstruction scan, we successfully built a model of that thing." Fitz said, "It looks like a cane, with excellent craftsmanship and perfect carving. In addition, I completed the 3D model of that thing."

"Who knows, maybe this thing is Thor's nail...I mean, since Thor has a hammer, he must have a nail." Skye moved his face to the screen, which filled all the images Salomon could see. "I have a guess, but others don't agree. I think someone summoned this thing with magic."

"So we asked you and several Norse mythology experts." Agent Coulson said, "I want you to work with that expert to help us research this thing."

"Really, do you need me to open the door for you?" Salomon glanced at Laura Croft, who had a good chat with Professor Elliott Randolph. Before Agent Coulson could express his surprise, Salomon pushed open the door of the office and smiled at Agent Coulson standing outside. "I saw the news that Oslo was turned upside down." The mystic said, "So I brought an acquaintance of Professor Randolph over by the way. It was just a coincidence, I was still a guest in London at that time."

"Hello, Agent Coulson." Professor Elliott Randolph and Lara Croft stood up to greet the new guests. Coupled with the team brought by Agent Coulson, the originally fairly spacious office suddenly became a bit crowded. "Come in, I didn't expect there would be so many guests today." Professor Randolph said, "This is Laura Crawford, I think you all know him. This is Salomon Damonette. His purpose is the same as yours. We have all seen the news."

"In fact, we all know each other. Miss Laura Crawford is one of the experts who helped us identify alien objects after the Dark Elves invaded, and Mr. Salomon Damonette was also one of them." Agent Coulson helped Salomon cover up without changing his face. "If you are all here, it will be of great help to us."

Fitz put down his handbag and took out a half-length plastic 3D model. Professor Randolph and Laura Crawford approached immediately, only Salomon remained unmoved. He continued to stand there after a glance, as if his black suit was some kind of hard armor, holding him back.

"It's unbelievable." Professor Randolph took the model and looked at it carefully. "From the runes, this should be a part of the Berserker's staff. Let's take a look... This myth dates back to the late 12th century. It is about a powerful warrior from Asgard." Professor Randolph opened the book and turned the attention of others to the book. The book contained a full-page illustration of a man in armor standing on top of a mountain with a scepter in his hand.

"A soldier of the Berserker army."

"A soldier in the Berserker army?" Fitz asked a timely question.

"Yes, a mighty army," replied Professor Elliott Randolph. But then, Salomon, who didn't seem to have planned to speak, made a sound. "The berserker army is a legion composed of civilians." He said, "You may know how the nobles fought in the Middle Ages? The berserker army is the conscripts of the nobles. But it is slightly better than that on Earth, that is, Asgard's conscripts don't have to carry farm tools to the battlefield, and Asgard also distributes armor."

"Yes." Professor Elliott Randolph glanced at the smiling mystic. He originally thought that Salomon was just a young man who came here for fame, and he had met many such people. Since Saul's arrival, his major has become popular, and countless students have signed up for the class.

"I didn't expect you to know so much about Asgard." Professor Randolph said, "Your description of the berserker army is absolutely correct, and the analogy with medieval levies is also correct. Excuse me, where did you learn these things? I remember Miss Crawford saying that you have just been admitted to Oxford University... Or are you a 'Rhode Scholar'?" 】

"No, sir." Salomon's next words almost made Agent Coulson and Professor Randolph jump up, "I learned it when I was receiving court education from Queen Frigga."

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