Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 380 Coulson's Great Adventure in the Magic World (Part 1)

It is undoubtedly extremely difficult to describe the nature of the existence of spirit bodies with the current human science, and no instrument can detect the ghosts existing in the etheric plane. Without temperature, density, and mass, spiritual bodies cannot be accurately observed by any scientific means. And in some cases, these beings rise from the silent and deep lake of the ether, and affect the physical world in their own way.

The best way to face such an enemy is to dive into the misty ocean of the etheric plane, drive the spirit body to the coast where the material and the inner plane overlap, to the boundary of the ether, and then drive it to the material plane. But this is a very difficult job, because spirits can freely enter and exit between the two planes, while humans can only enter the etheric boundary through powerful spells. As for the deeper etheric plane, the spells needed to enter are more powerful.

It just so happened that Salomon followed the witch into and out of the etheric plane repeatedly during his initial mission in life, and he was quite experienced in this regard. He didn't think a spirit body could be stronger than those angels.

It's just that he didn't come to destroy the target this time, but brought the apprentices to practice. He had to find a target for the apprentices who would resist, but not too low in safety.

The plane crash-landed smoothly, which is incredible. After Salomon opened the cargo door, all the mystics waiting around the airbus gathered. Simmons saw that after Salomon gave instructions to the mystics, the mystics walked out from the cargo door. Skye followed them to the cargo hold - Coulson had communicated with most of the people on the Airbus through the walkie-talkie before, and for the sake of safety, Coulson asked Skye to follow the mystics.

"Wait a little longer, and the king will come here with two female apprentices and Hannah Huggins." Salomon said. He didn't care about Agent Coulson's expression of trying to refute, but said to himself, "Your electromagnetic shielding can't help her, Coulson."

"No, what I want to say is that the cell is locked from the outside, and the inside cannot be opened." Agent Coulson blinked innocently, and he did not intend to veto Salomon's proposal. Judging by his experience, vetoing Salomon's decision often leads to very bad results. "Perhaps I should inform May and ask her to open the door for your companion?"

"No, I believe they have learned the magic to open the mechanical lock." Although he said so, Salomon didn't know what to do. He has written the magic of [Knocking Technique] in the book. Anyone who is interested can learn this magic that can work on any mechanical structure lock. He only hopes that Master Xiao Wang is not too lazy to read the book.

The waiting process is undoubtedly tormented, especially for Skye. She could not see a good man like Hannah Hudgens being tortured. "We have been attacked." As soon as Mage Wang said this, the faces of Skye and Agent Coulson waiting in the cargo hold became ugly. Especially Hannah Hudgens, the attack they encountered just now made her terrified—if the plane crash landed and shook her awake, Salomon's method would allow her to sleep well, wake up comfortably the next day, say goodbye to all nightmares, and maybe drink a glass of juice at breakfast.

But things don't always go so smoothly.

"That guy is a bit weak." Master Xiao Wang said with a look of boredom and boredom, "I gave him a whip, and then he disappeared."

"Did you see his face clearly?" Simmons asked quickly.

"How could I know, and I don't know him." Master Xiao Wang shrugged.

"It's Tobias." Hannah Hudgens was being supported by the two female apprentices, otherwise she must be sitting on the ground now. If Salomon hadn't soothed her emotions before, she would be destined to collapse now. "I saw his face. It was Tobias. He was the technician there." Hannah Hudgens' eyes were red again, and her tears were about to fall again. "It was him. He came to seek revenge on me. Lord, I deserved what I deserved, and I deserved to be tortured..."

Faced with these words, Skye, who originally planned to appease her, didn't know where to start. The two female apprentices cast a helpless look at Salomon. No matter how the two apprentices persuaded, Hannah Hudgens always thought it was her fault. These apprentices were all newcomers to Karma Taj after Salomon started to carry out the mission. After several years of training, they started to carry out the first mission.

Karma Taj did not teach this!

"Ward, please call back. Have you found Fitz? May, where are you?"

"Yes, sir, I found Fitz." Agent Grand Ward's voice came over the intercom. "We were attacked and we were locked in the switch room." Grand Ward's voice sounded distressed, so Fitz took over the conversation. "He's going back and forth with a wrench, and he keeps disappearing and reappearing!" Fitz yells.

"This is the same as existing intelligence," Agent Coulson said.

"I met him." Melinda May cut in her stern voice, "I met him in the living room."

Then there is no need to talk about his fate, Agent Coulson believes in Melinda's fighting ability.

"That's Tobias." He said the information he had just learned.

"He's still holding a wrench, maybe that's what he was holding when it exploded," Fitz reminded.

"Could it be a wrench used to loosely couple components?" Grand Ward said painfully, rubbing the back of his strangled neck. Skye reminded that Tobias was the worker who had submitted the breakdown report and that she had seen it. Tobias filed multiple complaints against Hannah Hudgens. Hannah Hudgens also admitted that if she had been more serious about reporting...

"We believe that Tobias most likely caused the accident." Fitz's voice was transmitted through the walkie-talkie, sounding very distant. "Neither Simmons nor I found a problem during the inspection of the coupling assembly."

"Until Tobias showed up," Simmons continued. "He said it was hell... I thought it was an alien planet. Tobias was in some kind of superposition. The thing is, it doesn't make sense for a person to both complain about safety and cause problems."

"Okay." Salomon was tired of such speculation, and he interrupted the conversation abruptly. This is just a small task, there is no need to be so troublesome, as long as there are conditions, ordinary people can also complete this exorcism task.

"When I catch him, you can ask whatever you want."

Salomon arranged for them to take Hannah Hudgens off the plane and into the protective circle of apprentices. The next moment a circular door burst open in front of him, spewing brilliant sparks, and Agent Coulson watched achingly as the portal cut a deep gash in the floor, and he only hoped the portal didn't cut any wires.

Skye looked through the door and saw what was behind it.

This wasn't the first time she'd seen a portal, the last time she'd seen a portal the thing had swallowed an entire plane, and brought it from America to England. But this time she didn't see the difference between the inside and outside of the door, the night behind the door was no different from what she saw outside the door, at most the night was more foggy.

Wait, do summer nights produce fog? This is the inland area of ​​the United States!

"Agent Coulson." Salomon handed his favorite male agent a pistol. A black M1911 pistol with a capacity of 11 rounds. This is Salomon's favorite pistol. He also engraved complicated Gothic gold patterns on the gun body. This was a gift he wanted to give to Agent Coulson, but he never found a chance to give it out.

"Are you interested in a big adventure in the inner plane? This gun is a good thing that can hit spirit bodies."

Ask for a ticket!

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