Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 392 Delayed Conversation (Part 1)

"Agent Coulson, I need you to talk to Salomon Damonette." Through the airbus communication system, S.H.I.E.L.D. seventh-level agent Phil Coulson received this call from his immediate boss while the plane was cruising. He was about to say something when Maria Hill continued.

"This order comes from Director Fury." Maria Hill said in her usual calm tone, "It is not on the record. You will receive the assistance of experts in the field of psychology within S.H.I.E.L.D. They will analyze the psychological state of the target and guide you in the conversation."

"May I ask why?" Agent Coulson didn't retort. He knew that an order was an order, and since Nick Fury chose to let Maria Hill inform him, it meant that Nick Fury had more important things to do. And all he can do is obey orders.

"You will receive a confidential document later." Maria Hill was operating the computer in front of her. This document included the recording of the conversation between Steve Rogers and Salomon and sent it to the terminal of the Airbus command system. The information analyzed by the intelligence analyst through the dialogue and the analysis of Salomon's psychological state can only be opened with the authority of Agent Coulson. If Agent Coulson looked carefully at the report on the state of mind, he would see the names of the psychologists who would assist him next.

There is no mention of Salomon's sainthood in that document.

"That little bastard is the same as me. He didn't want his identity to be revealed. He didn't mention this to Rogers at all." Nick Fury's expression showed that he had already eaten Salomon, just like eating Doritos in a bag. He said to Agent Hill in a firm tone, "Salomon has always been advocating science to me. He believes that science is the only way for human beings to develop, and magic is only the privilege of a few people. If he really announces his sonship, it means that he recognizes God, the legitimacy of religion, and the existence of magic. This is what he absolutely does not want to see. He is bargaining with me! Otherwise, he would not guide me and let SHIELD report the Asgardians as aliens instead of gods."

"Then what should we do?" Agent Hill asked, "Don't he want to use this identity to get something that ordinary people can't get?"

"Limit the controversy to a minimum. Since he is unwilling to announce it, then we will not announce it. Let's just treat it as if it didn't exist, or in this world situation, how many people will die in the Middle East." Nick Fury waved his hand, and then continued to lean on the high-back soft chair in the office. "He doesn't care about those things. Don't think too badly about him. He is the same kind of person as I am, and I appreciate him."

the same kind of people? I've never seen a worse adjective, especially for someone in a nonviolent institution. Agent Hill thought to himself. Of course, if Nick Fury knew what his lieutenant was thinking, he would laugh out loud.

Nonviolent institutions? Kama Taj is the ruler of the magic world, the executioner who kills all extradimensional creatures, the successor of such an organization is not a little white rabbit. No one knows why Maria Hill still thinks that Salomon is a "non-violent" civilian, obviously he has participated in two battles against the alien invasion. Perhaps because of age, Salomon is too young, just like the students in the SHIELD Academy (the science group is recruited from the school, generally young. The intelligence and action groups are recruited from the army, and the average age is relatively old).

"You should know I still have missions, sir." Agent Coulson sighed. Salomon's movements greatly affected the progress of his work. "The Havenworth federal prison has something to do with Centipede Warrior, and that mysterious clairvoyance." The seventh-level agent touched the top of his head. Since he joined S.H.I.E.L.D., his hairline has been receding, and since he met Salomon, he feels that his hairline is receding at an accelerated rate.

He hopes he can maintain a good appearance until retirement. Agent Coulson said, "I don't have the time or energy to check on the status of Salomon Damonette. I haven't opened that file yet, sir, you can take it back."

"You can take a look." Agent Maria Hill refused to take back the document. "You are one of the few S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who can be taken seriously by Salomon Damonet. Didn't you solve a ghost case together before? Maybe Salomon Damonet has information about the 'Clairvoyant', a strange prophet. It sounds like magic. Maybe that clairvoyant is a wizard. Salomon Damonet has also shown the ability to predict, and he should be able to help you. "

"Sounds reasonable." Agent Coulson nodded. "But I have already found Peterson, and I have clues. I don't think Salomon Damonette's help is needed right now."

"It is Salomon Damonette who needs your help, but it seems that his affairs can be put aside for now." Agent Maria Hill remembered what Nick Fury said and the feedback given by Steve Rogers. She judged from her own experience that Salomon would not cause any major troubles yet.

"After catching the clairvoyant who can predict the future, meet Salomon as soon as possible."

"Is this permission from the immediate office?"


"I remember, sir."


Athena was lying on the sofa, the wine glass in her hand was still stained with purple wine, and there were several empty wine bottles rolling under the sofa. It wasn't enough to make a god drunk, but she just liked to see Salomon scrambling after her drink.

It was some kind of family joke, and Athena often gave Salomon a sweet kiss after he was done working.

Perhaps because of cultural reasons, the goddess of Crete, like the witch, doesn't like to wear tight clothes when she is at home. Her pure white nightgown has faded to her waist, and she is about to fall down, but she has no intention of pulling it up. On the contrary, she doesn't mind Salomon's eyes admiring her body. This is a cultural difference. She thinks her body is perfect, and her beautiful muscles and full breasts are her pride. There is nothing shameful.

Especially when facing Salomon, Athena always thought that he should look at his body more, so as to develop a correct aesthetic concept. "Men will accumulate a lot of fat in their abdomen after reaching middle age, while women will accumulate a lot of fat in their thighs and buttocks." She pointed to her abdominal muscles, and her long blond hair was scattered lazily on her shoulders. Athena said in a drunken tone, "But you don't have to worry about this. You should feel lucky because you are not a mortal. Since you are not a mortal, then don't have mortal troubles. Tell me, the goddess of wisdom is taking care of you."

"It's more than one troublesome thing, but it's not a big problem." Salomon shook his head and continued to clean up the garbage on the floor with a broom. The fact that Root ran away was completely within his expectations, but the network has been installed, free of charge, and the speed is fast, and the new server array has started to operate, and Salomon has also kept a low temperature spell to help cool down the server.

It was impossible for that machine to put its executor in the hands of Salomon, but another troublesome thing happened after ROOT ran away-Sam En Xiao also disappeared. This has to mention another thing.

Recently there's been a guy called the Punisher in town, this guy is hunting down gangsters in New York City, especially those Irish immigrants who form criminal organizations. Originally, this matter had nothing to do with Salomon, but Samun Xiao mentioned it when drinking with the witches. She said that Riise seemed to have a fight with this guy, and the two even fought.

She said that Riise was shot, but he didn't complain, he knew that the people killed by the Punisher deserved their crimes, but Riise and Finch didn't approve of the Punisher's methods. "I do appreciate that guy." Samun Xiao stared at the wine bottle in Salomon's hand with rounded eyes. "At least I don't hate it. I like the straightforward approach of the Punisher. After the former gangster Elijah was imprisoned, New York's underground world has never been so quiet. Every thug is worried that he will be approached by the Punisher. Well, give me the bottle, as you promised!"

Salomon didn't know if Samun Shaw's disappearance was related to the Punisher, but he had to go and see if there was something wrong with the witch's best friend.

Only after this matter is resolved will he have time to go to the Middle East.

Ask for a ticket!

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