Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 390: Responsibility and Pressure (Part 1)

Steve Rogers was a man who obeyed the traffic rules. He didn't drive fast. The motorcycle that was supposed to be galloping like a roaring beast drove towards Brooklyn in a slow manner in the urban area. Sometimes he would stop to buy two ice creams from a roadside food truck, chocolate for him and strawberry for Salomon.

He was a man of the line, Salomon could tell. Steve Rogers, the great Captain America will obey all orders his country gives him. He is loyal to the country, to the national flag, and to his team, but this loyalty that has been behind for seventy years is also the source of pain that torments him.

Captain America's education level is not high, at least not compared with Tony Stark and Bruce Banner, who are several PhDs in the Avengers, but he knows what is right and what is wrong. S.H.I.E.L.D. took over the GI instead of having the military order him again, which saved Steve Rogers from being drawn into the post-WWII mess between Europe and America.

Captain Rogers also verified some of the information Salomon told him. He knows that the CIA is behind the current chaos in the Middle East, and he knows why revolutions broke out in Egypt and Syria. He knew that if he accepted the military order again, he would most likely be sent to the battlefield in the Middle East, and those scumbags would abuse his loyalty and trample this great emotion under their feet.

In the past, Steve Rogers fought for what was right and what was right, but now those things are gone. The anti-fascist front fell apart, but for the sake of the world, he stood up again, even if he had no ideals to support him.

Now, he needs a new target.

How about for human beings?

"I need to conduct human experiments, or rather, I must." Finally arriving at the destination, Salomon took off his helmet. Now is the time to talk without anyone else interrupting. Salomon didn't want to understand, how dare Nick Fury let Steve Rogers contact him, does he think that the final result of this matter is that Captain America persuaded him, not him?

Ah, old fox! Steve Rogers is the staunchest opponent of the super soldier plan, as long as Salomon speaks out the purpose, no matter what he is for, Steve Rogers will oppose it. This person opposes the super soldier project not because he wants to enjoy this ability exclusively, but because he knows what kind of pain the United States will bring to the world when it has a large number of super soldiers.

"Because the world is different, I believe Nick Fury also said this. Perhaps from the day the Chitauri invaded, everything will be different. London, New York, the nerves of this world are now tense, and any radical action may break out into a conflict or even a war." Salomon jumped off the motorcycle and stuffed the helmet into the hands of Steve Rogers. Nick Fury is indeed scheming, but the enemies Salomon faces are completely different. Captain Rogers has faced the devil and black magic with him, and Salomon has the confidence to convince him.

"I know you hate super soldiers, and I know why you hate them." The mystic was the first to pick open the stinking boil under the hot sun. Captain Rogers' expression could not be described as astonished, and he seemed to be planning to listen carefully to what Salomon had to say.

"You have also seen what I am facing, Captain Rogers, what we are facing is a threat outside the real universe." He said, "So, I want to create an army. Nick Fury certainly did not tell you the purpose of this army, because he worried that you would be persuaded. The purpose of this army is to wipe out the enemies of mankind, killing extradimensional creatures and black magic creatures, just like those you encountered on the battlefields of Eastern European monasteries, and you have also seen the performance of mortal elites."

"I know." Captain Rogers looked into Salomon's eyes and said very seriously, "But Nick Fury told me another question. He doesn't know if you will point the guns of this army at human society. What if you want to conquer the world? Can you guarantee that you will not do this?"

"No." Salomon shrugged. He intends to be frank and honest with Steve Rogers. There is no need to turn a corner when dealing with such a straightforward person. Only sincerity can gain favor. "There are many powerful countries in this universe, such as the Kerry Empire, Xandar, and Asgard. These countries are forces that have unified several planets, and only humans are still spinning around on one planet."

Salomon’s tone is very similar to a parent who sees a child’s poor report card, “Especially in European and American countries, Rogers, the shortsightedness of capitalism is fully reflected in these countries. You have to admit that the majority of the world is idiots, and the so-called democracy is just a coat of capitalism, because there are always voters who will be bought by small favors thrown by politicians—such as opposing tax increases for the rich, because those voters think that if they do not raise taxes on capitalists, those capitalists will provide more jobs. You tell me, Is it possible for an idiot politician elected by idiot voters to govern the country well? The result of this going on is that human beings are trapped on the earth and cannot leave the solar system after the resources are exhausted."

"If nothing changes, I don't promise that I won't wipe out those moths by myself. Then, a society that can be called efficient will be established."

"Do you think you are different from Hitler, Salomon? Where did you learn this?" Captain Rogers frowned. "I can hear cruelty and disregard for life from your words."

"Since you asked this question, then I have to give you an answer." The mystic replied with a smile, "No, Rogers, there is no difference. Hitler admired the Aryans, and I admired all human beings. I treat aliens the same as **** treats Jews. Unless you have alien sympathizers, otherwise you have no reason to object. I know the weight of this crime, and I am willing to bear it. I value life, but it is limited to human life. I dare not say that my methods are cleaner than the United States, but You don't know what challenges we will face. When the king who protects the real universe and the earth grows old, we are the only ones we can rely on."

"But the Avengers..."

"Are you serious, individual heroism?" Salomon glared at him and said viciously, "You are a real American! The reason why individual heroism can work is because it is a victory based on collectivism. You should understand this. Are the Avengers very strong? If the Chitauri were not afraid of Asgard and dared not enter the solar system, those terrible weapons would have descended on the earth. every corner of the

"That's not what I mean, I'm a soldier. And the reality is not as bad as you say, Salomon." Captain Rogers sighed helplessly. He had seen Salomon's state before. Soldiers who returned from the battlefield often regarded everything around them as a threat. He just didn't expect Salomon to have such a bad mental state at such a young age.

"The earth is not so bad that people can still enjoy their lives."

"Yeah, just in these few years, how long can people be ostriches?" Salomon replied blankly, "The king of Asgard is getting old, the supreme mage..." He took a deep breath, "When the guardian of the main material plane and the guardian of the nine realms pass away, there is not much time left for us. You can't feel my sense of urgency, Rogers, I can't stop."

"It's not your responsibility, it's the responsibility of all human beings."

"Really? It seems that there is only one country on this planet that sees the path under its feet." Salomon said, "But one country alone cannot drag all human beings up. This is my responsibility, Steve. When I took over the holy sword cast by Gaia, the mother goddess of the earth, that responsibility belonged to me, and this pressure was something I had to bear."

Steve Rogers scratches his hair.

Nick Fury really threw him a big problem. Neither his eloquence nor the information he knew could refute Salomon's argument. But he still has a way, just put the topic on hold for now.

"Although I can't understand what you are about to face, I know you are under too much pressure." He said frankly, "You need a place where you can vent your pressure. According to the S.H.I.E.L.D. report, you have almost no entertainment, only video games. How about trying boxing? No one here can fight me, I think you should be able to do it."

Ask for a ticket!

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