Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 377 There is always one truth! (Second update)

"Don't worry, you don't have the ability to hurt me yet." No one knew how much impact these words had on Hannah Hudgens. If the words had been spoken before her arrest, there is a good chance she would have been moved to tears. But here, in this unfamiliar environment, in front of this man in a red robe with a long knife slung around his waist, all the words could elicit were screams.

"Okay, okay, Agent Coulson, she gave it to you." Salomon took back another cup of ice cream, and stood aside to eat it. He was visibly annoyed at Hannah Hudgens' lack of cooperation, especially since the woman had humiliated him in front of his apprentices and gotten him a nasty glare from Agent Melinda May - so Salomon decided to keep the other cup of ice cream for himself, and Hannah Hudgens had no ice cream to eat.

Agent Coulson regretted not telling Salomon some questioning methods. People like Hannah Hudgens who wake up in unfamiliar surroundings are extremely nervous, and keeping a proper distance is a must. "Let Hannah Hudgens know we're not hiding" doesn't mean being able to use supernatural powers to hold a cup of ice cream in front of someone else! This is absolutely not allowed! This is ridiculous! Doesn't he worry about Hannah Hudgens' runaway power?

Maybe he really doesn't worry, magic is always unpredictable. But as an agent, he absolutely cannot use such a rough method.

"She has calmed down." Salomon waved his hand disdainfully. "Now you can ask her. Her mental condition is very bad and her consciousness is extremely weak. Enchanting spells can take effect at any time. If necessary, we will become her friends."

"Let me come, okay?" Agent Coulson put the pure water in his hand in front of Hannah Hudgens, and then he pushed two steps away to keep a certain distance from her. "I'm sorry to bring you here in this way." Agent Coulson said, "The situation was getting out of control at the time, and it was also for everyone's safety."

"Everyone's safe, well." Miss Hannah Hudgens fell silent. She is a kind person, if Salomon hadn't approached too abruptly, she wouldn't be so panicked. "Then just now..." she asked nervously, "The cup of ice cream just now..."

"That's my ability, it has nothing to do with you." Salomon, who was standing in the corner, said.

"That's good..." Miss Hannah Hudgens visibly relaxed, and she closed her eyes. "Lord, what have I done?"

"I assure you, Miss Hudgens, no one was hurt." Coulson slowly approached upon seeing this. Salomon noticed that Agent Melinda May's muscles were tensing, and as long as the situation was not right, she would rush over at the fastest speed to calm the source of all incidents.

"No matter where I go, things are going to go bad."

"Were you mad at those people when you were standing outside?" Agent Melinda May asked.

"Angry? No," said Miss Hannah Hudgens. "I know most of them. It's them who are angry. I understand. Good God, Frank's wife, the way she looks at me..."

"Frank Draco." Agent Coulson named one of the staff members who had been killed in the accident.

"They died because of me. I killed them." After Hannah Hudgens said this, she fell into extreme sadness again. Outside the interrogation room and prison cell, two members of the Fitz-Simmons scientific team were checking Hannah Hudgens' brain wave readings, but they failed to find any abnormal readings—unlike the readings displayed when Salomon cast the spell, Hannah Hudgens' brain wave readings were all within the average value.

Coulson's genial exterior helped. He did not choose to stand and ask, but sat on the ground like Hannah Hudgens, and leaned over—the table and chairs here were removed after Hannah Hudgens got on the plane, and Agent Coulson only put a cushion here—shortening the conversation distance would help open up the psychological defense line. Hannah Hudgens had not received professional training, and she began to talk about what happened in the past under the guidance of Agent Coulson.

"I've been getting reports from District 2 for weeks. Reports of loose coupling assembly bolts, and Tobias is... he's the technician there. We've swapped out parts, and we've been doing metal testing over and over again, and I seem to be going there every few days." Hannah Hudgens said with reddened eyes.

"Did you find the problem?"

"No." Miss Hudgens shook her head, "but obviously I missed something."

"My team is looking into what exactly happened, and what may have happened to you," Agent Coulson said.

"On me? What do you mean?"

Coulson knew that the next words might cause Hannah Hudgens to lose control of his emotions, so he glanced at Melinda May and Salomon. Melinda May nodded, but Salomon's attention seemed to be still on the strawberry ice cream. "We think the accident may have resulted in your teleportation ability."

"Just like him?" Hannah Hudgens looked at the mystic, "Is he like this too?"

Although people in the same situation would appropriately relieve Hannah Hudgens' pressure, Salomon obviously had no idea of ​​taking care of her emotions. He rolled Hannah Hudgens' eyes. "No, Miss Hudgens." He smacked his lips. "It's different."

"Do you think I did it? That police car, the gas station, do you think I did it?" Hannah Hudgens widened her eyes. Coulson's questioning and Salomon's denial made her obviously at a loss. Her red eyes might shed tears again at any moment.

"We're not sure. It might be hard to swallow, but these events all have one thing in common."

"That's me, but I didn't do any of that," Hannah Hudgens said nasally. She felt the tip of her nose and lips go numb from crying, but she still opened her mouth to defend herself. "It's not me," she repeated. "I wish it was me, and I might be able to find a way to stop it."

"But if it's not you, who is it?" Melinda May asked.

"You won't believe me..."

"Tell me." Melinda May also leaned over.

"God is punishing me, he abandoned me, he no longer protects me, that's why things turned out like this." Hannah Hudgens cried again, and it could be seen that what happened these days was a big blow to her.

"Protect you from being hurt by something?"

"The devil, sir," cried Hannah Hudgens.

"She's telling the truth, but since she doesn't have professional knowledge about creatures from the lower planes, what she said isn't accurate." Salomon stood up. He licked his lips and walked over to Hannah Hudgens. "Also, I want to point out another mistake of yours, Hannah Hudgens." He looked into the woman's wet, timid eyes, and placed his hand on the top of her head. Agent Coulson saw an unbelievable sight.

"God never forsaken you, Hannah Hudgens."

She saw a dazzling golden light falling from the sky, covering the back of Salomon's head, filling every corner with divine light. When that clean and slender hand reached out to her, she felt the warmth from the depths of her soul, and she couldn't wait to lean over it. "Your faith overcomes everything." She heard a gentle voice, "Sleep well."

Then, like the sound of a light switch, the golden light disappeared. Salomon stood holding an ice cream cup and licking his lips. Hannah Hudgens was fast asleep on his hand, looking more relaxed. "It's just a trick of light and shadow." Salomon said softly, "I put her to sleep and kept her from collapsing. Don't look at me like that. I'm also very considerate. Our focus should be on that 'demon'."

"What she said is true?"

"Of course! Otherwise, why am I here?"

Ask for a ticket!

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