Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 397 Medieval Magic Barbarian Wizard (Second)

This is the last week of the summer vacation. Most of the high school students admitted to the same university as Salomon have their own plans, but most of them are travel and volunteer work. Salomon's classmates in the same college in the future are different from other high school students. The reason is that Merton College is old and rich, as well as the strong academic atmosphere of this college. Learning is the only interest, and so is Salomon.

Compared with Oriel College, which has only muscles in its head, Balliol College, which is full of politics, and even Wadham College, which is full of gays, the students here are not too noisy, and it is one of the most standard "nerd" colleges. Of course, the atmosphere in the college is not as dull as outsiders guessed. This college hosts the only Christmas ball in Oxford every year, but Salomon has no plans to attend, and he doesn't even want to show up for the six formal dinners he has to attend every week.

Of course, this is impossible, so Salomon is still trying to find a way to communicate with the school.

He really likes the stained glass windows and silver pipe organ of this college, as well as the very quiet study atmosphere, which fits his aesthetics too much. Apart from Karma Taj in this world, there is probably no place more suitable for studying academic (magic) than here.

That's what he's been busy with after erasing part of Agent Coulson's memory, and it's even a priority alongside his magic lessons. Confronting Dormammu was as scary as college dinners, and if Salomon couldn't get back to New York for dinner, I'm afraid Joan would grab a pistol and rush to Oxfordshire to find him.

Jane Foster had been of great help to him in this matter.

What better excuse than an undergrad who has been spotted by a Nobel nominee? As long as Jane Foster wrote to the dean that Salomon would return to the laboratory in London every day, then he could logically skip the formal dinner and return to New York.

This is a great favor, and Salomon must help Jane Foster analyze the extremely stable Einstein-Rosen bridge of the Rainbow Bridge. Whether it is from magic or science, Jane Foster wants to solve the mystery of the Rainbow Bridge. Her biggest dream is to create her own Rainbow Bridge to Asgard, instead of waiting for Thor to come to the earth every day.

As for the stories about the Rainbow Bridge told by Queen Frigg to Salomon, Jane Foster regards them as Asgardian fairy tales. What kind of wizard fell in love with extra-dimensional creatures, what kind of wizard built a rainbow bridge, this is too absurd, how could such a near-natural phenomenon be created by humans.

Jane Foster believes that the Asgardians are not the inventors of the phenomenon of the Rainbow Bridge, they are just the guides of the Rainbow Bridge.

"I don't have time, mentor." Salomon complained, frowning. It is true that he was able to enter Merton College with the help of Jane Foster, but he could not spend all his time in Jane Foster's "laboratory". By the way, the so-called laboratory is actually her apartment. There is no scientific research equipment here, only books and whiteboards-Salomon really has something to do.

His cyborg legion is about to hatch out of the culture tank, and the armor design he prepared for these cyborgs is roughly completed, waiting to be sent to Stark for the final modification.

The armor of the artificial man is completely different from Stark's steel armor. Salomon did not choose the fancy weapons mounted on the armor of the Stark Group, nor did he choose the MK42 mode of conveying instructions through nerve signals, but the most common force feedback power armor.

The steel suits before MK42 belonged to this method of operation, which was a breeze for Stark. The design could be completed while he was analyzing Asgard's weapon technology, and the cost was not too high (compared with the new generation of steel suits). Stark just doesn't like Salomon's aesthetic concept very much. In Stark's view, Salomon doesn't understand the beauty of technology at all.

The damned barbarian wizard of medieval magic!

Salomon rejected the integrated full-coverage armor design similar to MK5. He believed that this would greatly reduce the thickness and protective performance of the armor; he rejected Stark's plan to put the power core of the armor on the chest, because he believed that Stark's reactor would be the focus of the enemy's attack; [This is the only design Stark praised. 】

What's more, Salomon rejected Stark's red and gold painting scheme! Salomon wanted simple black and white, and even went through the design of the helmet several times. Finally, he outsourced it to the designer to get the shape he wanted.

This doesn't look tech-savvy at all! Instead, it looks like modern cast medieval armor, bulky and thick, far from the edgeless beauty of modern technological armor.

After most of the plans were rejected, Stark could only work on the life support system. This is also what Salomon values ​​most. His artificial cost is high, plus the development and production costs paid to Stark, he can't afford to lose any of them now.

This is one of the least urgent things for Salomon at the moment, and it doesn't even take much time for this matter. For Salomon, there is one more important thing in the Immortal City, which is what Maya Hansen calls "new ideas".

She began to study alchemy.

This genius biologist intends to alchemy genes by studying alchemy and the Philosopher's Stone. She has the authority of Salomon's office and can easily access some alchemy and black magic that Salomon is not convenient to store in Kama Taj. For this reason, Salomon had to pick out a series of suitable book lists for her, and tutor her on alchemy—this course was connected with the mysticism course of Sora's red forest druids. If it wasn't for Salomon's almost endless energy after opening the stigmata, he might not be able to spend such a busy day.

Maya Hansen’s idea is to use the Extremis virus to fine-tune the target gene, and at the same time use alchemical transmutation to modify and dissect the reversible gene expression in epigenetics, trying to make the children who undergo genetic modification have certain personality traits. Such as bravery, prudence and other qualities, Salomon also strongly supported this research, because he absolutely did not want those genetically modified fighters to have any idea of ​​betrayal of him.

If these studies are successful, the Nobel Prize in Physiology should be available, but Maya Hansen doesn't care about awards from the secular society at all. Death was inevitable. Even if the genetic samples in Maya Hansen's hands were adjusted, they would not be 100% safe and sound after being accepted by normal people, especially there were many magic-related things among them, and those things were the most unstable factors.

She is well aware of this.

Salomon had asked her to be mentally prepared before, and this was her method. She was fighting in her own way, and she was unwilling to let those lives die in her own hands.

"We will have experimental subjects." Salomon repeated, "They are all al-Qaeda scum, I promise, those people are extremely brutal scum. You can experiment as much as you want without any psychological burden."

"I am a professional, Salomon. Even a mature Extremis virus may get out of control, let alone an extremely complicated gene. Even after the human experiment is successful, I am not sure that the subsequent genetic modification will be successful." Maya Hansen seems to have not taken good care of herself for a long time, and she almost devotes her time to research. If it weren't for the artificial intelligence's newly installed server matrix to help her solve some problems, Maya Hansen's state may be even worse when Salomon returns to the Immortal City.

"When are you going to start?" she asked.

"Wait till I go to college, Maya."

Cold knowledge: After eating dragon fruit, don't make a fuss about the things in the toilet the next day. Otherwise it would be like me—

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