Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 400: Object of Destiny (Part 1)

Even now, the All-Father is still looking for a way to avoid Ragnarok.

The prophesied precursor to the Winter of Fenbulle was fulfilled around 650 BC. That long and severe winter ended many lives in the world. The long dark winters called the Winter of the Wind, the Winter of the Sword, and the Winter of the Wolf caused the stars to lose their heat. The cold wind that swept across the world destroyed all social systems. Violence and chaos spread on the ground, and death was the only belief at that time.

The prophecy has come true, and the web woven by the fateful sisters is gradually covering Asgard. Three is a mysterious number, fate is three, vengeance is three, magic is three. The three goddesses of Noren not only have a lofty status in Asgard, but even the god kings in the Olympus pantheon cannot defy the fate woven by these three noble ladies.

It was at that time that the increasingly powerful goddess of death, Hela, was thrown into Helheim by the fearful Odin.

Odin wants to recruit Salomon with the "Dropman" as a bargaining chip. He clearly sees the essence of Salomon, and he knows that the tragedy of Asgard's destruction after Ragnarok is bound to affect the earth. Earth needs an ally on the Material Plane, and Asgard is essential.

The father of the gods is a king, he is willing to do anything for his country, including using artifacts and his own daughter to recruit this Salomon who has not yet stepped onto the stage.

Salomon didn't think for a few seconds before making up his mind to reject the titles of "The Dropper" and Asgard. However, in order to save the face of the father of the gods, he still pretended to struggle a lot, and then humbly and tactfully rejected Odin's proposal.

He is not so stupid. If he agrees to Odin's conditions, it means that he must go through life and death for Asgard. Originally, Kama Taj's assistance to Sol was only to ensure his survival. Odin was obviously dissatisfied with the support set by the Supreme Mage. Recruiting the Supreme Mage's disciples to fight for Asgard could also indirectly increase Kama Taj's support for Sol.

More importantly, Odin wanted to leave a spark for the royal family of Asgard. It doesn't matter if Sol fails, kings always have backup plans. In the new world after the twilight of the gods, as long as Hela and Salomon have an heir, then this heir with great potential will be crowned the royal family of Asgard.

At that time, what he failed to do, this son will complete, and Asgard will finally unify the Nine Realms without bloodshed.

Salomon only thought of the first layer but not the second layer, but the previous thoughts and the existence of the witch were enough to make him reject Odin.

The face of the All-Father was instantly covered by a layer of frost, and his gray one-eyed stared at Salomon. He threw a piece of parchment full of words to the mystic, then stood up from the tree stump, and staggered to the distant snow-capped mountains with the giant wolf on his cane without looking back.

"He's just like this. He loses his temper when things don't go his way." Diva Frigga gently stroked Salomon's long hair, and she was more satisfied with Salomon now. Tian Hou said, "If you don't mind, you can stay for lunch, anyway, that old guy is going to run to the snow mountain again."

"Sorry, queen, I still have things to do." Salomon said goodbye to queen. The Empress thinks that Salomon is still too young to get used to the longevity concept of time. Being young also means being reckless and being impulsive, so Frigga sympathetically agreed with the behavior of the young man in front of her.

Salomon, who received the order from the Father of the Gods, returned to the Karma Taj New York Temple as quickly as possible. He will go to Svartheim through the portal here, which is the legendary Nidaville, the arsenal of Asgard, and the country where dwarves and dwarves live together. Not only can the world's best armor and weapons be forged there, but Asgard's world-famous artistic creations also come from that world.

Salomon had to negotiate with Nidaville. Those extremely stubborn guys would not agree to help him forge armor just because of a single order, not to mention that the armor he wanted to forge was not that simple.

"What did you say?" Salomon couldn't believe his ears. The temple deacon, Mage Daniel, told him an unbelievable news after he came in. Master Daniel yawned in his keeper's seat, throwing the talking double-headed snake in the New York Temple back into the potted plant.

"It's just a one-dimensional smuggling. Asgard sent an official document asking us to help pay attention to the fugitive." Master Daniel was in a slump, and he seemed to have not recovered from the busyness of the last celestial body convergence. This is also easy to understand. After all, Master Daniel is very old. Few of the new generation of mystic masters in Karma Taj are outstanding.

He didn't think much of this unexpected situation, and if it wasn't for Salomon's great contribution to Karma Taj, he would not have told Salomon about it. Mage Daniel plucked his little white long hair, and said with a tired face, "Don't worry, the smuggling of the main material plane will be detected by the planetary defense system. According to the report from Asgard, the fugitive is a witch. We just need to pay more attention then."

"Are you serious, old man?"

"Tsk, young people just like to make a fuss."

Salomon wished he could go up the stairs and pluck out the remaining beard of this old guy who was good at fishing. But Master Daniel took out an invitation letter and a round little black cat from the pocket of his robe. The little black cat, which was dozing in Master Daniel's pocket, woke up instantly and barked childishly towards Salomon.

"Someone threw this into the mailbox with your name written on it." The old guy didn't even look at it, so he handed the black kitten and the dark black invitation letter to Salomon, "Someone may have invited you to a banquet. Don't worry, no one is watching here, and there is no spell on the invitation letter. However, you have attracted some people's attention by frequently entering and leaving the temple through the main entrance, otherwise they would not have put this invitation letter in the mailbox with the cat."

Salomon opened the invitation letter, but the original seemingly ordinary invitation letter made of coated paper revealed its true appearance at this time - this is not something made of paper, it is a high-tech creation.

The invitation letter cast a blue holographic projection, and a somewhat familiar logo appeared on it. Then there was a projection, and the person on the projection invited Salomon to a dance party, because they had an important item in their hands that needed to be returned to its original owner, and Salomon was the owner of that item.

"Who invited you?" Master Daniel asked curiously with wide-eyed eyes. As long as this old guy encounters things that have nothing to do with work, he will be full of energy, and even the supreme mage doesn't know what to say about him. Salomon also gave him a hard look, and then continued to look.

After the projection ended, Salomon blinked. He glanced at the cat curled up in his palm, then at the contents of the invitation, and guessed the possible sender of the invitation. The little black cat licked Salomon's palm, then rolled in his palm, purring comfortably.

The little black cat seemed to trust Salomon so much that it curled itself up into a round, fluffy ball and fell asleep again.

"I guess it might be Bastet, someone has received the oracle." Salomon closed the invitation letter, and then showed the little milk cat sleeping in his palm in front of Master Daniel. Although this little milk cat is small in size, its purr is completely out of proportion to its size. This purr even attracted curious onlookers from the flying cloak in the glass cabinet.

"This matter involves an Egyptian god, and I need to discuss this matter with His Holiness."

Ask for a ticket!

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