Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 395: The Secret of Resurrection (Second Change)

The scene of the massacre was not suitable for little Lorna to stay for too long. Salomon didn't like Athena's soft, Spartan upbringing, but he persisted, he just thought that little Lorna and the children in the orphanage might not have to undergo such a rigorous curriculum. It's not that he didn't object, but Athena could always make him speechless.

"Do you want to protect her?" Goddess of Wisdom didn't even look at him, "Can you protect her for the rest of her life in this extremely dangerous world? Why do you think I teach them martial arts? It's just to give them a little more right to speak in this world! Survival is the most important thing in this world. Only those with skills in this world are qualified to speak. If you keep them away from fighting, you are depriving them of their right to live. There is no such thing as hiding under the table and screaming among the children I educated, not a single one. So, let little Lorna try, at least don't shake your hands when seeing dead people. "

Little Lorna looked like she was going to throw up, and Salomon quickly lifted the thin girl out under her armpit like a briefcase. The smell of blood is bad, but at least don't spit at the murder scene, it would be too bad. Don't forget to bring your pistol, and you will have shooting practice later. Athena said that if you kill a mouse, you must kill a mouse.

"Don't spit here, you definitely don't want Minerva to see you now." Salomon sighed. Little Lorna's skin was very cold in the sweltering summer, and the impact of the massacre was still too great for her. "Remember Minerva's best friend? The painter who lived in Hell's Kitchen and caught the rich guy. You must have an impression. I've never seen such a stream-of-consciousness painting. Vanessa, remember? It's the one who smeared white paint on the canvas. Let's find her, and she can give you a glass of lemonade."

Vanessa was very hospitable. She not only gave Salomon and little Lorna lemonade, but also gave little Lorna a cold towel. "Minerva told me that you were admitted to Oxford. Congratulations, Salomon." She sat on the sofa, picked up a towel and wiped Lorna's forehead. This made little Lorna look much better. Vanessa said, "Little Lorna came to me to take oil painting lessons, but unlike you, I don't think she has much talent in this area."

"None of us have much talent in abstract art."


"My God!" Vanessa yelled first, and then she quickly patted little Lorna on the back and wiped the vomit off with a towel. Her movements were very gentle, but little Lorna still raised her head and glanced at Salomon with red eyes. She felt ashamed of herself. Vanessa apparently noticed too.

"Why?" she asked. "Where did you take her? Don't try to lie to me, I smell blood."

"Just passing by a murder scene."


Salomon didn't answer. Vanessa glared at him.

"None of my business, the cops care where people die. People die every day in Hell's Kitchen, it's nothing special," she said. "My concern is that you let such a young child see those things. How old is she now? She hasn't even started high school..."


"How did the talk go?"

"Not very good." Harold Finch sat in front of his computer again and let out a long sigh of relief. It couldn't have been better to be back under the air conditioner, but his neck was still stiff and the sting still hadn't abandoned him. He blinked, trying to cheer up his sun-dizzy head. He groped the table with his palm, especially under the folder, hoping to touch something round.

"Looking for this?" Harold Finch stiffened when he heard the sound of the medicine bottle colliding. Mr. Reaser leaned over with his wheelchair, shaking the small orange medicine bottle on his shoulder. "OxyContin, Finch." Mr. Reaser put the medicine bottle into Finch's hand, and he said in his usual light voice, "You've already taken it, don't overdose."

"I need it, Mr. Reaser." Harold Finch sighed. He took off his glasses, opened the medicine bottle, and poured out the white pills. "Only one tablet is needed, and I will control the dosage."

"Very well, can I hear what you're talking about?" Mr. Reaser's brow wrinkled. "Officer Carter is going crazy. The Homicide Squad's workload is exaggerated. Do you think we need to tell her who committed those crimes? 'Let that guy kill some scum. I won't arrest him. He makes our job easier.' Guess who said that?"

"Detective Fusco? At least your tone sounds like it."

"Yes. Officer Carter wants to catch Cassel, and she wants Cassel to go to court. She thinks that if this continues, sooner or later innocent people will be involved in the crossfire. She thinks we must know who the murderer is."

"She guessed right. But that's too dangerous for the police, Mr. Reaser, he can kill twenty people at once. They need SWAT, the assistance of the secret service organization, and an in-depth investigation by the District Attorney's Office. This is not something that can be solved by one or two people. Let the New York City government have a headache. We will try to reach an agreement with Frank Cassell, let him deal with criminals in a more humane way, and prevent innocent people from being harmed. Otherwise, I would rather remind his target.

It's the only thing we can do, and in this hopeless city, it's possible for any good person to pick up a gun and solve problems with violence. Keep Officer Carter and Fusco out of this danger until your wound heals, they've got dirty cops to do. "

"Oh, that's right." Harold Finch handed the potion presented by Salomon to his partner. Facing Reise's puzzled gaze, Finch explained the purpose of this thing, and finally added his own opinion: "This looks like a potion made by lizards and bats. I'm sure it doesn't taste very good."

"You just remembered something so important?"

"Sorry, the headache is taking over my head."

"Whatever." Riise pulled out the cork and drank the medicine in one gulp.


It was very late when Salomon and little Lorna sent back to Athena's apartment. Vanessa was too enthusiastic, she insisted not to let Salomon drive, but sent the two of them back to Athena herself, and then had a big fight with Athena because of the situation of little Lorna.

Salomon did not participate in the woman's quarrel. He opened the car door and sat in the driver's seat. He was about to start the car but stopped.

"Hello, Agent Coulson, you look awful," he said.

"Yeah, someone who's been dead for days sure looks terrible." Agent Coulson tried to use his sense of humor when confronting Salomon, though it didn't help. "I know about Tahiti."

"You died, then you were resurrected, and then what?" Salomon turned his head and looked at Agent Coulson, whose face was half-submerged in the darkness. He said without hesitation, "If you want to ask something, just call."

"You know what they did to me, don't you?" Agent Coulson acted calmly, but in fact he was not as calm inside as he appeared. A few days ago, when Salomon didn't know (the prison in the first few chapters), Agent Coulson was kidnapped by a group of people in order to exchange the child of a centipede warrior (Peterson, I wrote it, I don't remember if I don't remember). The group is following the orders of a man named "Clairvoyant", who want to understand the secret of Coulson's resurrection.

Agent Coulson outlined the experience to Salomon.

At that time, Agent Coulson also had doubts about his own memory, so he accepted the organization's torture logically, relying on some kind of brain-stimulating device to recall what happened after his death. Immediately afterwards, he saw a scene he did not want to accept—his skull was removed while he was still alive, and a sophisticated instrument was wielding mechanical arms and needles, releasing electricity to his brain, repeatedly stimulating his now active brain parts.

It is an excellent brainwashing device, but the premise is that the memory to be washed must be the current memory, so Agent Coulson must stay awake the whole time and watch himself accept this inhuman torture.

Even if he was rescued, he did not tell any of the team members about the experience.

"I don't know how you view death, Agent Coulson." Salomon said seriously, "But I always thought you didn't need to be brainwashed. During the resurrection process, my magic didn't help much, because I didn't find your soul. Nick Fury didn't know this, he always thought I summoned your soul."

"Does resurrection need a soul?"


"Then how did I survive? I don't think GH-325 has an effect on the soul. It's a medicine for serious injuries."

"Of course the blood of the rotten Cree is not that strong. The physique of the Cree is only slightly better than that of humans, and the wounds heal easily. Remember what I said in the past, Agent Coulson?" Salomon smiled. "Although we don't interfere too much with worldly affairs, you can save the world. Even if you go to hell, we have to rescue you back."

Ask for a ticket!

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