Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 372 The Arrogant Cheshire Cat (Part 1)

"I order you to open your stomach." The Cheshire cat squatted in front of the refrigerator and yelled loudly. It raised its head and kept muttering words that others could not understand.

"I order you to open your stomach, you lazy bastard." The Cheshire Cat could almost smell the half-opened can of cat food that the android had put in the refrigerator. The refrigerator is very shy, unlike the vinyl record player that keeps singing. No matter how much the Cheshire Cat urges this dead guy, it just won't open the door. But the Cheshire cat was not angry, because even if its owner came, he would have to use violence on the refrigerator to open its cold belly.

"If you don't open the door, I'm going to do the same thing as everyone else." The Cheshire Cat issued a final warning.

As a cat, it deeply understands the hardships of this family.

In recent nights, his owner and his mistress had been making loud noises while making pups, and those noises annoyed the other mistress. She also seemed to be in heat and needed a little human cub to lick her. The Cheshire cat can understand this kind of thinking. After all, before its eggs were lost, those female cats took the initiative to find them. Just leave a drop of urine outside, and the she-cats scratch the door in heat, as do her kittens—at least one emerald-striped cat around here.

But now no matter how long it urinates outside, no mother cat pays attention to it.

As a cat, it can appreciate the hard work of its owner.

The Cheshire Cat sighed with feigned maturity. It was originally just a free little spirit in Avalon, until one day, it was attracted by a magic, and then signed a contract in a daze, staying with its master forever. Its life is not too bad, it is quite satisfied with this noisy, crowded world with many delicious things at the same time, it even has its own servant—the Cheshire cat doesn’t know how the servant sees things with a blindfold, but she feeds me every day, so she must be my servant.

Except for the big bird on fire, the Cheshire cat could never catch its tail feathers, and the sounds of its master and mistress really disturbed its hunting. But it has not commented on the matter, because whether it hunts or not, its owner can always hunt cat food from the refrigerator. The Cheshire cat is convinced that this is an extremely difficult job, and the shy refrigerator is the biggest obstacle.

"I order you to open your belly." This time, the Cheshire Cat just whispered.

The night belongs to the cat, who will hop in the shadows in the corners of the room, seeking out enemies that will appear in cups, bowls, and everything. It bounces from couch to pillow, grabs sparkling sprites in the air and swallows them in one gulp. It would sing the long goblin poem from Avalon in the moonlight, even if it only remembered the beginning and the pollen it fell on its nose when it eavesdropped on the goblin lord singing.

The night belongs to the cat, who will sleep in his owner's arms when the sun is shining, enjoying the rustling of parchment and the pleasant touch of his owner. It would drowsily devour it, then forget whether it had eaten, and clamor for another. It will lie on everything that can generate heat, enjoying the warmth that cats should enjoy in this world, including magic.

why not? Isn't the cat the master of this world?

It remembers magic, the stuff that runs like electricity through its body and makes its hair stand on end. That kind of feeling is very special. Although the magic belongs to the owner, the Cheshire Cat feels that he should be able to do something to the refrigerator. "Magic!" it threatened loudly, "I will cast a spell on you if you don't open your stomach again."

The refrigerator didn't move at all, only a slight vibration from the refrigerator.

"Are you afraid?" The voice was very obvious to the Cheshire Cat, and it shouted happily. "If you are afraid, open your stomach! I want to eat canned food and cake! If you want to promise not to tell, I can give you some."

After a while, seeing that all the threats and lures had failed, the Cheshire Cat decided to try something else.


"Well, if you want to eat canned cat food, you can ask Dinah to bring it to you." Salomon frowned. He twisted the nape of the fat cat's neck and said, staring at the cat's wide-eyed innocent eyes. "Instead of digging out everything in the refrigerator like now."

The Cheshire cat howled twice, and its emotions were accurately conveyed to Salomon by the contract. But the mystic did not soften his heart. After finishing his ideological education with Lara Croft, he saw the Cheshire cat jumping up and down in the refrigerator as soon as he came home. He wouldn't be happy if his cat opened the refrigerator door.

This is a magic pet, not an ordinary cat, it is much smarter than ordinary cats!

After all, the cat, who already weighed over 15 pounds, seemed to have rummaged through everything stored in the freezer. Not only that, but the fat cat ate at least half of the cake, and it rolled in the cake—from the cream it tried to lick off its mouth and the piece of icing on the cat's ear that it tried its best to stick to its head, it should be very happy before Salomon came home.

Fortunately, this is a magical beast, not an ordinary cat, otherwise it should have been sent to the pet hospital after eating so much cake.

"What, Dinah is not at home, and Beunita took her out?" Salomon turned his head and looked around, only to realize that he was the only one at home. Asking the Cheshire Cat only said that Athena had a call (it answered it, and it meowed into the microphone, which Athena could understand), and then Beunita and Joan of Arc wore beautiful clothes and drove out with the android maid. The Cheshire cat said that he wanted to go too, but he declined the invitation in order to accompany the boring refrigerator.

"Don't be so smart about stealing food next time, stupid cat." The mystic gave up pursuing the troubles caused by this gluttonous fat cat, because no matter what, this stupid cat will not change, and the weight loss measures will only make it look for food everywhere. He summoned several invisible servants to clean up, tidy up the refrigerator, and threw the Cheshire cat into the sink to wash it up.

"Don't drink the bath water." This is Salomon's warning to the Cheshire cat. "No licking while bathing."

"Woo meow..."

After dealing with these things, he had time to see what news came from the radio wave chasing his ass around the world. The matter of Professor Randolph was settled, perhaps because of the constant crossing of time zones. Salomon can’t figure out how long it has passed for Agent Coulson, but he is still very happy that his rune stone can come in handy—Agent Coulson sent him a photo of a few people frozen in ice, and the Berserker canes in their hands can be vaguely seen.

Agent Coulson said that he can cooperate next time, and he has already helped Professor Randolph forge an identity, and he will start a new life. So Salomon sent Professor Randolph's current position to Coulson. As the alien contract with the highest level of secrecy, any contract owner can know the contractor's location. This is not a very powerful function. He is just stating a fact to Agent Coulson.

"Look!" he said, "I never leave an opening."

In another message, the artificial intelligence urged him to complete the alchemy body as soon as possible, and it asked Salomon to visit its executor.


Oh, and there is another piece of news that Athena took Beunita and Joan of Arc to the SPA, that is to say, Salomon was the only one in the family before dinner.

Ask for a ticket!

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