Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 389: The Coming of the Son (Second Change)

Salomon's psychological problems have always been the focus of Nick Fury's attention, because Nick Fury doesn't know how much it will take him to control him. The Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. is very sure that Salomon is just the tip of the iceberg in the mysterious world, and that enemies at that level cannot be dealt with by S.H.I.E.L.D.

Last time, Salomon asked S.H.I.E.L.D. to help find someone. As a result, there was a small-scale war with cultists and mercenaries in a monastery that didn't shit. Then a whole air command center crashed, and many agents almost died.

Nick Fury contacted some people urgently, and he almost fell off his chair after learning some news. Tony Stark already knew about this! They also struck a deal to develop weaponry. As for why Stark helped Salomon develop new equipment, the billionaire hesitated to say, like a female monkey who is afraid that the leopard under the tree will take away the things in his arms.

Nick Fury can only see his red butt from under the tree, but doesn't know if he's holding fruit or a squeaky little monkey!

But now the situation is urgent. Nick Fury believes that Salomon's status is very problematic, because he said "From a philosophical and dogmatic point of view, I don't believe that there will be lasting peace." This sentence scared Nick Fury into a cold sweat, because the person who said this sentence was called Benito Mussolini!

Nick Fury is worried that this little brat is getting his mind blown by the junk militaristic, populist stuff on the internet!

Generally speaking, this is the idea that the United States promotes in other countries, and Nick Fury has long been prepared for this trend of thought to backlash against the United States. But he didn't expect that the power of backlash actually started from Salomon. After thinking about it for a long time, he realized that he could only blame the Internet and the CIA.

Of course, he wouldn't say it on the phone in Salomon's presence, he had to go around it. Once, when Nick Fury met with Salomon, he questioned this guy's sociological knowledge. As a result, the little bastard said on the spot, "I am good at astronomy, geography, literary and military, and everything. My reputation is known to everyone from Ireland to Khitan, from Athens to Philadelphia, from Rome to Constantinople..."

So this time, Nick Fury carefully asked what Salomon would do after he had an army, but the guy popped out another sentence in Chinese. "Submit to the Son of Heaven, appeal to your position, if you don't go to court, the Sixth Division will move." After Nick Fury figured out what this sentence meant, Maria Hill saw Nick Fury's face was so gloomy that it was frightening. Although Salomon did not clearly state what he would do after the war with hell was over, this sentence was a very serious warning.

A man set off from Brooklyn. He drove a motorcycle all the way to Salomon's apartment under the scorching sun. "Maybe you need some exercise, how about going to the boxing gym with me?" Steve Rogers said on the phone with a very sunny smile and tone. He looked up at the white walls and retro balconies of the apartment here, and knew that he felt that he couldn't afford to live here with his pension.

That's one of Nick Fury's ways, and as a man who's fought fascism his whole life, there's no one better to educate than Steve Rogers.

"Nick Fury asked you to come?" Salomon yawned and went downstairs.

He didn't wear the sacred robe, and even the dimension bag and Luoyang double swords were placed in the apartment. He went downstairs in a white shirt and black trousers, with a wand in his trouser pocket. The hard heels of his short boots made a clicking sound on the steps, and the wand might fall off at any moment. The weather was very hot, and he began to sweat as soon as he stepped out of the apartment. His baggy white shirt with only a few buttons and the glistening sweat on his skin, and the bouncing long black curly hair that was combed behind his head attracted the eyes of many passing women.

He looked like a Greek handsome man in a marble statue, only this statue would sweat, which added to his charm. Athena took care of his uniform and hairstyle since he was a child. Perhaps the controlling goddess of wisdom had foreseen this scene when he was a child. Salomon had already grown into the man she imagined.

When some passing women saw him talking to Steve Rogers, their eyes became rather ambiguous.

"He won't be frightened?" Salomon rarely showed the laxity unique to young people under the scorching summer sun.

"Fury asked me to tell you about my past, and he said that you respect the elderly very much." Steve Rogers also had a rare sense of humor. "He didn't say too much, he only said that you need to understand the cruelty of politics and the horror of war... Believe me, among the living people, I am afraid that no one can understand the cruelty of war better than me."

"Didn't Nick Fury tell you anything else?" Salomon asked.

Steve Rogers shook his head, he asked suspiciously: "Is there anything I should know?"

"No, nothing." Salomon replied with a smile on his face.

Not surprisingly, Nick Fury did not dare to tell anyone about Salomon's identity as the Son of God. This identity is of great religious and political significance. In the view of the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., the degree of secrecy of this identity is even higher than that of magic. As Salomon said, if he announces his identity, he will get a lot of unimaginable support.

This is easy to understand, because Jacob, the son of Isaac, established Israel, and then the Roman Empire destroyed Jerusalem and the Second Temple. The Hebrew Jews were forced to leave Israel and live all over the world, especially in Europe. It was not until the wave of Zionism in modern times and the support of Britain in World War I that the Jews had their own armed forces. In 1947, the United Nations General Assembly voted on the "1947 United Nations Partition Plan". With the support of the United States and the Soviet Union, the United Nations passed an agreement and Israel was established. Then came a series of wars of independence. The five wars launched by the Arabs to destroy Israel all ended in failure, and modern Israel really became a country.

[Off-topic: Israel is quite hip, first destroyed by Babylon, surrendered to the Persian Empire, and then expelled by the Roman Empire]


The but after every sentence is very important.

Ultra-Orthodox Judaism, otherwise known as Haredi, opposes Zionism. The reason is not that they do not want to have their own country, but because these ultra-orthodox Jews who have been wandering abroad for 2,000 years believe that the establishment of Israel should be intervened by God, that is, the country should be established by the Messiah, rather than the current man-made relationship with the United States.

If Salomon's identity is exposed, even the Israeli lobby, which has great political influence in the United States and can get lawmakers to sign napkins, will hesitate. Even, in Nick Fury's worst prediction, Israel, a country with a strong religious atmosphere, will break away from the "control" of the United States, and then under the banner of the Messiah coming to the world, relying on Salomon's powerful force, it will become a more difficult force in the Middle East than al-Qaeda.

Then the United States had to support it again, after all, the congressmen had already received money from the consortium. Even the news media will praise it vigorously, because the large media in Europe and the United States have long been controlled by the Jews.

So it is impossible for Nick Fury to explain this to anyone, and only he and Agent Maria Hill in the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. know the true identity of Salomon.

"So Nick Fury thinks I'm an Internet Nazi who doesn't understand the cruelty of war and only knows how to type on the keyboard?" Salomon raised his eyebrows. He stepped on Steve Rogers' motorcycle, "Okay, then you should listen to me, Captain America, the righteous man of God, I think you should listen to what I have to say here."

Ask for a ticket!

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