Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 401 Bastet and the Brass Frog (Second Change)

Except for Asgard who lives in the main material plane, other earth gods have already left the earth and entered their respective kingdoms of God. These kingdoms of God are established in outer dimensions and fall on the main material plane like a demiplane.

For example, the Olympus pantheon lives in an outer dimension called Mount Olympus, and can be accessed through the Greek Mount Olympus located on the earth.

The Aztec gods lived in an outer dimension called Topán, their world floating in the endless void.

The Danu Protoss live in Avalon, the magical kingdom created by Gaia. The current Supreme Mage has a close relationship with Avalon, as does Salomon.

The Slavic Protoss lived in an outer dimension called Svarga (Svarga, which means kingdom of God, heaven), and cut off all ties with the earth after King Vladimir I of Russia converted to the Orthodox Church.

The outer dimension where the Nine Pillars of Egypt lived was called the Sun City, and the entrance to the outer dimension was located in today's Egypt.

This knowledge was passed on to Salomon by the supreme mage. He knew the entrances and environments of the outer dimensions where all the gods of the earth now lived.

But just like Athena who lived on the earth, most pantheons will send several gods to live on the earth to observe the development of the earth's form. This is one of the agreements reached between Kama Taj and the gods. Although the gods cannot affect human beings again, it is feasible to only observe and not interfere.

His Holiness did not want to tear himself apart with the gods, so he agreed to the condition.

But Bastet, who handed the invitation letter to Salomon, was a little special. Although gods have different identities in different civilizations (such as Greek gods and Roman gods), Bastet's situation is special-the Egyptian gods were actually born in other parts of Africa first, and became Egyptian gods after the belief spread. When the Egyptian Nine Pillars God left the main material plane, the Egyptian God who was not the Nine Pillars God stayed smoothly as an observer and continued to rule his own country.

This small African country is very special and fortunate.

More than 10,000 years ago, a meteorite containing a special metal fell into the homes of several tribes. The radiation from that meteorite mutated the warriors who went to explore the meteorite named "Gift of the Gods", so one of the most powerful warriors in the tribe begged the "Panther God" to help him. Bastet agreed, so she instructed the warrior to take a herbal juice produced by the mutation caused by the meteorite, and used her divine power to help the warrior survive the side effects of the drug, and granted him knowledge far ahead of his time.

So the warrior gained strength and wisdom far beyond ordinary people, and he also had a title - Black Panther.

After he defeated the mutants caused by radiation, the black panther warrior named Klanga united several tribes, and a small African country named Wakanda was established. The special herb, heart-shaped grass, also became the unique medicine of the panther. The first Black Panther established a systematic religion against Bastet and permanently closed Wakanda's borders to prevent outsiders from spying on the special metal called Vibranium.

The invitation letter Salomon got was made by the royal family of Wakanda, and the sender was Prince Techara of Wakanda. This prince is also an Oxford alumnus of Salomon. It must be the address filled by Salomon that allowed him to find the location. As for the little black kitten stuffed into the mailbox together with the invitation letter, Salomon thought it was Bastet's announcement.

But the little black milk cat standing on the table and barking at Salomon and the Supreme Master definitely didn't mean to convey Bastet's announcement. Salomon felt that the cat was just hungry. Especially when it bites Salomon's finger, this premonition reaches its peak.

Perhaps the reason it was stuffed into the mailbox in the first place was because it was good at shouting, which could be used to remind Salomon to remember to receive the letter?

"My lord, I think this scene looks familiar." Salomon sighed. He didn't understand why those gods always liked to use animals to declare their identities. Athena liked to use owls and snakes, Odin liked to use crows, and Bast used a black kitten that had just opened its eyes.

"I always feel that Bastet's invitation came too late, maybe because she is not as powerful as Athena." The Venerable stretched out his finger and poked the little black kitten. But this silly milk cat didn't care at all, it stood up excitedly after somersault, and continued to call towards Salomon and the Supreme Mage.

"Next time you can decide this kind of thing by yourself." The venerable said, "You are already capable of negotiating with Odin, so you don't have to worry too much when facing Bastet."

"Teacher, are you angry because I contacted the father of the gods privately?"

"How is it possible!" The Venerable glanced at Salomon, then continued to lower his head, poking the cat happily. "The future of this world is yours. There is nothing wrong with you contacting the father of the gods in advance. You have to have faith, Salomon. You are my disciple and my successor, so you can do whatever you think is right."

"Then what are we going to do with this cat?"

"You're going to keep a pet again, child." The Supreme Mage said with a smile, "I hope the witch's apartment won't become a zoo. This is the trouble of the gods."


"You must be wondering why you are allowed to come to school a week before the official start of the semester. As a student who has studied in Oxford, I can tell you that this is the unique 'zero' week in Oxford. You have many people to meet and many activities to participate in during this period, even if you are in Merton, a nerd college."

Outside the Sheldon Theater, T'Challa in a suit talked to Salomon. Not long ago, Salomon, dressed in Sub-Fusc attire [including a dark suit or coat, white shirt, black leather shoes, student cap and black robe] and a white bow tie, joined other freshmen from the same college in the theater to listen to the Vice-Chancellor's speech under the huge dome mural created by Robert Sterry. The 1688 mural titled "Truth Comes to Art and Science" was barged to Oxford University after completion in Whitehall.

If it weren't for T'Challa's explanation, Salomon would have no idea of ​​this history at all.

"You're fluent in Latin, T'Challa. How do you pretend like Wakanda is a poor country to everyone else?"

T'Challa laughed.

"I am a prince." He said with a smile, "Princes are always special, even African princes. Your Latin is not bad. I only found out recently that you were studying at Eton College. If I could know earlier, then we would have known each other earlier, and the item could be returned to you as soon as possible."

"So what exactly is this?" Salomon pouted, motioning T'Challa to explain what the two strange things he put into his pocket were.

"I don't know, but this thing is owned by my grandfather, Azuli the Wise. My grandfather kept this thing in the treasure house of Wakanda and received the strictest protection." T'Challa said, "My father, the current king of Wakanda, T'Chaka, dreamed of the Black Panther God a few years ago. The Black Panther God asked my father to return these two brass frogs to you and invited you to visit Wakanda. The Black Panther God said that it belonged to you. But my father only found you in New York After that, all traces of you disappeared, and when you reappeared, it was the Battle of New York—when my father saw the report of the Battle of New York, the Black Panther God told him that the knight in silver armor was the one he had been looking for for many years."

"Then what's the purpose of your panther god?" Salomon wondered why T'Challa didn't call the panther god Bastet. But he didn't talk too much, but waited for the answer.

Ask for a ticket! ! !

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