Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 408 Asgard's Fugitive (Part 1)

In the final analysis, this incident was inspired by Lara Croft. While he was struggling with epigenetics to embody the talents of a genetically engineered warrior, the idea ran wildly through his mind. Yeah, what could be more gifted than the heroes of history? Perhaps a large part of the achievements of those people were created by the times, but it is completely impossible if they do not have a little talent.

The Knights of the Round Table, as one of countless legends of heroes, became the target pursued by Salomon, especially the most loyal knights. As long as the bones are found, Salomon can use black magic to make the dead bones grow into carrion, and then obtain the knight's DNA. And the fighters who have accepted these knight genes will take the name of the Knights of the Round Table as their surname, which is what Salomon promised His Holiness. It is precisely because he promised to continue the Knights of the Round Table that His Holiness pointed out to him the burial place of the Knights of the Round Table.

It was a difficult job, the His Holiness had built an undisturbed tomb for all the dead Knights of the Round Table, and it would take a while for Salomon to open the tomb again. But it was worth it. With the help of Karma Taj's library and Athena's memory, Salomon successfully confirmed the resting place of a large number of historical heroes and wise men. These bright stars in the long history of mankind will light up the human world again in the future.

"I'll pay you back because you are here to help me, Wang." Salomon patted the dirt on his hands angrily. No matter how much he exaggerated his behavior, digging a grave was a dirty job rolling in the dirt, and the shovel was the most commonly used tool, as well as the hammer and skewer that Salomon stuffed into the hands of the little king mage. But Master Xiao Wang turned around and put down the tool, and issued an order to Salomon.

"I have a job, Salomon." Master Xiao Wang's round cheeks that had always been smiling were now serious, "Master Daniel wants you to help, and he wants you to bring your artificial maid."

"Can't the deacons of the New York Temple solve it?"

"They went, but not many people came back. They were all women." Master Xiao Wang smacked his lips. "According to their description, the target's voice would confuse men. Those temple deacons were confused because they didn't protect themselves well, or because their spiritual protection was broken. This is exactly the same as the wanted list given by Asgard. Master Daniel is busy with all his feet now, and he has to prepare to deal with the Supreme Master's blame. That old dog..."

"Okay." Salomon jumped out of the pit, he clapped his hands, and then wiped Master Wang's body, "Where are we going?"

"New orders." Melinda May gathered the members of Coulson's team in the Airbus conference room to share the latest intelligence with them. This piece of information was released directly to Coulson's team by S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters. "SHIELD detected high energy readings from the air over the border of California and Nevada."

"Where did Agent Coulson go?" Agent Grant Ward asked. Since Skye, a female hacker in the mission team, was seriously injured, Agent Coulson's whereabouts have become mysterious. The agent's intuition told him that this was definitely related to the secret base that Agent Coulson went to not long ago. Agent Coulson did not share the information with others, and it had been buried in the collapsed mountain, and others would no longer be able to know the secrets of that base.

"Deal with some private matters." Melinda May was unwilling to answer.

"These readings are the same as those detected by Dr. Savig and Dr. Foster in New Mexico and London." Simmons of the scientific team first discovered the characteristics of these readings, and she also accurately concluded, "Indicating that Asgardians are coming."

"Sol?" Fitz opened his mouth in surprise, looking like a fish lacking oxygen.

"Not sure. Anyway, S.H.I.E.L.D. wants us to meet the comers."

"Okay, okay, don't worry, right? The Asgardians are our allies." Fitz said a little excitedly.

"Not Loki." Agent Grant Ward poured cold water on Fitz. Restraining the impulsive emotions of teammates is a necessary means for agents.

"Wait, tell me, will that person show up?" Simmons suddenly exclaimed, "No, he will definitely show up!"

"You're talking about... oh, bad..." Fitz obviously thought of something, "I don't like him, his appearance means a subversion of science."

"He's an arrogant bastard!" Simmons added solemnly.


Salomon looked at his android maid with joy after putting on the armor. This body force feedback armor is not equipped with electronic muscle bundles or hydraulic motors. The increase in strength and speed is not exaggerated, but it is enough to pick up the latest bolter made by Wakanda. A real large-caliber bolter like a cannon, with a warhead loaded with high explosives, a few bullets can blow up an ordinary armored personnel carrier.

When his legions of androids are created, each android will be able to wear the armor, which will also be his first army. Even though Salomon took off all the clothes of the cyborg during the dressing process and put on a high-tech underwear that fitted her body and had no decoration, the cyborg maid did not show any shyness.

She was just dissatisfied because Salomon had pulled her out of the kitchen.

"Master, what kind of enemy are we going to face, can it be more important than dinner?"

"It is said to be an Asgardian woman." Salomon took the artificial maid to walk in the wilderness near Death Valley National Park in southwestern Nevada, USA. The dimensional teleportation location given by the planetary defense system is here. There is a natural portal here, and the Asgardian fugitive most likely came to Earth from here. The high status of California makes it not only have charming sunshine, but also motorcycle parties in various small towns-California has a population of only 4.2 million people, but the number of guns is more than 20 million. It is said that robbers from other places shot at the crowd, only to be killed by several passers-by who shot back.

Therefore, Salomon deliberately put on the sacred robe. He cannot be bulletproof, at least not before the stigmata are opened.

"Asgardian?" The cyborg weighed the alloy long sword made by the Wakandas in his hand and the heavy bolter hanging on his waist, trying to assess whether he was armed enough based on the available information.

"Yes." Salomon handed the arrest warrant to the artificial man, "Lorelei, also known as the bane girl, is an extremely beautiful woman. Asgard informed us of her crimes. She once used her charm magic to set off a rebellion."

"Master, why did you bring me?" the artificial man asked.

"Because her ability is ineffective against women, dear Dinah." Salomon said, "and you will lead a group of artificial humans in the future, you must have the experience of fighting Asgardians first. Don't worry, I will cast the protection spell, and I don't think anyone can break through the protection spell cast by the venerable on me."

They searched for traces of Asgardian fugitives along Route 160, including small towns and bars along the street. It's not that Salomon doesn't want to ride a motorcycle, but the combination of the armor of the man-made man and his weight has reached the upper limit of the motorcycle's load, especially the energy backpack and cooling device behind the armor are extremely heavy, so they can only visit on foot.

Fortunately, there is a portal, otherwise he would have died of thirst in the desert.

Suddenly, Salomon seemed to notice something. He looked up at the sky on one side, and after a while, a beam of light mixed with various colors descended from the sky. "Let's go over there and have a look." Salomon said, "It seems that the pursuers sent by Asgard have arrived. We have to let the Asgardian complete the formalities."

Ask for a ticket!

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