Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 388: Israel of the Nazarites (Part 1)

"If you are driving on the street and the police come to check, do you know what you should do? Put your hands where the police can see, don't contradict anything the police say, and all actions must be approved by the police, understand? Whether you are a fucking nigger like me or not, you have to do it, because this is the law! The law is obeyed! Repeat me, obey the law!" Nick Fury waved his arms excitedly and shouted at the other end of the phone. The beautiful and capable Agent Maria Hill is worried that her boss's only remaining eyeball will explode in anger, and then die neatly in the office.

She wasn't worried about Nick Fury's physical condition, she was just worried that the documents she brought were not signed.

This is official business, the official business of S.H.I.E.L.D. Nick Fury is not one to sign autographs. In the minds of some low-level S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, the mysterious director's office is a monster that devours paper documents. This monster will open his dirty and blind eyes like the dusty windows of an abandoned factory, and ensure that every letter of every document in the Tricurve Wing headquarters is reflected on his retina at least once, even the hand sanitizer recipe list in the toilet.

"Hey, you didn't wash your hands, the chief will arrest you." Low-level agents (especially men) will scare their companions in such a rough voice. Agent Maria Hill had been to the men's room a few times (she broke in because an agent hadn't filed papers), and she knew how ugly the men were, especially at the urinals. Only those who are particularly confident in their stuff are eligible to squeeze in next to others, otherwise men always default to keep a gap to avoid embarrassment.

Of course, even those particularly confident male agents would not have the courage to show off in front of her, for fear of being scratched by her cold eyes and causing psychological barriers. "That's it?" Her eyes were the enemy of all male agents, "Do you dare to show off like this?"

"I know that the weather is hot now, I am still wearing leather clothes! Listening, bunny, if your car is dragged away because of the parking of violations, you fucking will obediently pay the money and drive away the car. Do you not understand it? As long as you stand on the US land, you must follow the law of the United States! Whether you will fucking magic!" He was blind, but Agent Maria Hill felt that the eyes were almost falling out.

"Don't even think about it! Salomon Damonet, don't even think about it!" Sweat was secreting from the bare forehead of the monster who devoured paper documents. "SHIELD has always followed the law, and SHIELD is not a place outside the law! I can't give you any prisoner, even if he is about to go to the electric chair in the next moment! Understand? Don't even think about going to Guantanamo to arrest anyone! Unless you want to be shot!"

Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. was silent for a moment. Agent Maria Hill couldn't hear what was being said on the phone, and she planned to put down the file and come in when Nick Fury called her. But Nick Fury waved his hand and signaled her to stay-although she was a supervisor sent by the World Security Council, Nick Fury trusted her.

This gesture represents Fury asking her to access this part of the information, the information about Salomon Damonette. The secrecy level of this part of the information is the same as that of Thor, but in some cases higher than that of other Avengers. For nothing but the performance of Salomon Damonette in New York and his magic, Salomon Damonette is the most powerful magician and most unpredictable Avenger known.

No, Salomon Damonette never participated in the Avengers program, and everyone thought his Avengers were only because he appeared in New York.

The excitement disappeared in an instant, and Nick Fury used a very convincing tone.

"I know, I know, I saw you piss off the devil. But it's different! Very different! It's one thing to be a superhero alone, it's another thing to be a superhero with a horde of armored super soldiers behind them. I know what you're capable of. You can definitely create something stronger than a super soldier, but that's not allowed. If you do, S.H.I.E.L.D. will get a mission from the White House to kill you, you understand?"

"The White House and the United Nations don't care who your soldiers are aiming at. They only know that you have the ability to threaten them. Do you know how panicked those officials were after Thor arrived on Earth with Asgardian soldiers a while ago? If I hadn't persuaded them, those fat pigs would even want to go to war with Asgardian. Enemies, they're going to ruin your favorite quiet life. Hey, you're going to college, aren't you? They'll keep you out of college, and they'll make you a wanted man."

There was another conversation that Maria Hill couldn't hear clearly, and anyone could see the helpless expression on Nick Fury's face. But unfortunately, the person on the other end of the phone couldn't see it.

"Oh, I know what you think. You want to go to the White House with a sword, right? Son, listen carefully, the American administrative system is not indispensable. I understand the power-for-money and power-for-sex trades in politics better than you. If you kill a bureaucrat, another bureaucrat will come to the top, and you can't be shaken at all... Well, cowardly pigs are everywhere, but you have to admit that even if you solve this matter, it will still affect your life. This is the last thing you want to see is the Special Forces rushing in Your apartment, isn't it?"

"Listen, boy. You were lucky the last time the CIA drug gang in New York City didn't bother you. The CIA dropped that line, not because of you, but because the FBI found them, and because I hired someone to help. You don't know what horrors those gentlemen with hairspray do-they disembowel, disembowel, and stuff dead American soldiers back home. Do you think those people are afraid of death? You are as pure as a white rabbit compared to those people, and those people are thugs. Even so, do you know how many people S.H.I.E.L.D. agents would kill near your apartment in a day to keep you alive?"

"I wanted to take a shortcut, Nick Fury." Salomon leaned on the bed, holding the phone in his hand, and talking drowsily. Bayonetta's fingers were caressing the scar on his body. It was a gift left to him by Malekith, the king of the dark elves, and Hela, the goddess of death. Even with magical healing, the faint scars inevitably remained on his body. Horrible puncture wounds on his abdomen and shoulders, and several coin-sized circular scars on his chest and flanks. These scars will gradually fade with the passage of time and the application of alchemy potions, but now, these scars still stubbornly stay on his young and plump muscles.

This made the witch very obsessed.

Only what Yog-Sothoth left him will not fade away. This is the favor of the Lord of the Gate, and Salomon has no right to refuse. This is an extremely powerful spell. According to the notes left by Randolph Carter, the attack distance of this spell is half a mile. Salomon didn't know what price he had paid, or that he had already paid the price at the end of his fate, so the just Lord of the Gate, the Immemorial Eternal, gave him this power.

In order to find out this information, he paid a lot of mental burden before finishing the book.

"The atrocities committed by the CIA in the Middle East are obvious to all. Since you didn't provide me with this part of the power, I will go find it myself." Salomon said casually, "I will bring those orphans out of the Al Qaeda supported by the CIA. They will receive a high-level education and then become experimental subjects. I will let them know who the person who destroyed their hometown is, and I will promise them a chance to take revenge. Is this what you want to see? You know, if I reveal my identity, if I go to Emmaus (Ascension of Jesus) What kind of support will I get?"

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a while, and Salomon felt the heavy atmosphere on the other side, like the dark clouds in the afternoon in London.

He continued, "The jewish lobby that bribes the American politicians will fall on me as soon as I show the magic, and they will call it a miracle. I know it's not, and they know it's not, but they'll pretend it's a miracle. And the Haredi who long for the Messiah, they'll think it's my pure blood of Abraham, Hebrews, they'll be eager to send their children to me, eager for me to lead them to restore Israel. Mind you, not America's Israel, you know what I mean, it's Jacob's" Israel, David's Israel, Solomon's Israel."

"You fucking... you don't want another 911, do you?"

Ask for a ticket!

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