Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 411 You Should Be Afraid Of Me (Second)

Lorelei has been to the earth and left legends on the earth. She is the so-called daughter of the Rhine, a woman who can summon her lover by singing, similar to the water fairy Nymph. It's just that all the water fairies on the earth had entered Avalon at that time, and none remained in the world.

The spells and potions possessed by this witch are related to love, so she has also successfully seduced Sol in the past-when they were children, Sif already knew that she would be the future princess. So when she saw Sol and Lorelai lying in the garden kissing, she rushed up and punched Sol and Lorelai each, knocking them to the ground.

Also from then on, Sif determined to become a warrior.

In fact, this is Loki's prank, he invited Lorelai to the Golden Palace, and then asked her to meet Thor. As for the appearance of Sif, it was a coincidence. At that time, she was summoned by the queen Frigg to prepare flowers for the dinner in the garden.

When they're all grown up, Lorelai seduces Sol again. But this time it was not Lorelei's subjective will, but Loki's instigation. Even though she was tired of Thor, she still agreed to the plan. At the same time, she also cast a spell on Loki's magic weapon, and when Loki picks up the staff, she will fall in love with her, and she intends to destroy Loki with emotion.

Lorelai's plan succeeded for a while, until the Queen of Heaven, Frigga, lifted the spell Lorelai cast on Loki and Thor.

The witch was spinning between Thor and Loki, causing chaos in the other realms, and that's why she was locked in the dungeon.

"Don't let her kiss you." When he was on the vehicle of the SHIELD, Hifu was still tirelessly told Salmon. Whether it was the dust raised outside the window or the roar of the engine, it could not flood her serious tone. "Someone tried to kiss Rolele, and then he became a stone. Don't be charm by the witch. Can not be underestimated. Salmon, if you are seduced, I will not show mercy to your men. "

"Don't worry." Salomon nodded, indicating that he had listened to Sif's suggestion.

The S.H.I.E.L.D. convoy stopped in front of a dilapidated small-town bar in the Nevada desert, and Sif couldn't wait to get out of the car. She drew out the long sword behind her back, and looked along the place that was covered with a layer of desert dust. "She likes palaces and castles," Sif smacked her lips, "this is much more shabby than her usual place of residence."

"It's not the place that attracts her, but the people in it," Grant Ward said. According to intelligence, local bikers and gunmen gathered in the Hell Dog biker club, local gangsters became Lorelei's servants, and attacked jewelry stores and gun stores.

When the S.H.I.E.L.D. convoy arrived, there were already two local police officers waiting with shotguns.

"How many people are under her control?" Agent Coulson walked over and asked the police, "Have you seen the suspect?"

"I see, she is so beautiful." The chubby policeman raised his shotgun without hesitation and fired at Agent Coulson. Agent Coulson quickly rolled on the ground, and when he stood up again, he saw the steel balls fired from the shotgun floating in the air. The controlled local police hid behind the car and shot the SHIELD agents, while the SHIELD agents could only use Fitz's latest non-lethal pistol to fight back.

Salomon stood boldly in front of the car with no cover. Any bullets that approached him would be reflected back, and they rammed around aimlessly. Sif held up her shield, and she and the armored android maid followed Salomon towards the front door of the bar.

"Help me!" Agent Coulson yelled from behind the car. Immediately afterwards, the gunfire subsided. When the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents went out of the bunker to check, they found that the two policemen and the motorcycle gang who ran out of the bar were tightly bound by solid metal rings, and Salomon and his party had already broken into the bar.

"Lorelai, you're still manipulating men to do bad things for you." Sif immediately saw Lorelai surrounded by those leather-clad bikers.

"You're always one or two steps away." Lorelai pushed aside the motorcycle party and walked out. The Asgardian woman with long orange-red hair taunted Sif in a soft tone, and at the same time she did not forget to wink at Salomon. Salomon readily accepted, causing Sif to hesitate—she didn't know whether to defeat Salomon now.

"She is so beautiful." Salomon said with a smile, "but I have a girlfriend, sorry."

"Why didn't you abandon her?" Lorelai blinked her eyes full of innocence, the moist eyes combined with the feather-like caressing words made people's heart itch uncontrollably. Salomon just smiled, ignoring the menacing men who surrounded their group, he went to the bar and poured himself a glass of beer.

"You know what the result will be, Lorelai. Take the initiative to follow me..."

"Did you mistakenly think that I would be afraid of you? I beat you once. Have you forgotten?" Lorelai taunted again.

"You should be afraid of her." Salomon took a deep breath. He put down his wine glass, then waved his hand to signal the artificial maid to prepare for battle. Salomon pointed to the corpse of a woman behind the bar, "You should be afraid of me too, because you have taken the lives of the subjects of the Supreme Mage. Dinah, kill her!"

"No! My order is..."

The android maid drew her gun and fired at a speed imperceptible to the naked eye, and the deafening gunshots rang out. The bullet with a muzzle velocity of more than 1000 meters per second exits the chamber accompanied by burning high-pressure gas, and then the bullet bursts out with a roar of secondary ignition. When the warhead touched Lorelei's chest, the high explosives loaded into the warhead exploded again, and even the Asgardians couldn't bear this force.

This bolter fired in bursts, and the android maid fired three bullets in a row.

Lorelei smashed through the wall of the bar, and those seduced motorcycle gangs rushed forward the moment Dinah shot. Salomon stepped aside and grabbed the back of the neck of the biker wearing a black wool cap who was rushing towards him. He smacked the guy's head against the bar with his backhand, and he threw the stunned idiot at the guy holding the shotgun not far away.

Sif slammed into the wall of the bar that had been smashed through. She knew that even an Asgardian would not feel well after being shot. This was indeed the case. When she passed through the wall, she saw Lorelei lying on the ground without armor and covered in dust, with blood continuously oozing from her mouth. She muttered indistinct incantations, trying to heal the internal bleeding in her chest and abdomen.

She is not of the high blood of the Asa Protoss. Sol may be able to resist the next bullet without breaking the skin, but she will not.

All Sif wants now is to keep Lorelei alive.

The android maid didn't receive the order to keep her hands. She also drew her long sword and slashed at the motorcycle gang who raised their guns and tried to shoot at Salomon. Gunshots and sword lights instantly filled the small bar. Agent Coulson rushed in with his team. All they saw were human bodies split in two by bullets, tables, chairs and guns shattered by long swords. Thick blood and fetid visceral fragments covered every inch of the wooden floor, and the android maid bathed in blood stood standing among the corpses, like a hellish ghost.

Only a lucky few are still alive, and it looks like they won't be around for long.

"Where's Salomon?" Agent Coulson asked, holding a gun, deciding whether to shoot the android maid.

The android maid pointed to the gap in the wall. Before Agent Coulson could run over, the bolter fired again, followed by Sif's roar, followed by the sound of flashes and swords colliding.

"What happened?" Agent Coulson thought for a while, slowed down, and asked the android maid. After he quickly understood what happened, he suddenly felt that this matter was a bit tricky.

Because Salomon wants Lorelai to die here, now it's a dispute between superhumans, how will S.H.I.E.L.D. intervene?

Ask for a ticket!

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