Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 378 Tsundere is in the same line (Part 1)

"I thought you would severely refute her belief!" Master Xiao Wang said softly, without letting others hear.

"I just let her drown in her own stupidity." The embarrassment on Salomon's face flashed away, and then he said nonchalantly, "It doesn't matter, what matters is the extra-dimensional creatures that entangle her."

"You have made great progress, Salomon." Master Xiao Wang raised his eyebrows, he was not fooled by Salomon's reaction. Defeating the sharpness and resolving the disputes - this has always been the moral requirement of the supreme mage to his disciples. Only by gaining peace of mind can Salomon not be driven mad by the stigmata. Although on a certain level, Salomon was crazy from the beginning, but His Holiness was able to control this madness within limits.

Although Master Xiao Wang didn't know what Salomon experienced when the last incident happened, he still keenly discovered the progress of Salomon's thinking, and Salomon had some inner differences. It's just that he didn't dwell on this topic, lest the angry Salomon shake his fist at him.

"Hannah Huggins has a strong sulfur smell, which is basically determined to be caused by creatures from the lower planes." The conference hall of the S.H.I.E.L.D. Airbus is used to place holographic projection desktops, exchange information, and issue orders. Generally, the people who use this place are members of Coulson's team. But now, it is full of mystic apprentices from Karma Taj, and it is not S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who announce the information but Salomon.

"Sulphur, I don't smell it." As one of the people who had close contact with Miss Hannah Hudgens, Agent Coulson expressed doubts. Agents Melinda May and Grant Ward agreed, especially Fitz-Simmons of the science team, who found no trace of sulfide when they examined Hannah Hudgens.

"I don't smell it, but see it." Salomon pointed at the space between his eyebrows. "The smell of sulfur is just a metaphor."

"If aliens really appeared, then they would definitely not be able to pass through the explosion produced by the particle accelerator. The heat generated by the explosion is enough to instantly vaporize any organic matter..." Fitz's rebuttal was more reasonable, but his doubts were met with contempt by the mystics from Kama Taj.

"Not all extra-dimensional creatures are organisms." Master Xiao Wang said, "Some extra-dimensional creatures are outright spirit bodies. My family's secret method includes the secret method of cooking extra-dimensional spirit bodies. If you call the flat lower plane a planet..."

"What exactly is a spirit body? A ghost?" Fitz asked.

"Okay." Salomon clapped his hands and turned the attention of the apprentices back. Taking an apprentice is not an easy task, and basically every mystic who may succeed the Supreme Mage has to go through this process (and then die of old age before succeeding without exception). Modu has done it, Casilios has done it, and now Salomon has to do it too. "The lower plane is a collection of negative energies, and negative energies mean entropy increases. The question now is whether we are going to face a devil or a demon, but we can review the biological illustrations we learned before to judge. I hope you have not forgotten the weaknesses and resistances of those monsters."

Since ordinary people were present, Salomon added some scientific explanations so that they could understand them too. Compared with Modu and Casilios, Salomon was also a little more patient when teaching the apprentices. "In contrast, positive energy represents the reduction of entropy. Our magic is the best weapon to deal with the creatures of the lower planes. I ask two people to form a team, one to prepare protective spells and the other to prepare offensive spells, just like we usually practice. If one person forgets the spell, you have to help him and protect him until the others come."

"You mean, you want Hannah Hudgens to be the bait." Agent Coulson interrupted Salomon's order, "How do you know that thing won't hurt her?"

"We don't know if it's the devil or the devil, Coulson," Salomon said. "The motives are the same, but they act in very different ways. I think what happened to Hannah Hudgens is more like the work of the devil. The devil doesn't have the patience to slowly drive her crazy. But I have to say, the guy almost achieved his goal. Hannah Hudgens abandoned her faith. If this is the end of the matter, she is destined to be seduced and go to hell. If the guy finds us, he will know that." It’s all gone.”

Salomon turned his head and asked Master Xiao Wang to take two female apprentices to the interrogation room to protect Hannah Hudgens personally. If she needed to go to the toilet, the apprentices had to follow her. He ignored Fitz's nonsense about the electromagnetic barrier's ability to block, he didn't believe that thing would work.

Agent Coulson has no objection to Salomon's strength. He already knew that "professional matters should be left to professionals". Since Salomon said that this matter is related to extradimensional creatures, it is also feasible to ask Salomon to arrange protection measures. As an agent, he must remind Salomon when he misses some precautionary measures. After all, how to protect important targets is a professional course for secret agents, and he will not make concessions in this regard—and what’s more, he wants to observe more about the abilities of other mystics, and then report to Nick Fury.

He didn't know if every mystic was the same as Salomon, if so, then he would be in big trouble.

"Very good." Salomon glanced at Agent Coulson's face that always had a kind expression on it, "Just arrange it according to your method. In addition, I still need someone to take me around in this plane. I can't rule out that it is Hannah Hudgens who made the plane smell of the lower plane, but that guy may have followed her."

"You mean, that thing was on the plane?" Skye shuddered, and her interruption caught Melinda's eye again. She pursed her lips, looked at Fitz and Simmons, and wanted them to comment on this matter from a scientific point of view.

It doesn't have to be too professional, Skye thinks she doesn't understand, she just wants to hear something less scary.

The idea of ​​devils and demons hanging around on planes is scary enough. She originally thought that those magicians would refute, but none of them questioned Salomon's judgment—thanks to the magic that Salomon put into the Karma Taj library over the years and his magical attainments, no apprentice mystic would question his judgment—Skye felt that Salomon's clothing could reflect his status.

Among all the mystics, only Salomon wore the most conspicuous clothes. A dark red robe with shiny gem rings on his fingers, a huge silver key hanging on his chest, and a black belt inlaid with a copper buckle on his right arm. There are several small glass bottles on the belt loop, and the bottles are filled with powder of unknown composition.

Skye saw him bring out a vial of silvery powder and sprinkle a little on each of the wizards.

"Okay, Skye." Agent Coulson stopped the person who didn't want to do this at all. "Take Salomon for a walk on the plane."

"Very good, lest you suspect that I have done something wrong." Salomon had something in his words, but no one could understand what he meant so far. After arranging all the mystic apprentices to be arranged in every corner of the plane, Salomon followed Skye around unsteadily. There were only the sound of their footsteps in the quiet and dark passage, and Skye kept turning her head to look around, for fear that a scary guy would come out from the corner. She absolutely didn't want to see Salomon's face, because that semi-dark face seemed to have a penetrating and playful smile.

This made her a little angry again, she thought Salomon wanted to see her make a fool of herself.

"I don't want to come here, Skye." Salomon said to the nervous hacker, "Take me to the computer room and the control layer. When I first came here, I spent most of my time in the cargo hold."

"Is it the time when the dark elves invaded?"

"No, earlier than that, before Agent Coulson took over the plane." Salomon said to Skye's curious gaze, "During that mission, I had a small cooperation with Nick Fury and solved the conspiracy of the King of Hell."

"That sounds powerful." The female hacker rolled her eyes. She thought of something, and then puffed up her chest all of a sudden, and she didn't seem to be afraid anymore. "So, this is a small mission?"

"Of course, this is a matter that apprentices can solve, but you are one step ahead." Salomon blinked mischievously, "But bullets can't do it."

Ask for a ticket!

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