Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 373 Busy Mystic (Second)

Salomon wrung the dripping cat and wand onto the balcony, and the strong warm air from the wand dried the familiar's messy, wet short gray fur. When summer came, the Cheshire cat would shed hair just like ordinary cats, and Salomon had to cast a spell to clean all the hairballs from its body.

He still has a lot to do next.

He called Bayonetta, decided on the dishes for dinner tonight and invited Athena to enjoy the family dinner. There is a lot of prep work that goes into making the perfect dinner. Fortunately, there is magic that can save a lot of time in the production process and speed up the production of this Michelin-level dinner.

At least the witches are satisfied. The chicken breast stuffed with black truffle and liver pate is not bad at all. With the help of magic, all the seasonings have penetrated into the chicken very well. Athena was also very satisfied with Salomon's culinary magic. She felt that Salomon's newly invented spell filled the gap in life magic very well, but she also wanted some pickled olives and red wine to match the grilled chicken.

The social range of witches is not wide. Salomon plans to invite Maya Hansen and Samun Shaw to dinner at home next time. He believes that the two of them will definitely not refuse, and witches are also happy to see their mortal friends. However, no matter how perfect the dinner was, it could not prevent Joan from sleeping between him and Beunita. Only when Joan fell asleep, Beunita would wake up Salomon with a chuckle and do something they liked in the bathroom and on the sofa.

Salomon wanted to pay more attention to the research progress in the Immortal City before the start of school. He spent a lot of money on this secret organization, and the artificial human army and artificial intelligence servers were important expenses.

Now that the artificial human legion is slowly taking shape, the artificial intelligence server still needs to wait until he invites the woman named "Root" to install it. But there is not no good news here. Maya Hansen seems to have achieved some results, but when she babbled about the proper nouns to the mystic, Salomon automatically filtered out those words that [Language Proficiency] could not analyze.

It wasn't until Maya Hansen threw the research report in his face that he realized that he had been distracted.

He also went to the Kama Taj headquarters and met the mystics who had returned from the outer dimension battlefield.

Compared with before the release, the mental state of these mystics has obviously changed. After all, not all mystics are like Salomon. They have experienced missions at the beginning of learning magic, and many of them are using magic to kill enemies for the first time. Due to the deterrence of the Supreme Mage, not many extra-dimensional creatures with brains dare to run over.

If it weren't for the dimensional anomaly brought about by this celestial body convergence, these mystics might have to wait a long time before going to the battlefield. However, psychological counseling is a common thing. The old mystics of Karma Taj will soon adjust the mental state of these rookies to prevent them from degenerating due to psychological barriers. No matter which demon god or outer dimension, Karma Taj’s mystics are good subordinates. Naturally, the Supreme Mage cannot let those demon gods succeed.

So Kama Taj was shrouded in 10,000 protective spells, and all mystics who had experienced battles had to stay at the headquarters to receive talks.

Salomon is considered a celebrity in Karma Taj, there is no such thing as the kind of idiot in Xiaobaiwen who walks with his head up and gestures to everyone, and Salomon is not such a person. Although he is not as peaceful as the supreme mage, he is very friendly to every mystic mage, and everyone will greet him when they see him.

At least for the sake of teaching other mystics to make dimensional bags and distributing alchemy potions at will, everyone is very enthusiastic about him.

"Why are you here? I remember you were in the Hong Kong Temple when the Outer Dimensional War broke out." Salomon looked at Master Xiao Wang in surprise, "Do you want to come to the headquarters to eat something light?"

"No." Master Xiaowang said with a sad face, "I just accidentally got involved in the battle when I was delivering food. Look!" He rolled up his sleeves and showed Salomon the bandaged wound on his arm, "It was caught by a little devil. There are all kinds of creatures in the gap between dimensions. When I went, Seraphine and the devil were fighting together, and the devil was fighting with the devil again. The steam vipers of the Dread Temple, the ghosts of the Temple of Fear, all the extradimensional creatures that fell out of their own dimension clung together there."

"It sounds like a group of cats fighting." Salomon smiled teasingly, "It seems that you were caught by a cat."

"That's a little devil, not a cat. The little devil's tail is poisonous!" Master Xiao Wang complained bitterly, "So I have to accept the conversation. Hey, cooking with extra-dimensional creatures always feels a bit strange, and I always cook a pot of swill. What can I do, I have never tasted the taste of those extra-dimensional creatures."

"Do you still have those... do you still have those extra-dimensional biological dishes?"

"Yes, what's the matter?"

"I want to try it."


Salomon ran into Agent Coulson just as he was withdrawing the contract from Professor Randolph.

"I feel like you've been squatting here to guard me, Coulson." Salomon waved the parchment angrily, "This is my job, don't you want to interfere?"

"You know that's not the case." Agent Coulson was also helpless. Nick Fury knew the true identity of Professor Randolph, but in view of Salomon’s warning from Agent Coulson, the invasion of dark elves and the large amount of alien biological materials collected during this mission, he agreed not to study Professor Randolph for the time being, but Nick Fury wanted to talk about the contract Salomon gave to Professor Randolph—since Salomon would send contracts to Asgardians, it would not be impossible to send a few contracts to trustworthy Skrulls. Nick Fury really didn't dare to let the Skrulls replace him at work recently, he was worried that Salomon would break into the office and kill people.

The key word Nick Fury wanted Agent Coulson to convey was "trustworthy," but Salomon dismissed the word.

That's right, Agent Coulson knew about the Skrulls, and he had participated in missions about the Skrulls.

"Because we have an agreement with the Asgardians, we deal with the outer dimension, and Asgard deals with the main material plane. This is the contract signed by the first supreme mage Agamotto and the father of the gods, and it has exceeded tens of thousands of years." Salomon breathed a long sigh of relief, and he seemed to want to suppress his boredom.

"I don't want to explain the origin of the Skrulls to you, but you have to know that no matter what the Skrulls think, they are notorious parasites in the universe, and the earth is the best host for them. Humans have fought wars with Skrulls in the past, and won with difficulty."

The mystic said to the agent very seriously, "I don't want to repeat this process again, Agent Coulson, tell Nick Fury for me to give up his illusions, and be ready to shoot the Skrulls around him at any time. Nick Fury's trust is very valuable, but the word trust is worthless in Skrulls. They can never be trusted, this is common sense. Remind me, I'll teach that idiot a lesson."

Ask for a ticket!

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