Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 398: Family Conflicts (Part 1)

Oh, you need to speed up, My Lord.

As if someone whispered maliciously in his ear, Salomon suddenly opened his eyes. The stigmata activated instantly, his muscles tensed, and he was ready to jump up and pour out his anger on the enemy at any time. But the moment he woke up, his stiff body relaxed.

He is safe.

Salomon exhaled the hot and humid exhaust air for a long time, and then slowly got out of bed. He walked into the living room and checked the protective spells he had cast in this apartment. Bayonetta, who was sleeping next to him, also slowly opened her eyes. She was very close to Salomon, and naturally noticed Salomon's sudden muscle tension.

The insane laughing sound in his sleep still echoed in his ears, he shook his head, trying to separate the dizziness brought by waking up from his brain.

The Cheshire cat lying on the wine cabinet looked suspiciously at the human under its feet, then continued to close its eyes, immersed in sleep.

Maybe it's just too much stress, Salomon thought. All the projects in the Immortal City are progressing steadily. The first Demon God Pillar Baal is the target of the future legion. It is really normal for him to dream of this rebellious hell lord.

In fact, according to the supreme mage, the bloody battle in the lower planes has started again now, and King Solomon's Demon God Pillars are fighting against each other on one side. If Salomon wants to defeat the first Demon God Pillar, then it is best to regain the support of other Demon God Columns through Phoenix.

In the eyes of the Supreme Mage, this is not a difficult task, but for Salomon, it is a fatal event. He doesn't think that those demon pillars can be as friendly as Phoenix. Phoenix is ​​a special case, and there are not many Demon God Pillars who are also special cases. There are only a few such as the thirty-fifth Demon Lord Magathia and the forty-first Demon Lord Fugalo.

The sum of these Demon God Pillars may hardly be comparable to the number one Demon God Pillar. Their rank determines that their power is completely inferior to Marduk who was once a god. And before the supreme mage agrees, it is absolutely impossible for Salomon to agree to the request of those demon pillars to summon them to the main material plane.

"Where are you going?" Bayonetta came out of the bedroom wearing pajamas with almost no covering area. When she saw Salomon, the dining table was already full of breakfast, and the android maid was busy handling the ingredients for lunch.

The artificial maid spent twelve hours cooking a pot of beef bone broth yesterday, so today's highlight lunch is a dish that combines risotto and quail. The risotto is stuffed into a whole boneless quail, which is then doused in hot oil to crisp the skin before being baked in the oven. Under the precise control of the android, this dish will reveal the flavor of the most perfect French fried quail and the rich taste of Spanish beef bone broth risotto.

The android maids love French cuisine, so when Salomon gets busy, almost all the witches eat are French dishes made by the maids. There's nothing wrong with that. Salomon's cooking is often much rougher. He grew up eating a variety of meals, so he doesn't have too many requirements for the beauty of the food. While creating delicious food, artificial humans also take into account the beauty, and the witches' luxurious and delicate characters are satisfied.

As for the first meal of the day, the android maid prefers sweetness, so the breakfast is pancakes with ruby ​​chocolate syrup or cranberry jam made by herself, a cup of hot sweet black tea or rose tea, and finally creamy ice cream sprinkled with dried fruit.

This way, the perfect day starts.

Although Salomon also wanted to enjoy the delicious food, he still put on the sacred robes, wand and long and short knives after eating two casual bites, looking as if he was going to fight someone. Beunita walked out of the bedroom with Joan who was still shrouded in sleepiness. Before Salomon could explain his next destination, Beunita pulled him to sit at the dining table.

"You have to have a good meal, Boya, no matter where you go, don't worry." The witch's expression was always loose. Salomon was very busy during the time before school started. He often left home after saying hello in the morning, and did not return to the apartment until late at night. If Bayunita hadn't confirmed through Salomon's physiological reaction that he was not stealing fish, she might have picked up a small leather whip to give Salomon a sweet punishment.

The gentle witch didn't mention what Salomon was about to do. Before that, she had inquired about the turmoil in the lower plane through the summoned little devil. Bayonetta thought that Salomon's recent mood changes might be related to this news. The upper and lower planes are staring at the main material plane, and Salomon, as the disciple of the supreme mage, must bear part of the pressure.

The witch did not know what Salomon was planning, but she knew that if Salomon was not allowed to finish his work, the tension would continue. That's not what the Witch wants to see, she's Bayonetta, and she can help Salomon fight the extradimensions if he's willing to speak out.

She was waiting for Salomon to confess to him.

Home was a place of relaxation, and she didn't want Salomon to bring a certain tension into the apartment.


"Great God." Salomon bowed slightly to Odin who was feeding the two giant wolves.

After an unpleasant conversation, he and the witches reached a consensus that he could issue missions to the witches on behalf of Kama Taj, and the targets of the missions were those extradimensional creatures. In this way, the witches could also logically intervene in the defense of the earth and share some pressure for Salomon.

At first Salomon was reluctant, but the gentleness of the witch resolved all his stubbornness. The Supreme Mage has no objection to such behavior. On the contrary, the Venerable thinks that it is too wasteful to let the witches do nothing, and the witches should be active on the battlefield.

The All-Father glanced at him, then turned to take care of his two pets.

Frigga pulled Salomon into the house in time. "He's a little unhappy," Tianhou said with a smile as she handed Salomon a piece of smoked salmon. "He always thinks that you've made him lose face by refusing to propose. Tsk, you still think of yourself as the father of the gods even though your ass has left the throne! If you have anything to say to me, I'll let that stubborn old man listen to it."

Salomon hesitated for a moment, and finally stuffed the piece of fish into his stomach under the gaze of the queen of heaven, Frigg. After eating, Tianhou's eyes softened a little, and Salomon took advantage of the opportunity to explain his purpose for coming here.

"It's like this, the queen..."

What Salomon wanted was an order from the All-Father, and he wished to obtain a small quantity of Uru metal-forged armor from Nidaville to equip his future armies. Not the artificial human army, but those genetically modified fighters, and among those genetically modified fighters, only those one in a million fighters can wear the special armor he prepared for them.

Only dwarves have the skill of forging Uru metal. This magical metal must be forged with unimaginable high temperature and unique spells of dwarves. Therefore, even if Salomon obtained the Uru metal, he had to ask the dwarf craftsmen of Nidaville to help him process it—the amount of metal he needed was definitely less than that of Thor's Hammer, and the resources consumed in forging the artifact were exaggerated. The fallen star plus a huge amount of Uru metal was able to successfully create the artifact.

As for the conditions, Salomon felt that Saul and Hela were good bargaining chips.

Who doesn't have any conflicts?

Ask for a ticket!

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