Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 374 Responsibility (Part 1)

After Salomon furiously delivered a speech of his distrust of the Skrulls, his mood changed instantly, and the speed was so fast that Coulson, a senior agent, was surprised. But as far as Salomon himself is concerned, he doesn't think there is any good in continuing bad emotions. He is quite good at the emotion management skills taught by Karma Taj.

"I want to make a deal with Nick Fury." His tone was eerily calm, and Agent Coulson couldn't help but focus. "This is a secret transaction." Salomon narrowed his eyes illuminated by the sun, making it difficult to see his eyes clearly. "I understand the need for Nick Fury to ask the Skrulls for help in certain matters. He has many secrets that are shady, and even if he calls the Skrulls, I can't find out right away—to tell you the truth, I don't think it is necessary to put expensive divination spells on the Skrulls. people, unless it serves a good purpose in the future."

"What do you mean?" Agent Coulson was confused.

"I need death row." Salomon looked calm, but his words made Agent Coulson shiver in the hot Spanish streets. The stuffy suit couldn't stop the chill from the inside out. "Severe criminals, the kind who will be imprisoned for life or will go to the electric chair immediately." He said, "In my hands, those dregs will make contributions to human society that they did not make when they were alive. I believe that the S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau must have secretly imprisoned a lot of such people. I think it is easier to get those people from Nick Fury than to go to Guantanamo Bay myself."

"What are you going to do?" As soon as Coulson finished speaking, he felt that he had asked a stupid question. He didn't think Salomon would tell him the truth. The magician in front of him was a 100% practitioner of mysticism, and he would never reveal anything that could not be revealed.

Surprisingly, however, Salomon did not evade the question.

"Human experiment." He said a word that turned people's faces and stepped on the red line of ethics, but his appearance seemed more like he wanted to find someone to talk to. "You can think that I am conducting experiments that the US military has been conducting, but I am a step further than the US military. No, it is not a low-level stuff like super soldier serum, it is genetic modification, but I don't think that thing is human."

Salomon let out a long sigh.

"I know what you're worried about, Coulson, and I know what I'm doing." The mystic seemed a little depressed. "What I want to create are superhuman warriors. Their enemies are not humans or the political system on the earth, let alone any intelligence agencies and secret organizations, but all kinds of black magic creatures and extradimensional creatures. Just like what I have learned in the past, control my own strength and talent. These warriors are also my power. But just like I control my hatred, I will also control them—they will be brainwashed and instilled with hatred and alienation for extradimensional creatures. Loyalty to me. If all goes well, the enemies the first batch of fighters will face will be hell creatures, and they will die there, providing research data for subsequent transformations, and providing valuable experience for a perfect transformation plan. If they don’t die... I will clean them up myself.”

"Do you have any news?" Agent Coulson was taken aback by the sudden amount of information. Although he tried not to express any surprise, his eyes widened involuntarily, as if he was meeting Salomon for the first time. He felt that Salomon seemed to be a different person today. In the past, the Salomon he knew would never have said such things.

"I mean, if hell is going to war with heaven or something like that, or what we met in know, we have to keep ordinary people safe." Agent Coulson didn't doubt Salomon's ability, he knew that the mystic could always do something that others couldn't. Although he skipped the topic of Salomon's abnormal state and human experiments, he still wrote down what the mystic said today and all the expressions, and planned to report it to Nick Fury in full.

This is an important material for studying the psychological activities of Salomon.

It is very important to ensure that Salomon does not get out of control. It is enough to have a Bruce Banner who will get out of control. In case Salomon also lost control, Agent Coulson felt that only Thor could defeat him.

"No, this time is a private operation, an actual combat test. Since it is a private operation, I cannot ask the teacher for help. His Holiness has already handed over the Holy Sword and Holy Spear to me. If my teacher makes another move, it will be a public matter." It is the monarch's responsibility to wipe out the rebels, and this is his own business - if there is no order from Weishan Emperor, the venerable cannot provide help, even if Salomon is the venerable's disciple. The name of the Supreme Master seems to be glorious, but even the Venerable has his own difficulties, and he can no longer rely on the Venerable without knowing what is good or bad.

This is what Salomon didn't say, and he doesn't think Agent Coulson needs to know it.

Salomon raised his eyebrows, and he seemed to try his best to put on a relaxed and happy expression, "I'm going to kill the first Demon God Pillar who is spying on Satan's throne. Although I don't know if I can kill it, it definitely wants my life, so I have to fight back. Well, Agent Coulson, I've said enough, you should convey my words to Nick Fury. If we talk about this kind of thing in person, I'm afraid there will be another fight."

He'll regret not being here, Agent Coulson thought. Nick Fury would definitely take you to a therapist right away, without delay, and I would want to take you to a therapist right now if I could, because what you're about to do is going to give you nightmares every night.

I know the feeling, I'm a secret agent, and I've done things that pollute my soul. Agent Coulson opened his mouth, but finally did not spit out these words. He felt that he was not qualified to make decisions for Salomon, but he believed that Salomon still needed help, a certain degree of psychological counseling and training to ensure that he would not have a nervous breakdown because of what he was about to do.

Compared with him, there seems to be a more acceptable candidate for Salomon.

Of course, if Salomon knew what Agent Coulson was thinking, he might laugh out loud. He did have some psychological burdens, but he was ready to bear them as early as the age of thirteen, and he was carrying them so that his hands were stained with blood. He, Salomon Messiah Damonette Pendragon is not some adolescent boy who has just acquired superpowers and wants to show off, he has the consciousness to bear this power and the responsibility that comes with this power, and this is the price he must pay.

Agent Coulson changed the subject to something lighter.

"By the way." Coulson clapped his hands, "Are you interested in communicating with Fitz-Simmons? In fact, there is still a useless rune stone you left last time, and they have lost a lot of hair because of the working principle of that stone. It hasn't been long since the last mission, and they need to relax. If you don't mind, you can communicate with them. We have potato chips, board games, and the best video game console with Call of Duty downloaded. Fitz usually uses it. We also have you in our group Fan, Skye really, really likes your armor (Agent Coulson doesn't know if Skye likes it or not, but she has to by now), and you're sure to find something there to make your day."

Salomon frowned, he sensed something was wrong.

"Wait... how do you know I'm a Call of Duty player?"

Ask for a ticket!

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