Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 393 The Omnic Crisis Comes Early? (Second more)

"He's dangerous, Finch, there's no need for you to do this." Reese turned the wheelchair and approached Harold Finch, who was surrounded by books and computers. If he is Batman, then Finch is Alfred, but the richness of the two is the opposite of the content in the comics. Samun Shaw used this incident to tease them more than once.

It wasn't Riise's first shot, but The Punisher was professional, as professional as he was. He knew where a shot would immobilize a person, so Riise's knee had suffered, and there was no body armor for that knee. The circle cushion that Mr. Finch gave last time finally came in handy this time, but Mr. Reaser still resisted. He thought it was a bit shameful.

"It seems that you are not the only one in New York City who knows how to shoot knees, Mr. Reaser, this is the second time, maybe you should think of a new trick." Harold Finch forced a smile, but his joke did not make Reaser relax.

"I know soldiers, I've heard of Frank Cassell, he's a Marine," Reaser said. "I've heard about him, I've heard about the CIA recruiting of U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan. . . .

"This shows that we have room for negotiation, Mr. Reese." Finch continued to stare at the screen without turning his head. It could be seen that he was very tired. His stiff neck was getting more and more painful now, and the steel nails on the cervical spine were still drilling into the spinal cord. He quietly covered the orange plastic bottle of the painkiller with the file folder—it was OxyContin, an addictive painkiller he didn't want Reese to see him use in large quantities.

"We are out of manpower." He said pessimistically, "Officer Carter failed to find Samun Shaw. We must solve this matter as soon as possible, before your knee is healed, and then we can investigate Samun Shaw's whereabouts. I am very worried about her, Mr. Reese. Officer Fusco helped me find the surveillance video in front of Samun Shaw's apartment. I am sure that ROOT who escaped from the mental hospital took her. Hunted by a mysterious organization, she got out of there with the help of one of our magic friends. I'm not sure how Salomon Damonette got in touch, the only possibility is the plan of the machine."

Finch sighed. He really wants to stretch his cervical spine now, but he can't. As long as there is a slight movement, the steel nail will remind him. Hey man, I'm in your neck! Steel Nail said, if you don't want to pass out from the pain, you'd better just stay here. Take some OxyContin or something prescription drug, it's good for everyone.

In Finch's imagination, those steel nails had the thick accent of a Texas Ranger. In fact, he felt no difference between those steel nails and horseshoes.

The steel nails are the horseshoes of the god of death. The god of death once rode a horse and stepped on my neck.

"As for Frank Cassell, I have analyzed his psychology. He has been in a state of high emotional tension, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Mr. Reese, this hyperarousal can cause anxiety surges, irritability, insomnia, and your symptoms are exactly the same. His spirit has been troubled by it. You both have extreme emotional disorders."

"I'm in control, Finch, because I met you."

"But Frank Cassel didn't." Harold Finch stared into his partner's eyes. "His wife and children were murdered in cold blood. You can look at the wall, his family is in those numbers, but I can't do anything about it."

"We've talked about it, Finch, and it's not your fault."

"It's my fault, Mr. Reaser, it's my fault for being on the sidelines." Harold Finch raised his voice slightly. "He wants to pay in blood now, so I proposed a deal to him. I promised him that I would find all the clues he needed. I assured him that he would not miss anyone. I assured him that everyone would die of old age in prison. As long as he agrees to do us this favor, we can settle this matter within the scope we can accept."

The Malinois named Bear raised his head and whimpered a few times. It wasn't until Riise patted it on the head that it retracted back into the nest and continued to dream of hunting hares.

"Finch, I don't think Frank Cassell will accept this proposal. He wants to kill people." Reese said, "His means are all out of irrational emotions. That's not PTSD, that's extreme emotional disorder, which can also be called EED. He is not a mental disorder caused by drug abuse. He is letting himself be addicted to this emotion. He is addicted to anger."

"This is an attempt. We need to confirm the safety of Samun Shaw as soon as possible." Mr. Finch said, "We need to figure out what the machine wants to do. It has lost its shackles, and now it can learn everything it can learn. I am very disturbed, Mr. Reaser. There is no good or evil in the machine. I am worried that I have released the demon."

"Maybe we can talk to him first." Reese shook his head. "Talk to Salomon first. At least he is not that impulsive. We at least need to know why he did this."

"It's not suitable for children to appear here, Mr. Damonette, the gangsters are not far away." When Harold Finch met Salomon, the mystic was sitting on a park bench, sharing a lot of ice cream with different flavors with a girl with short dark green hair. Finch saw at a glance that there was a small revolver in the girl's clothes pocket, while Salomon was wearing a deep red robe that was incompatible with this season, and was tightly wrapped by all kinds of clothes from the neckline to the toes, and more importantly, the gorgeous silver and black scabbard hanging around his waist.

They have no intention of hiding.

"This is my sister, she is not an ordinary child."

When Salomon and Athena explained that they were going to Hell's Kitchen for a stalking mission, little Lorna volunteered to sign up by raising her hand. In her view, this was a rare opportunity to skip class, and the smell of turpentine in oil paints was even more unbearable in summer, so Salomon just patted her on the head and told her to attend class well.

But the idea of ​​the Goddess of War is far from that of modern people. Not only did Athena not stop Little Lorna's nonsense, on the contrary, she happily agreed to the request.

Although Athena's Spartan education methods have become much softer in modern times, the ultimate purpose of this education method has never changed. The Goddess of Wisdom was still lying on the sofa, her nightgown rolled up to her waist, her eyes half closed, pretending that this was the coast of the Aegean Sea, she was enjoying the hot sea breeze in summer and the feeling of sweat beading across her skin.

"Little Lorna's ability is steadily improving, so I can take this opportunity to test how powerful she is."

Little Lorna lifted her head proudly, as if she could see through her nostrils.

"Let her kill something, even a mouse. Come back as soon as possible, and I will take you to enjoy the sunbath and my newly bought sunscreen." Athena seemed to have fallen asleep. After Salomon helped her dress, she cast a spell to protect the apartment, and then brought little Lorna here with the weapon she wanted.

"It's about ROOT." Harold Finch didn't insist, he sat down beside Salomon. For his kindness, he also got a cone of ice cream.

"What happened to ROOT?" Salomon's speech made Finch more sure about the relationship between the mystic and the machine.

"She robbed Samn Shaw." Harold said, "I want to ask you, do you know what that machine wants to do?"

"It has nothing to do with the Punisher?"

"There is a certain relationship, but we need Shaw. The machine is still spitting out numbers, we still have lives to save, and Mr. Reaser's condition is not very good now..." Finch rambled a lot, and he raised his head from time to time to look around, as if he was worried about being seen.

"Have you had surgery?"

"I did."

"Then let him drink this." Salomon stuffed a large test tube of potion into Finch's hand. "This will make him recover quickly, about ten minutes. Mr. Finch, I don't know the intention of your creation, but it has now reached a certain cooperative relationship with me. I will help it achieve certain tasks that ordinary humans cannot do, and give it what it wants. It will open to me all the secrets hidden in the network, and it will serve me."

"What does it want?"

"A body, Harold, and that's all."

Ask for a ticket!

This jump order is a fucking horror.

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