Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 399: Women's University Three Thousands Hold a Golden Mountain (Second)

"You are very brave, mystic." The father of the gods seemed a little angry after hearing Salomon's request. This behavior of exploiting the contradictions among the Asa protoss and the royal family for profit is intolerable to the father of the gods. If it wasn't for Salomon's identity as the disciple of the supreme mage and the persuasion of the queen Frigga, I am afraid that the seemingly ordinary dark cane would hit his head.

"Because I must, Father of the Gods."

The two giant gray wolves named Keely and Kulic also growled threateningly towards Salomon. Although the All-Father was sitting on the stake, his figure was extremely tall, like a giant covering the sky and the sun, and the black cane turned into a chilling spear. Salomon could almost hear the cries of the souls dying under the spear.

All the sunlight disappeared, leaving only leaden gray low clouds gathered in the sky, and the dull thunder from afar kept urging Salomon to speak.

Although it was not His Holiness' order to find the Father of the Gods this time, Salomon just bowed slightly, without showing any sign of flinching, nor did he show a trace of apology on his face.

"After you and His Majesty leave, I must do whatever it takes to maintain the current environment." Salomon straightened up, looking straight into Odin's one eye without fear. Odin read the look in his eyes, and he knew what it meant, and the All-Father knew that Salomon meant what he said next.

"Building an army is the best way, just like your heroic warriors." Salomon took a deep breath, the pressure brought by the father of the gods was very great. "I don't know what Thor's potential is, but I need to build an army to defend against the enemies of humanity."

"Does this enemy include the Asgardians?" The father of the gods pierced Salomon's heart like a spear, and his voice shook Salomon's eardrums like thunder, like the furious roar of a giant on a mountain top and the blizzard blown up by howling winds.

Salomon knew that he had better not lie in front of Odin.

"As long as the Asgardians abide by the covenant, then the Asgardians are Kama Taj's allies. This is the consensus that has continued since the first supreme mage." Salomon did not lie. Karma Taj once signed two different contracts with Asgard.

The first contract was signed between Agamotto, the first supreme mage, and Odin. The main content of the contract is that Asgard should deal with the threat of the main material plane, and the supreme mage should deal with the threat of the outer dimension. Salomon has never read the details of the contract, and his understanding of the contract is limited to the Venerable's explanation; the second contract is the contract signed between the current supreme mage and Odin. After Odin's failed attempt to reclaim Midgard and completely conquer the Nine Realms, the current Sorcerer Supreme's pact with Asgard was a military nonaggression pact.

Salomon's covenant with Asgard refers to these two. These two contracts thoroughly established Kama Taj's sovereignty over Midgard and the cooperative relationship between Kama Taj and Asgard. These two contracts are also one of the cornerstones for maintaining peace in the Nine Realms for many years.

The All-Father produced a parchment.

"Although you have not yet inherited the title, I want you to sign the contract first." Odin looked at Salomon standing in front of him. He held the parchment in front of the mystic so that he could see the words written on it clearly, "You are a king, and I know what it is like to be a good king. The so-called promises can be broken under profitable circumstances. So I only believe in the contract... This contract was signed by your teacher and me. As long as you sign on it, we will continue to talk conditions."

Salomon carefully checked the contract. This piece of paper does have the real name and title of the Venerable, and the real name of the father of the gods is also written on it. In addition, he also saw an unexpected name: Saul.

Although the strokes are immature, it is indeed Sol's name. As early as Thor was a child, Odin had asked him to sign this contract. As for Loki, I'm afraid he has never seen this piece of paper at all, and the eccentricity of the father of the gods is once again vividly reflected.

Salomon had no objection to this document, he took over the contract, and signed his full name on this piece of paper shining with dazzling magical aura. In the dark, he felt that he was connected with the Trinity Visandi and Yuktrasir who runs through the nine galaxies.

In the name of Emperor Weishan and in the name of World Tree, the contract was established.

The One-Eyed God took back the contract with satisfaction.

"My contract with Agamotto is not as simple as you imagined, child." Odin's tone softened a lot. He paused for a moment, and the dark clouds gathered in the sky quickly dissipated, and the phantom of the giant that covered the sky disappeared in an instant, and the father of the gods became the ordinary old man sitting on the stake again.

The expression of the father of the gods is a bit playful.

"At that time, your suzerain and I were facing a huge threat, and the contract was not written on paper. In order to prove our promise, Agamotto and I carved the contract on the rock. The position of that contract is where your Kama Taj is now, and Kama Taj was built on the cornerstone of the contract. I don't need you to sign another contract, because you must abide by it." Odin said, "I agreed to your little request. For you an army armor."

"But I have another contract. As long as you agree, all your arms plans can get the support of me and the next Askard King, as long as you have the ability to do it." Only the contract can be counted. As long as you can do it, I can agree with Asgard's assistance to you, even more. "

"Asgard will not begrudge a title of prince. Now it is your choice, Salomon."

"Father of the gods, I already have a mate."

"So what? You will eventually ascend to the highest level of mankind, so what's the problem with having so many lovers?" The father of the gods said confidently, completely unaware of the increasingly dangerous eyes of Frigga, who had been watching the whole process. In the early years, the father of the gods also had several lovers. If it wasn't for the queen Frigga's brilliant means to hide it from the Asa and Vanir gods, the political environment of Asgard might not be so simple now.

For example, Odin's most trusted intelligence officer, Heimdall, is one of the illegitimate children of Odin and the nine daughters (daughters of Yangbo) of the ancient sea god Egil. According to the operation of Queen Frigg, Heimdall gained a very important position, and because he was Odin's child, Heimdall gained the power to guide the Rainbow Bridge.

As a result, he stayed away from the disputes of the Asgard royal court, and became a person who could take care of himself no matter how the situation changed. This arrangement is both estrangement and protection, and Egil, the son of the ancient and noble giant ancestor and the god of the deep sea, has nothing to complain about at all.

There is more than one illegitimate child. Braki, who is currently taking care of Asgard's Wannian Garden, is one of them. Braki, the god of poetry, wisdom and eloquence, is the illegitimate son of Odin and the giantess Gunnlod. His only duty in Asgard is to be in charge of the banquet. If this position is important, it is important, and if it is not important, everyone usually forgets him.

The conservatory of Queen Frigg is in the garden. Salomon also met this god when he went to find Frigg, the god of poetry, wisdom and eloquence, Braki is always in the Queen's sight.

In addition, there are illegitimate children like Vidal, the god of silence, and Valli, the god of nature, created for special reasons. Under the means of the queen Frigg, all court disputes have nothing to do with these illegitimate children. But it is self-evident to say whether the queen Frigg is dissatisfied, so when Salomon rejected Odin's conditions, the queen Frigg admired him even more.

"As long as you become the prince of Asgard, I can gift you Dropnir, and you will get endless wealth." Odin stretched out his hand and promised Salomon the artifact. The simpler the function of the artifact, the more powerful it is, and the armband that means "Dripping Man" is one of them.

Every nine nights, Dropnir will give birth to eight golden armbands that are exactly the same as it, and Dropnir's ability can last forever. Those armbands are no different from that artifact except that they do not have the magical power of Dropnir.

This armband is Odin's personal item, and the owner can prove his status in Asgard. The All-Father really wanted to give the title of Prince.

"Take it and let Asgard and Midgard live together!"

Ask for a ticket!

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