Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 409 Disaster for the Nation (Second Change)

"Simmons, you are right. He has appeared, and he still looks like an asshole." Fitz covered his face, and he sighed a long time, "What legal provisions are he talking about, my God! He is talking about legal provisions with aliens. Does American law involve aliens?"

Even facing the muzzles of several assault rifles, Salomon's fingertips still brushed the runes on the parchment unhurriedly, and he patiently explained the contents of the parchment to the female warrior standing in front of him. Agent Melinda May tried to interrupt him, but Salomon refused to leave because of his obsession with the rules. At the same time, Salomon also stopped the android from launching explosive bombs into the operation team to avoid unnecessary casualties.

"See?" He said to Sif, who was full of impatience, "Asgard did not sign the precautions for transnational law enforcement after applying for tracing. Sif, you have to sign your name and submit it to Heimdall, and then submit it to any of the three holy temples after Heimdall's signature. You can only start to act after obtaining the receipt from the guardian of the temple."

"Hurry up and give it to me!" Sif impatiently grabbed the parchment and signed several names without looking at it.

"This matter is not over yet, Sif." Salomon took back the parchment and pretended to cough a few times.

"Then we'll talk about it later." Sif rolled her eyes. She hated nothing more than official business on paper, and Salomon happened to be one of the best at it.

Salomon, Sif and the cyborgs were all invited to the S.H.I.E.L.D. vehicle, and Melinda May drove to monitor them. Sif was very curious about the artificial man's armor, she had never seen such heavy equipment, and so was Melinda May, she thought it was a moth made by Salomon. She glanced at the mystic in the passenger seat, "What do you know about this?"

"Not too many, only what Asgard is willing to tell." Salomon sighed, "Several male mystics of Kama Taj were tempted, and the fugitive's charm spell broke through their spiritual protection."

"Then why did you come?" Sif asked. "Men should not be involved in this operation."

"I'm not an ordinary mystic, don't forget." Salomon rolled his eyes. Master Daniel of the New York Temple is currently busy leading people to find people in the Nine Realms. This old guy neglected his duties and caused the mystics to disappear. His Holiness must be blamed. His Temple Guardians have done it!

Melinda May took this information to heart.

"What kind of black magic is this!" When Sif saw Agent Coulson on the air bus, she was so surprised that she took the long sword on her back, "Sol said you died under Loki's hands."

"He's right, he died for a while." Agent Coulson didn't intend to explain the complicated reasons to the Asgardians. He glanced at Salomon and the cyborg who stayed in the cargo hold, "But Loki is not the only one who has unique skills, and S.H.I.E.L.D. also has its own unique skills."

"Sol will be glad to hear you're not dead, he counts you as a friend."

"Me too, so if possible, I would like to tell him personally." Coulson didn't want to dwell on this issue for too long, "I heard you are looking for someone?"

"I'm hunting her, Lorelei. She used her powers to wreak havoc on the Nine Kingdoms 600 years ago. She commanded armies and overthrew kingdoms and monarchs."

"What kind of ability is this?" Agent Grant Ward, who was holding his arms, asked disapprovingly, "Strength? Or speed?"

"It's sorcery." Sif replied solemnly, the answer stunned the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. "She twists a man's will to achieve her own ends."

"Only men?" asked Melinda May. "Her hex doesn't work on women?"

"Yes, men have inherent weaknesses, but women don't." Sif glanced at Salomon who was slowly walking in. Although she was reluctant, she still gave Salomon a completely unnecessary Asgardian courtesy.

Because Salomon's record is enough to earn respect.

"Only a very small number of men can resist her voice. For those men who can resist temptation, she relies on her voice plus touch. This is enough to destroy a man's willpower, and even a wizard cannot resist her power."

"Don't look at me like that, the planetary defense system has only detected one person." Salomon shrugged. He asked the man-made man to take off the helmet, revealing the carefully sculpted face and short pearl-white hair, "This is my maid, if Lorelei breaks through the protective spell, my maid will kill her."

"Maid?" Fitz smacked his lips. The android said nothing, her attention was only on Salomon.

"Don't be surprised, I took her to Coulson's funeral."

"So how do we stop her?" Agent Coulson asked.

Sif showed the crowd the necklace she had brought. This thing is cast from Uru metal and has the effect of isolating magic. As long as Lorelai wears this thing, she will be unable to speak - this thing is what Lorelai has been wearing in the prison. If the cursed warrior had not broken the protection of the dungeon, she would not have taken it off so easily.

"She walked through a natural portal. Such a portal is called the roots of Uktrassil. The exact number is uncertain, but those portals are extremely hidden and very difficult to pass through." Salomon continued, following Sif's words, "But we are not unprepared."

"Do you know where she is now?"

"Rainbow Bridge only took me to where she was last seen," Sif said, "but she would start seducing men to do things for him very soon."

"We are not unprepared." The mystic showed the bolt gun in his hand to the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., and then he tentatively fired a shot towards the outside of the cargo hold. The deafening gunshots rang out, and ordinary people covered their ears. After the dust dispersed, a large crater that seemed to have been ravaged by small grenades appeared on the concrete floor where the plane was parked.

"I think that's enough for an Asgardian," he said. "Even Thor, who can only take a 50-gauge bolter."

"Have you done the test?" Fitz leaned over immediately after his hearing recovered. Although he was dissatisfied with the design of this gun, he believed that the power of this gun was already comparable to that of some machine guns. This is a weapon used to deal with aliens, Fitz quickly glanced at Sif's face, "How's the recoil?"

"Ordinary people have comminuted fractures." Salomon raised the bolter with one hand and put it into Fitz's arms, and then he looked at the physicists in the science team and staggered. Before Fitz was crushed to death by the pistol, he got the bolter back.

"This is really a big guy." Agent Grant Ward couldn't help coming over. Excluding the past industrialized angular design that Fitz didn't like, this gun can be said to have hit the hearts of all men. Big, thick, shootable, and loud enough, men would jump at the gun like moths to a light in the night, and Salomon was no different than a kid showing off his new toy to his kindergarten classmates.

"Boys, now is the time to listen to the mission information." Simmons rolled his eyes and interrupted the small gathering of all the men on the plane except Coulson in time.

"That is to say, we won't face the magician in this mission?" Melinda May asked.

"I'm not sure." Salomon came back to his senses. He said, "The temple guardians haven't found all the missing male mystics yet. He said that he will call me when they find them all. By the way, where is Skye? She won't be locked up by you, right?"

"She..." Simmons glanced at Agent Coulson. After obtaining permission, she ended the long voice, "She was injured, very seriously. But it doesn't matter, her life is not in danger."

"We would like your assistance in this matter," Agent Coulson said. "Use your magic to help her and check her health."

Ask for a ticket!

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