Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 420 Prelude (Part 1)

Even a erudite such as His Holiness would admit that he needs to learn, let alone Salomon. He admits his ignorance in certain fields, but this does not mean that he will not refute when others speak nonsense about the fields he knows. Well, it may be a bit serious to say this, but when Nick Fury took out the book "Devils in Connecticut" written by the Warrens, Salomon couldn't help giving the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. an extremely indifferent look.

He stood up at that time, put on the hanging ring and prepared to leave. The Warrens are the most famous investigators of supernatural events in New England, but Salomon dismisses this kind of magic stick, so that when Nick Fury took out the book, Salomon regarded it as an insult to him.

"Wait until I finish, okay?" Nick Fury sighed.

His original intention was not to let Salomon read the books written by those bluffing psychics. After all, in the eyes of professional organizations like Karma Taj, those psychics who were not spellcasters were liars, and even the priests of the Catholic Church could not escape this accusation. Even so, Nick Fury took out this book because he wanted to let Salomon have something to do in the recent period-at least he could be more peaceful, and stop saying some shocking remarks so that he had to send people to mediate. This is a great waste of human resources for S.H.I.E.L.D.

His secret investigation of SHIELD has reached a critical moment, and several suspects have been locked up. Even Coulson's team's investigation of "Clairvoyance" is part of it. Agent Coulson's "resurrection" is not a big secret to some level of agents, but trying to "resurrect" an agent is an abnormal situation. Prior to this, the Tahiti Project was originally conceived to heal or revive seriously injured Avengers, but with the progress of human experiments, the greatest use of the Tahiti Project is to heal seriously injured agents, which is far from the so-called "resurrection" originally conceived.

Therefore, every move of the truly "resurrected" Agent Coulson will attract much attention, and the investigation of Agent Coulson will definitely cause waves among some people. Those deep within S.H.I.E.L.D. will surely be interested in the anomalies of Agent Coulson and the secrets of Nick Fury, who plans to catch those little fish caught by the waves and follow them down.

And that's just one thread in Nick Fury's undercover investigation.

At the same time, the investigation of the "Star of Lemuria" cannot be disturbed by others. Agents Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff have no time to go to Salomon recently.

As for why to go to Whitehall for an internship, Nick Fury has already confirmed that Salomon is going to use magic to control government officials and even the Queen of England. It is absolutely impossible for him to agree to Salomon. Of course, he knew that if Salomon did this, he would not know, so Nick Fury could only find ways to distract Salomon.

"There are a lot of dusty files inside S.H.I.E.L.D." He bent down and took out a thick stack of files sealed with a note from the drawer. There is no description of the case on the kraft paper cover of the dossier, only the number and a little dust, which should be the omissions of those agents when cleaning up. Nick Fury said, "It's all about eyewitness information about demons and angels. The relevant cases from 1946 to 2010 are here. I just took the most well-known Johnson \u0026 Johnson case as an example. It was the first case in the history of the United States to use 'demon possession' as a defense. I know you dismiss these things, but are you sure you don't want to read those contents? Maybe you can find omissions in your Karma Taj's work from those files."

"Are you going to help me get an internship?" Salomon asked. He ignored Nick Fury's nonsense and continued to focus on his purpose.

"What do you say?"

"Then you can't stop me if I take the exam myself?" Salomon asked, "If you stop me, then you are meddling in the internal affairs of other countries, which is inconsistent with your usual rhetoric. Nick Fury, don't you understand? You can't interfere in anything I want to do."

"I know." The Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. did not show the frustrated expression Salomon expected, which made the mystic look sideways. Instead, the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. asked in a flat tone, "So would you be interested in telling me what you've been up to?"

"Yeah." The mystic nodded, "I'm preparing to conquer the world and write a paper on physics."

"Are you serious? Are you just perfunctory me like this?" Nick Fury snorted disdainfully. He could understand writing physics papers, and he even had a copy of the first edition of the first paper Salomon submitted. Although he couldn't understand it, the physicists under him could understand it. Generally speaking, the level is not bad, and Nick Fury is also very happy that Salomon can continue to play the role of a good student.

As for conquering the world, it was considered a joke by Nick Fury. "Conquering the world in the game doesn't count." He curled his lips. "The real world is much crueler than you imagined. Your enemies in the past were only those monsters. If you go to work in Whitehall, you will find that people you regard as friends will stab you at any time."

Salomon just smiled and did not refute.

There will inevitably be a price to be paid for learning a field that he does not understand. Salomon has long been mentally prepared, but he believes that his situation will not become too bad. After all, the most powerful force in the world is nepotism. Salomon, who has climbed all the way from public school, has enough contacts to join the operation of the secular government system. He can wait patiently for graduation, or go to other professional courses. His intelligence is enough to support him to obtain multiple degrees.

Archeology and classical literature are not too difficult for him, and Athena's education for him for several years is not just about eating, drinking and having fun.


"Wait here, I've already had lunch delivered." Stark lifted his helmet, picked up a towel and wiped the oil from his hands. The scorched marks on his brows were conspicuous.

The research on the disintegration force field of Asgard's weapons is one of his most important recent works. Asgard's overly integrated technology and magic level have caused Stark to imitate the disintegration force field with the method he invented instead of transforming the disintegration force field with earth technology. The ideas used by the two are completely different.

The most important role of Salomon in this is to remove the runes engraved and disassembled inside the force field generator by Asgard craftsmen, and to explain the functions of those runes.

This is a very challenging job. Because there is a black box hidden in the sword compartment of this centurion long sword, disassembling the black box is equivalent to finding out the numbers and patterns on the coins in a dark room. Even if Salomon explained the functions of those runes to Stark, Stark could only have a rough guess about the component runes connected to the runes.

It is for this reason that the technological transformation of the decomposition force field was declared bankrupt, and Stark can only use earth technology to imitate the decomposition force field.

Imitation is not so easy, Stark's simulation test has exploded several times.

Of course, Salomon doesn't think that Stark's technological level has anything to do with the earth.

Stark was unscathed after being bombarded from the sky with tank shells in that steel battle suit. This shock absorption technology has absolutely nothing to do with the earth, and even no prototype can be found on any earth's technological products. Even Stark didn't use vibranium - the property of vibranium is to constrict vibrations and release the energy of the vibrations when the limit is reached. And Stark only uses a series of mechanical structures to absorb shocks, and the bruises left in the end are just flesh wounds.

Therefore, while Salomon was analyzing and decomposing the force field, he was also learning the various black technologies that Stark placed on the MK2 steel suit. Some of the technologies he had seen in the manuscripts in the Immortal City, some of the technologies left by Howard Stark for Tony Stark were applied to MK2.

"Doesn't it feel good to do academic research during the vacation?" Stark knew what Salomon was doing, "Remember to show me the paper. To be honest, you should go to MIT instead of Oxford. You can develop well enough at MIT."

Ask for a ticket!

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