Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 379: The Familiar Plane Makes an Emergency Landing (Second Change)

"Can you help her?" Skye hastily moved the tablet in front of Salomon, looking at her, she seemed to want to force the content on the tablet into Salomon's eyes, "She is a very good person, I have read her profile. She will send birthday wishes to every friend of hers, including netizens who have never met. She also organizes youth projects in the church and saves dogs..."

"To tell you the truth, I don't like churches and dogs." Salomon sighed. Skye's thinking jumps really fast, and it's not easy to keep up with her.

"But didn't you comfort her too? You used those strange lights and magic to make her fall asleep." The female hacker felt that she had caught Salomon's handle, and she said triumphantly, "You actually like such a person, don't you?"

"Yes, I can't abandon the weak and ignorant human beings, because I am a human being, and I know the preciousness of this identity."

"Then you just need to take out your wand and wave it." Skye laughed. "If you can, you can show her after you catch the demon, and let her know that it's not her fault. She needs such comfort. To her, maybe you are an angel sent by God."

Salomon laughed disdainfully at this statement. While Salomon and Skye were touring the Airbus, Fitz-Simmons of the science team was spared no effort in checking the particle accelerator. They restored the state of the particle accelerator before the explosion through the scanning of a small drone, and checked this state to find out the real cause of the accident-the explosion occurred at the coupling component, that is to say, the report received by Hannah Huggins was true, and there was a real problem with the coupling component.

The news didn't go so well for Skye.

In the passage, Skye took a seat and sat down, then heaved a long sigh of relief. She took Salomon around and checked the unreachable areas brought by Salomon, but found nothing. "Are you sure there's really some devil on the plane?" The sore legs protested to the owner, and Skye turned the protest into a complaint to another person, "Maybe that guy who doesn't know if he exists was left on the ground. You know, it's time for Agent Ward to make sandwiches."

"I know that you S.H.I.E.L.D. don't care about things like hell and demons, but Kama Taj never misses. We know what happened in Batesville through the great Agamotto crystal ball, which means that something really came out of the lower plane."

"Fitz, you need to look at this." Simmons, who was checking the status of the coupling components on the holographic projection table, zoomed in on a part of the holographic projection. In this holographic projection, Simmons saw blood-red mountains and deserts, and a planet full of light spots. Simmons remembered what Salomon said - the particles in the accelerator were accelerated by abnormal gravity to a speed far exceeding the design limit, and a miniature black hole pulled things that did not belong to this world under the influence of the intersection of celestial bodies.

Perhaps the wizards were right.

"They're right, the explosion seems to have opened a hole leading to..."

"Hell!" A strange voice sounded behind Simmons, and she quickly turned around, only to find a strange man in overalls standing behind her. Before the wrench the man was holding hit her on the head, Simmons recalled a lesson taught at S.H.I.E.L.D. She threw herself to the side, but the wrench smashed the expensive projection screen of the holographic projection table, sending broken glass all over the floor.

Simmons' eyes widened as she gasped in panic and crawled back screaming, her heart beating wildly in shock. However, when she sat up again, she found that the strange man had disappeared. Agent Coulson and the two mystics broke in, and they reacted completely differently when they saw Simmons sitting on the ground—Agent Coulson immediately ran over to check the situation of the team members, while the two apprentices became more vigilant, and the magic in their hands was ready to go.

"Simmons, are you okay?" Coulson asked anxiously.

"Sir, it's true! It's true!" Simmons was a little incoherent. She only felt that her throat was like sandpaper, and she was still being pricked by needles. She suppressed the pain and swallowed, and decided to finish speaking in one breath. "Hannah doesn't have telekinesis!" she screamed. "There's another person on the plane!"

Salomon also broke in from outside the laboratory with Skye. He nodded at the apprentices, indicating that they were doing well. Be vigilant as soon as you discover a situation, and notify the temple deacon if you encounter a problem that cannot be resolved. There are no temple deacons here, and their only superior is Salomon, so they notified him immediately.

After a brief report from Agent Coulson and the apprentices, Salomon dispersed the gleaming magic from his hands.

"how does he look like?"

"I don't know, he just disappeared!" Simmons repeated with his eyes widened, "I didn't see anything clearly, he was a ghost!"

"This is good news. Our enemies are lower than the devil..." Before Salomon finished speaking, everyone felt the ground under their feet violently bumped. Even Salomon had to hold on to the holographic projection table to avoid falling, especially when Skye kept grabbing Simmons' arm when he said the word "ghost".

The overhead lights went out, and the emergency power came on suddenly, dyeing the laboratory a deep red. "The plane is out of power." Agent Coulson judged, "We are going to crash."

"Spiritual bodies are so troublesome. They don't care about collisions." Salomon spoke at this moment, and his voice was accurately conveyed to everyone's ears. "Everyone! Grab the fixed objects around you, and then cast a spell to reduce the falling damage, and at the same time prevent the enemy from sneaking. I will cast a spell on the plane, and the weight of the plane will be reduced by half. Well, I always feel that this scene is familiar. This is not the first time this plane has experienced this kind of thing."

"You better come here." Agent Coulson pointed to the row of folding seats in the cargo hold, "There are seat belts there."

Melinda May felt that this was the best news she had heard today. The reduced weight of the plane meant that she could make a smoother landing during an emergency landing. The failure of the vertical take-off and landing system and the fact that most of the emergency power was supplied to Hannah Hudgens' cage meant that even the flight systems couldn't stay powered for long.

With the help of Agent Grand Ward, she has found a landing location.

Suddenly, she felt the plane lift slightly upwards, and at least half the mass of the Airbus was gone. Melinda May abandoned her original dive stance in favor of a smoother landing.

"When the density of the plane remains the same, only the buoyancy has changed." Even in an emergency, Simmons still did not forget to analyze the working principle of Salomon's magic. "What your magic changes is the buoyancy of the plane. Something as big as it but without mass grabs the plane, so the weight of the plane is reduced by half..."

"Simmons, this is not the time to discuss this."

"Sorry, sir, I'm just curious."

"After the plane made an emergency landing, all the mystics got off the plane immediately and formed a ring around the plane." Salomon's order was given to each of the mystics, "I will force that guy out of the plane."

"He will definitely go to Hannah Hudgens, and his target is her." Coulson reminded, "But the cell has electromagnetic shielding, and he will find a way to force us out!"

"You're so kind, Agent Coulson, your reminder is really timely." Salomon didn't know whether to praise or said sarcastically, "If it is really a ghost, he will be wiped out by the apprentices before he can reach out after entering that cell."

Ask for a ticket!

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