Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 396: Die If You Don’t Want to Live (Part 1)

"What is life to you, Salomon. Can playing with life do you any good?"

Agent Coulson confides philosophical and religious questions, but his target doesn't answer him. Instead, Salomon starts the car and locks the doors. This trick is a bit difficult for agents with a mystical style. The general target wants the agents to leave as soon as they know that the agents have gotten into their car. Only Salomon does the opposite. He doesn't seem to want Agent Coulson to get out of the car.

The car bluetooth player was automatically activated the moment the car was started, and a rough and melodious male harmony came out of the stereo.

This is a boat song. Agent Coulson did not expect that Salomon's special taste in music was not recorded by the intelligence personnel. This is a very obvious omission of intelligence. Music is the thing that can most directly reflect the character of the target, especially in the car player.

It's just that he didn't have the idea of ​​reporting this intelligence to S.H.I.E.L.D. because he came alone, and his car was parked at the corner of the street behind.

This contact was completely inconsistent with the requirements of the code of conduct for special agents. To contact the target, two people must act together. When an unexpected situation occurs to the agent, the other agent must take corresponding measures. Whether calling for backup or fighting, Agents must never act recklessly without a backup plan.

These are normal agents, Agent Coulson's team is not included.

Agent Coulson has no support, which is very rare for a long-term agent. When he faced Salomon, he was already mentally prepared to desperately get the truth. As for Agent Maria Hill's conversation about Salomon's state of mind, Agent Coulson intends to wait until later, because those conversations will be recorded, and he doesn't want anyone to know what he and Salomon talked about just yet.

"You're not a zombie or a skeleton, what's there to complain about?" Salomon raised his eyebrows and looked at Coulson in the rearview mirror. "Anything else?"

"What's wrong?"

"Visandi, Coulson!" The mystic shook his head, he looked at the agent as if he was looking at a staff member who had just started working, a dull newcomer. Obviously the problem was right in front of him, but he just couldn't see it, which made Salomon very annoyed. He patted the steering wheel, "I don't think it's any good for you to get an answer to this question. You know I'm a private person, and here you are, what do you think I should do?"

"Are you serious! Do you want to do it again?" Agent Coulson raised his eyebrows. He already knew that the members of his team had abnormal memories of Salomon. In his opinion, Salomon is a bit too sensitive, this is the normal communication method of S.H.I.E.L.D., and there is no need to make a fuss.

Of course, he still chose to appease Salomon. Who made Salomon's value too high? As long as Salomon's mood is stable, anything can be solved.

"Don't worry, there are very few people who know this place. The only people in S.H.I.E.L.D. who know your information are the Director, Agent Hill and Agent Romanov. S.H.I.E.L.D. has always kept its agreement with you, and the information about you is physically isolated, and people who are not related can't get in touch. If you don't want to answer this question, we can change it."

Salomon looked at the agent's face in the rearview mirror, his expression was stern. "I can bring people back from the dead, but this is only within one minute of death. After this time, the soul will go where it should go. Where do you think your soul will go, heaven? You can only go to hell, Coulson, how much do you think it will cost to pull your soul out of hell?"

"So why pay these prices? Why do you think I can save the world in the future, can you predict the future?" Agent Coulson hit the nail on the head. Out of the analysis of Salomon's character, he knew that Salomon had to answer this question.

"Don't say that he is like a victim, Carson!" Salo mocked. He aggravated his tone. It seemed to preach in Cordon. "The countless kings dreamed of death and recovered on you. You are alive. You have nothing to complain about. If you are not satisfied, you can take a pistol to break yourself? Doubt, you are alive because you are useful. In this world, living is the biggest reward. "

"As for what you said about predicting the future, it's actually not predicting, but seeing."

As expected, after a lesson, Salomon began to explain to Agent Coulson what the so-called prophecy was.

"The so-called prophecy is actually seeing, seeing the future, seeing the past, and seeing secrets. From the illusion obtained by praying to the gods in ancient times, to divination with various tools and stars, these are all extensions of the act of 'seeing'. Kama Taj saw that you can save the world in the future, so he saved your life. In fact, this causal relationship can be reversed. In the field of time, the causal relationship is not so clear."

Agent Coulson frowned. He didn't expect that there would be so many hidden secrets about his resurrection. Although he didn't know much about Salomon's organization, it seemed right to meet Salomon now. The mystic did know a lot. He didn't intend to tell this information to others, including Nick Fury, he didn't want the director to know that his memory had been restored.

"Do you know anyone else who can see the future?" Agent Coulson had something more irritating to Salomon, but he didn't intend to say it.

"I don't know." Salomon shook his head, his expression seemed to be mocking Agent Coulson's ignorance, "Predicting the future is not that simple, it is a very, very difficult thing, even if you use the Cosmic Cauldron, one of the most powerful magic tools in Karma Taj, you can only see fragments of future possibilities. The only person who can see both the future and the past is my teacher."

"As far as I know, there is more than one person who can predict the future." Agent Coulson handed him a document provocatively. The kraft paper bag had the black logo of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the red confidential seal, as if to warn everyone of the importance of this document. "This is information about a person who can predict the future." Agent Coulson said confidently, "I don't know if this belongs to the category of magic, but I think you should want to know about this clairvoyance."

Salomon did not take the file. He scanned Agent Coulson's face with a cold gaze, and then unlocked the car door silently. He doesn't care about clairvoyance at all. Coulson is looking for the wrong person.

Agent Coulson didn't force it either. He put the documents on the passenger seat, opened the door and got out of the car. "You know my number." Whether it was out of pride or curiosity, Agent Coulson believed that Salomon would definitely open that folder, and he also believed that Salomon would definitely be interested in the person who could see the future.

"I recommend this song to you, Agent Coulson. This is the only suggestion I can give you." Salomon answered irrelevantly, and pointed to the stereo. At this moment, the crew members were standing on the deck holding wine bottles and singing loudly. The sea breeze and moonlight flowed out along with the singing, setting off tides in the summer night.

【Oh the wind was foul an the sea ran high, leave her, Johnny, leave her!】

The storm is coming, the waves are getting higher, sailor boy, leave her arms!

【She shipped it green an none went by, an its time for us to leave her!】

Huge waves are surging, no one can escape, take advantage of this moment, leave her embrace!

"I will listen to this song next time I have a beer, remember to call me."

"No need, you won't remember it anyway."


When Agent Coulson regained consciousness, he was sitting in his car, giggling at YouTube cat videos on his phone. He couldn't remember why he was here, he only remembered what the doctor he visited earlier who performed the resurrection procedure said, he only remembered seeing a car passing by, he only remembered two lines of the boat song, and the horror images of the Tahiti project became more and more blurred with time.

He would love to have a beer.

Today's update will be a bit late, I went to the hospital, had an oolong, and died of embarrassment.

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