Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 369 Salomon's Small Classroom (Second)

Professor Elliott Randolph almost jumped up. He felt that Salomon had figured out who he really was. As a member of the Berserker Legion, he would not have access to forces like Asgard, let alone the royal family of the Asa Protoss, which was an existence that ordinary people like him couldn't even talk about.

And there was another person who was shocked. Agent Coulson and his team were all surprised by what Salomon said. Agent Coulson knew how much Salomon attached importance to the protection of privacy, but now Salomon said it openly. He reacted immediately after being surprised, Salomon would not be aimless, and Salomon must have said this because he didn't need to cover up his relationship with Asgard here.

Agent Coulson took a quick glance at Lara Croft and Professor Elliott Randolph - who made Salomon think he didn't need to hide the secrets of magic and Asgard? The reasoning process is very simple. Since Salomon brought Laura Crawford, she must know something. But Professor Randolph is a stranger to Salomon. Even though he is an expert on Norse mythology, he doesn't know everything about Asgard. However, Salomon said those words in front of him, that is to say...

Agent Coulson recorded the doubts calmly.

If Salomon hadn't asked Professor Randolph to continue, he might have stood there forever. But even if he started to talk about the Berserker Legion again, his eyes couldn't stop drifting to Salomon's face, like a student who was afraid that he would be caught by his tutor and make a mistake in his thesis. Laura Crawford also felt very strange—Professor Elliot Randolph was a good friend of her father, Sir Richard Crawford, but she had never seen Professor Randolph like this. You know, when Professor Randolph drank up her father's wine cabinet, he still didn't change his face, the panic expression he never showed even after he was drunk.

She was confused by the scene, but the science team members standing behind Agent Coulson clarified the truth after a while of whispering. Although there is a gap between their guesses and the facts, they are not far away.

"A berserker has the strength of twenty warriors." Professor Randolph quickly regained his composure.

"That is to say, the person holding the cane will have power beyond human?" Agent Coulson handed over the 3D model to Salomon. He wanted the mystic to see if he could find a way to target the cane holder from this model.

"The warrior holding the staff will be in an uncontrollable rage. The Berserker's staff has a very powerful magic."

"Or a scientific property that we haven't discovered yet." Simmons preemptively expressed his opinion. Of course, such remarks are not popular in this office, at least not Salomon's. It is good to believe in science, but blindly believing in science is equivalent to losing the ability to think independently. Magic and science are two parallel lines. It is impossible to say who is stronger and who is weaker, but it is really too stupid to grasp science to explain everything.

So Salomon gave Simmons a contemptuous look. Agent Coulson turned his head and gestured for Salomon to explain.

"Just anger can't explain the changing strength of the human body. Human beings are very fragile. If there is no magic enhancement from the Berserker's cane, the excessive secretion of adrenaline will produce heart palpitations, headaches, pale complexion, tremors and other adverse reactions within a few minutes. He will die cleanly before you find the target, and there is no time for an ambulance to call."

Salomon's fingers brushed over several runes on the cane model, and several specially marked runes lit up on the plastic-printed cane model.

"See, (urisaz) represents energy, including excessive violence and sexual desire, which is the core functional rune of the Berserker's cane; (ī(h)waz) represents the yew tree, which symbolizes death or regeneration. The yew tree is green all the year round, so it never dies. In a deep sense, it represents continuity and persistence. It is this rune that endows the cane holder with a healthy body and prevents them from dying due to excessive adrenaline; The gift places the recipient in a kind of obligation to the giver, and the text next to the rune clarifies the berserker's obligation, which is to fight to the death for Asgard." Salomon said, "Therefore, we only need to cast the rune (īsaz) to relieve the wrath of the staff holder, because this rune represents the appeasement of anger."

"You know Rune very well, Mr. Damonette." Professor Randolph changed his address, "It seems that you have really received the education of Queen Frigga. Maybe you can tell us about the recent situation in Asgard."

"I did receive the education of Queen Frigg, but that was before the dark elves killed her." After Salomon said this, Professor Elliott Randolph's face suddenly turned pale, as if he had been hit hard by the death of Queen Frigg.

"It's impossible!" He couldn't help shouting, "Isn't Odin in Asgard?"

"No one knew that the dark elves would attack suddenly, sir." Salomon returned the cane model to Fitz, "But we still killed the king of the dark elves, Malekith, and avenged the queen Frigg. All the dark elves were killed, and their heads were brought back to Asgard."

Professor Elliott Randolph's eyes were wide open, and he couldn't say a word. He staggered towards the fireplace, picked up the whiskey bottle that was there, unscrewed it, and poured some wine into all the glasses except his own. He stuffed a cup into each hand. "For the kind Frigg." He breathed a long sigh of relief, and said in the heaviest tone, and then he didn't care what other people thought, and took a big gulp from the bottle.

"For the kindness of Frigg." Salomon also took a sip of kindness.

In Professor Elliott Randolph's next drunken lecture, he told the legend of the Berserker's descent to Earth, including the places where the Berserker hid the three staffs - those are the three poems, the first hiding place was in the Norway spruce, which has now been found.

"Okay, thank you for your help, Mr. Salomon Damonette, Professor Elliott Randolph." Coulson drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, and even Fitz and Simmons in the science group drank it with their eyes closed. "If you don't mind, I'd like to speak to you alone, Salomon," he said. "We need more of your help in this matter."


"What is the real identity of Professor Elliott Randolph? You don't have to rush to make excuses. The time you came to Spain was too coincidental. I think you seem to want me to know about it." Agent Coulson and Salomon were walking on the streets of Spain. The science team was a few steps behind. Agent Coulson didn't want them to hear the conversation between him and Salomon.

"In fact, this matter falls under the jurisdiction of Karma Taj." Salomon did not answer Agent Coulson's question directly. "Have you seen "The Man From Earth"? That movie is based on him. After all, he has never caused any trouble. As long as he abides by the rules, he can stay on Earth properly. All he has to do is to go through some formalities."

"The berserker in that story is actually him?" Agent Coulson deduced the correct answer all of a sudden, "Elliot Randolph stayed on Earth in the 12th century?"

"Hmm, but don't think about using Asgardian genes to transform super soldiers. Elliott Randolph's true identity must be concealed."

"I know what to do."

Ask for a ticket!

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