Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 412 Top Secret Files (Part 1)

Agent Coulson had identified the woman lying behind the bar, and he waved the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents out of the bar, now covered in body parts and blood. Not only because he saw that Salomon's maid had changed the bolter cartridges, but also because he didn't want to get involved in the matter. If they get in the way of the android maid, they will most likely be killed by Dinah, who only cares about Salomon's safety.

The woman who was strangled was the wife of the biker boss who had been cut into pieces. Presumably Lorelai had seduced the biker boss and let him strangle his wife. Even the good-natured Agent Coulson would be pissed off when aliens took the lives of Earthlings. If it wasn't for Thor's relationship with the Avengers, Agent Coulson would have evacuated them long ago.

He knew that the organization Salomon belonged to had a very close relationship with Asgard, so Agent Coulson believed that Salomon would act appropriately. It is also good to teach the Asgardians a lesson. SHIELD only needs to ensure that no one is killed and the relationship between Asgard and the earth will not be deadlocked.

"Stop!" Sif got up from the ground, her tightly tied hair was full of dust, the small shield on her arm had sunken marks, and black scorched marks left by the incomplete combustion of the explosive. Salomon was merciful, he only shot at the shield, and did not aim at weak parts like Sif's knee. The powerful retarding force of the bolter bullets still pushed Sif back, and the android maid who came later took over Salomon's fire suppression, allowing the mystic to have time to pay attention to Lorelei who was trying to escape.

Just as Sif distracted Salomon, she got up and ran to the back of the bar.

Lorelei never imagined that the current earth has become so dangerous. In the past, she was hailed as the daughter of the Rhine. She combed her long hair with the golden wooden comb. Her singing could attract the sailors passing by the Rhine to sink.

Salomon hugged Lorelai's slender waist, his movements were as gentle as embracing a lover. Although her chest and abdomen were still aching, Lorelai still laughed lightly—as long as she was a man, she would be tempted, and no man could resist the desire to have skin-to-skin contact with her. It must be the miserable appearance of her when she ran away that touched the man's compassion, and then this compassion was transformed into love under the power of magic!

She turned her head with a triumphant smile and kissed Salomon lightly on the lips.

"My warrior." After a while, she separated from Salomon. The magic worked, Lorelai licked her lips, she smiled and said, "It's time for you to fight for me. I'll give you everything you want, including me."

"Of course." Salomon nodded. Suddenly, Lorelai noticed that Salomon's arms around her waist tightened suddenly, and before she could realize what was going on, she was hit hard on the head. The world was turned upside down, and all she could see was the yellow dust of the Nevada desert. Her mind was filled with ear-piercing buzzing sounds and brilliantly colored spots of light. She only remembered a dull bang, and then she knew nothing.

Salomon, who finished a WWE star Brock Lesnar's signature "Beast Throw", held a dazed Lorelei in his hand. "You are mine now, Lorelai." Salomon said gruffly, "Asgard didn't send any documents to capture you alive, and Kama Taj has the job of finding dimensional smugglers."

"The prisoner resisted fiercely, and the Karma Taj mystic had no choice but to take appropriate countermeasures." He pressed the bolter against the back of Lorelai's head, "Goodbye, Lorelai, your kiss is sweet."

Sif is a loyal warrior, there's no denying that. To fulfill the orders of the All-Father, this warrior will sacrifice everything, including herself. So when she saw Lorelai kissing Salomon, her first thought was that Salomon had been seduced and the mystic had betrayed.

But the artificial maid was still standing in front of her. Both sides are keeping their hands, and no one has made a real move. But just when Salomon was about to kill Lorelei, Sif finally couldn't help it.


Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistic Support Bureau File Number: 084-a1-a2-0.2546785.2013

Confidentiality level: tenth level.

Primary Confession: Level 7 Agent Phil Coulson.

Recorder: Level 10 Agent Maria Hill.

Date of Recording: Unknown.

Warning: This record contains videos and documents, the content of which involves Asgardians and wizards, and is limited to a small number of people within S.H.I.E.L.D. Anyone who is not authorized to view this file is considered a traitor. Please consciously find a report from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The Ministry of Internal Affairs will issue bursts of copper-containing therapeutic drugs to restore the loyalty of the agent—Nicholas Joseph Fury.

Supplement: Anyone who is not authorized to view this file will be regarded as a Hydra agent, and will be arrested and interrogated, and the killing process will be carried out depending on the situation.

Complementary: Agent Maria Hill, Level 10.

Date added: Unknown.

Supplement: This file has been declassified, and only agents with Level 7 or above permissions can view it.

Supplement: Phil Coulson, director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Date added: Unknown.

Supplement: This file is sealed and can only be consulted when the incident involving Salomon Damonette is involved. This archive can be used as a psychoanalysis of Salomon Damonette. Attempt to contact members of the Avengers when necessary.

Complementary: Daisy Johnson, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

(I'm finally boss so I can scribble on the files! As long as May doesn't find out!)

Supplementary date: unknown

(Mei found out! The training is exhausting. (^))

Sizzling——sizzling—(The image data is damaged, the picture is not clear, and the background sound is full of white noise)

Added: Presumably possibly damaged during the Hydra Rebellion

Complementary: Daisy Johnson, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

“I remember the bar that used to be the Cerberus Biker Club. It was a good bar by country standards, even though it was blown to pieces by the Nevada desert and the windows were covered in dust.”

Agent Maria Hill glanced at Agent Coulson who was sitting opposite, the dim light made the atmosphere extremely oppressive. She pulled over the small desk lamp to illuminate the document, picked up a pen and recorded everything Agent Coulson said, without missing a single word.

Agent Coulson unbuttoned his cuffs and reached into his breast pocket. Agent Hill didn't pay attention to his actions. She knew Agent Coulson was armed, but she also knew Agent Coulson's loyalty. Agent Coulson took a deep breath and placed the S.H.I.E.L.D. ID on the metallic table.

"The current bar is now in ruins, and I, as the supreme commander present at the time, was mainly responsible for not mediating the disputes between special targets." He said in a low tone, "I am willing to accept punishment. My team members are all under my command, and they are not responsible."

Agent Hill didn't even look at him, but just wrote something on the paper. After a while, she said, "No one will punish you, Agent Coulson. From an objective point of view, the dispute between superhumans was not something that you could resolve at the time. The director only wants to know the result at that time. What you see is very important, so let's get down to business."

"Okay." Agent Coulson nodded, but he still didn't take the documents back. He put his hands on the table, seeming to organize his words. "I saw Sif attacking Salomon."

"And then?" Agent Hill stopped writing with great interest.

"Maybe it was magic or something," Agent Coulson said. "I saw Salomon's maid shoot Sif as she walked past her. Salomon was yelling in a language I couldn't understand. Immediately afterwards, the bar collapsed, drowning everyone in the dust."

Agent Maria Hill wrote a few more lines on the document.

"Then what?"

"Then something weird happened..."

Agent Coulson shuddered.

Ask for a ticket!

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