Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 375 Rigorous scientific attitude (second more)

Now Salomon knew how strict S.H.I.E.L.D. was monitoring him. Judging from Agent Coulson's embarrassed expression, they must know a lot. However, he still did not agree to Agent Coulson's invitation. He thought that Coulson's team had their own business to do, and unless they encountered magical incidents, it would be better not to meet.

He asked Agent Coulson to convey his thoughts as soon as possible, and he wanted to make more preparations before going to college.

However, within a few days, Salomon, who was resting at home, received a mission notice from Karma Taj. This is just a small task, the aftermath of the celestial body confluence event, a small overlap between the outer dimension and the main material plane. Generally speaking, this also means that one or two less powerful extradimensional creatures have entered the earth. Normally, any temple deacon can complete this kind of task, but His Holiness asked Salomon to lead the team to perform it himself, because there are not many mystics who are free to reach out to solve such trivial matters.

But he was not alone, and Salomon was asked by the Supreme Master to take the freshly baked apprentices who had not been on the battlefield to solve this matter. Salomon didn't know what the Venerable's purpose in sending these apprentices was, but he believed that it was likely to prevent the fallen mystics from polluting the apprentices' minds before the review was completed, and to increase the practical experience of some rookies by the way.

No matter how good the training is, it cannot replace actual combat. This is an irrefutable truth. In order for Salomon to have the confidence to bring back those apprentices in their entirety, the Venerable also assigned an assistant to Salomon. Master Xiao Wang was caught out of the kitchen by the Venerable Master, and thrown into a group of newcomers who would be nervous when they chanted spells.

"Fodo Snake Soup is the worst thing I've ever eaten. Even the detoxification process can't get rid of the rotten smell of snake meat." Master Xiao Wang was still talking about his achievements in the past few days before opening the portal. On the battlefield of outer dimensions, Master Xiao Wang gained a lot, which gave him the opportunity to study the outer dimension recipes handed down by his family.

Those recipes have detailed descriptions of the edible parts of extradimensional creatures and the methods of detoxification and pickling that must be adopted—external dimensional creatures are generally poisonous, and humans cannot eat those creatures without undergoing these treatments. And after Master Xiao Wang's observation, he thinks that the creatures on the upper plane taste the best, and the creatures on the lower plane and some black magic planes have to be pickled and matured for a very long time before they can be eaten.

The most successful product of Mage Xiao Wang is the low-level demon jerky from the lower plane. According to Salomon's taste, these jerky from the lower plane have the effect of making people less prone to being burned by fire, which is the so-called "fire element resistance +1", and it lasts for about ten minutes. This is very powerful. Master Xiao Wang also gave Salomon some "kitchen scraps" such as demons and devil skins and claws to make magic items and paper. Salomon also accepted it with peace of mind and taught him a few spells.

Salomon glanced at the rookie mystics lined up behind him. Many of them were older than him, but their magical attainments were far behind his. Most of these people were guided to join Karma Taj from the outside. They were very nervous because they witnessed the mystics returning from the outer dimension battlefield. There is no battle without sacrifice. Even if some of them understand this truth, knowing and seeing it with their own eyes are two different things.

He opened the portal, and the warm sunlight burst in from the other side of the portal without hesitation.

Salomon, in his crimson sacral robes, could reassure the rookies. This is a fact. Salomon is known to everyone in a closed environment like Karma Taj. Not only is he the favorite disciple of the supreme mage, but his ability is also extremely outstanding. These apprentices have seen Salomon's skills on the training ground more than once. With him, those rookie mystics also know that someone has covered this mission.

"Recall how to use the magic flame shaping spell." Before passing through the portal, Salomon reminded the rookie mystics, "Vishandi's power is the sharpest blade for all demons in the lower planes. You must at least remember [Vishandi's Sacred Sword] or the [Magic Blade Pact] that I wrote down. Knowing which one is enough."

A group of people wearing Karma Taj costumes are not inconspicuous in this small town. The family members of a research institution in this small town gathered spontaneously. Almost every family has someone working in a research institution on the edge of the town. Given the confidentiality of the research project, strangers who appear in the town are generally questioned by the local police. However, today, no one paid any attention to the conspicuous Salomon and his party. Everyone was hurrying and talking in low voices.

This made the illusion prepared by Salomon come to nothing.

Before he could find anyone to ask, a plane roared overhead and flew into the sky. The sharp-eyed Salomon immediately recognized the model of the plane and the unit it belonged to. Further, although he did not see the passengers on the plane, he could know who the owner of the plane was.

Salomon couldn't help feeling a little discouraged. "Shit! We came a step late." He took out his cell phone and made a call. Before waiting for the call to connect, he said to the rookie mystics behind him, "SHIELD has come, but they can't solve this matter. We have to see what they left behind."


"Hello, Agent Coulson." Salomon's voice came from the stereo, "I saw you took off from Batesville."

"Hi, Salomon Damonette, I didn't know you were there too." Agent Coulson glanced at Melinda May beside him, as if asking for advice with his eyes. "I don't think this incident has much to do with magic," he said, "unless you think that telekinesis is also magic."

"I know who you took, Coulson." Salomon's tone was neither hasty nor slow, and he didn't mention what he said to Agent Coulson last time. "Hannah Hudgens, the people in this small town are very enthusiastic, they know everything about me, and I learned from them what happened. Well, although the universe is ridiculous and fucked, a particle accelerator explosion will not give people any unscientific superpowers. This event is related to the intersection of celestial bodies-remember the role of particle accelerators? Nuclear fusion reactions release a lot of energy after particle collisions, but because the newly formed particles are smaller than the original particles, the collapse occurs."


"I know what you're going to say, Fitz." Salomon interrupted Fitz, and he could imagine Fitz scratching his hair, "Although the energy of the particle accelerator here is not so high, but under certain circumstances—this particular situation refers to the intersection of celestial bodies, abnormal gravitational phenomena and portals not only appear in London, but small anomalies will appear all over the world—the particles here have gained far more than usual acceleration and more powerful energy, and a fleeting black hole was born, pulling things that do not belong to this world. come out."

"You mean, this matter has nothing to do with Hannah Hudgens?" Agent Coulson heard Salomon's implication, "Did you find anything?"

"Nothing, Coulson, we haven't found any more abnormalities here." Salomon sighed on the other end of the phone, "The explosion site of the particle accelerator is too dangerous, and the creatures I summoned haven't found anything more. If possible, can I trouble you to bring the plane back? Otherwise, we will be detained by the local police."

Ask for a ticket!

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